1/6 Sideshow Mythos Obi Wan 1/6 Desert Figure

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I've come to expect seeing you complain about the ST/Rian/Rey/KK/etc nonstop in sequel threads, but this is impressive. You found a way to post about it in a completely unrelated figure thread, while no one was even talking about the ST. :rotfl

Back on topic of Obi-Wan, I think they made the decision about what Jedi wear in ROTJ with the ghosts at the end. It's inconsistent to me since Lars, etc are all wearing similar stuff - so in ANH I basically assumed they were all just wearing desert gear. It made less sense to me later in retrospect when Obi-Wan was trying to hide that he was a Jedi lol. But whatever, I guess it can be chalked up that people outside of the Jedi order wore similar clothing...somewhere.

Yeah it is funny how he didn't even make the slightest effort to disguise himself on Tatooine. Although it could be that early on he did ditch the Jedi robes but as he got a lot older decided "screw it" and started wearing them again anyway. Or maybe only changed back into them when he sensed Luke might come around and he would need to become the Jedi teacher again.
Here is the story to go with this. Sorry for the not so great pictures.


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Now that the figure is turning up, thought this be a red repeating (thanks DM)...
Light saber doesn't light up, and what's with the hot toys pricing? They aren't that level of quality. Nice figure but at least 50 bucks too much.

I agree it's a bit over priced...but close to HT in quality in my opinion. Maybe OP by $25???
Light saber doesn't light up, and what's with the hot toys pricing? They aren't that level of quality. Nice figure but at least 50 bucks too much.

Some bean counter determined how much of undoubtedly high Lucasfilm licensing costs can be passed on to the consumer and still make money on the figure. If in six months to a year, they are desperate to give these away in Sideshow Live and Spooktacular contests, we'll have a pretty good idea that he miscalculated.
Well said. I agree entirely on what your saying on attachments. Ultimately, the prequels served to show that the Jedi were flawed, and their strict devotion to transcending what it means to be human led to their downfall.

I also completely agree on what you're saying about the Jedi tunics, I've been making that same argument for years now. I mean, the Jedi are basically based on monks. If you look at it historically, monks dressed the way they did because they wanted to rise above materialism, and so they dressed in rags.

In the same way, what Jedi wear can be seen as the rags of the Star Wars universe. I mean, look at A New Hope... that movie showcased one of the poorest parts of the Star Wars universe, and if you noticed, almost all the less fortunate souls of Tatooine dressed the same way Obi-Wan did.

It's a different situation if monks have been hunted down though.

Back on topic of Obi-Wan, I think they made the decision about what Jedi wear in ROTJ with the ghosts at the end. It's inconsistent to me since Lars, etc are all wearing similar stuff - so in ANH I basically assumed they were all just wearing desert gear. It made less sense to me later in retrospect when Obi-Wan was trying to hide that he was a Jedi lol. But whatever, I guess it can be chalked up that people outside of the Jedi order wore similar clothing...somewhere.


The robes were worn by others in ANH, but it was clear by ROTJ that Ben's robes were to become "Jedi robes." And it works nicely for the PT but makes no sense at all for OT Ben to hide on an Imperial occupied planet and be wearing Jedi robes.
Thought Vonhahn's fine gallery of shots was worth repeating here as many of us continue the wait....

These are the best pics anyone has taken thus far. Though, I would really like to see some shots of him with his robes futzed and straightened out a bit, and perhaps in a detolf.

The close up pics are fine and all, but that's not really how we view them most of the time. I'd love to see him in a detolf next to an HT figure to get an idea.
Since I've started collecting 1/6, I've felt that SS should just give up on their 1/6 figures and instead create 1/6 scale dioramas and accessories that people can use with their HT figs. That way they're not in direct competition with another company that they're already selling on their site lol...

And as some of the 1/4 statue bases have been pretty cool, I'm sure SS could do a decent job with dioramas and whatnot if they wanted. Hell, take more of an OSK approach and sell pieces of clothing, backpacks, etc.. the biggest issues with their figures anyway are usually the heads and bodies.

I read somewhere SSC had all but quit 1/6 and were concentrating on 1/4 and bigger because work was more fun and margins were more better. They downscaled their 1/6 output to a minimum, and as far as I have read, they subcontract the art work to China (product design of course still happens in-house). I don't know exactly which artist works for which company, but if you look at production credits of SSC's figures, I'd daresay it is HT regulars that are behind Jack Burton and all those half-assed, comic-like figs like Plissken and now this clearly disappointing Mythos release. They of course obbey product design from Conejo Spectrum, of course, but the sculpting/painting/outfit talent might as well be HT's!

I am then wondering: if it is HT who really makes SSC's 1/6 stuff, how come it is so disappointing especially in the price range they are moving in? Does the problem lie with SSC asking the Chinese factory (3rd party involved, btw) to simplify production steps to increase profits beyond measure?

You have also made a very interesting point right there: we need some 1/6 company(s) that listens to fans (like Asmus does), holds the needed licences, and has the skilled people that it takes to create those clever accessories we would like to use in our dioramas to complement and enrich our displays, and that nobody makes. Accessories from the Sulaco dock bay, the map table from Hadley's Hope, the holo-table from Home One in Return of the Jedi, the bacta tank from The Empire Strikes Back, Bag End's façade, Gandalf's chariot... Wouldn't that be great? It doesn't look like anybody will be doing that any time soon...

They're successful for one of the the same reasons Amazon has been so successful. They've become ubiquitous.

They're synonymous with 'geek'. They supply so many stores with product. They are a huge part of the supply chain. They have a giant booth at SDCC, they are a major attraction. As far as I'm aware, they're in the 'too big to fail' echelon, as far as this segment of the industry goes.
This **** is getting expensive...lol

exactly. I am legitimately happy with their dengar, and feel it's as close to a home run as they are gonna give us. But, production pics for Mythos Obi-wan shows that they are not consistently hitting the level they need to for the money they ask. And that was Medicom's problem: inconsistent

What is keeping SSC afloat? Seriously.

SSC succeeds because they make merch that sells well. Distributing HT doesn't hurt either. But if SSC keeps cheating on people with their protos that are worlds away from what their production stuff turns out to be... man they are going to hurt themselves. Also, figures like their Plissken and Jack Burton are very weak hommages to such iconic elements of fandom. They deserve much better, and SSC doesn't cut it. They do from time to time (e.g. I think bounty hunters were OKish for the most part), so there is hope. I, for one, don't want SSC out of the 1/6 business, but fully in, which they are not. Not in value nor in price.

Prices have gone sky-high in the past five years but even in that context this is a figure that should be close to $200.

There's nothing exceptionally complex about it, and the head is fine enough but not the quality you'd expect on a $260 figure.

This is not something to dance around - if SSC wants to charge $260, which is over the market standard for this type of figure, they should deliver the goods.

This is shipping at the same time HT puts up a PO for a new-sculpt stormtrooper that's priced at $189. Yeah, no human headsculpt, but still a pretty complex figure that doesn't have much in the way of shared parts from older releases.

This major disconnect between Sideshow's quality, particularly in regard to human headsculpts (a serious issue that repeats over and over, year after year,) and Sideshow over-the market pricing is something to discuss openly and often, not something to be dismissed as if it doesn't exist. Because - you know, something might actually change for the better if its discussed.

With this post, you have inspired me to write this one. Thanks buddy.

"Hello there. Come here my little friend. Don't be afraid"

Okay...I gotta say...I got a little worried about Mythos Obi Wan after final pictures came out, like many others...but I'm really glad I stuck in there. This one redeems Sideshow in my eyes after the lack luster Jack Burton. He looks amazing in person. The portrait looks like a great Ewan/Alec hybrid and the paintwork is really very nice. Pictures soften the sculpt up, even mine are soft as hell...but he looks great in person. He has tons of accessories, most weathered very nicely. The belts and the rope on his back are dry, dry and look like they are cracking under the hot desert suns like they should. If I had a "longevity concern, it would be here.

The body is very nice and tight and the tunic is nicely dirtied, not the horrible urine yellow in the SS photos. The boots arent quite as nicely weathered as the proto, but still look good. The outer cloak is a weird felt material, but looks like it's taken a beating.

The hands are a little gummyier then I would like...but they are still holding shape with the accessories so not a huge nit. Makes swapping out gear easier.

Also getting pack on was slightly annoying, no magnant. Had to unto straps and thread over the shoulder and rebuckle. Oh well.

I'm so glad I held out on this figure...this is a huge hit from Sideshow in my opinion after a couple recent misses.

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Vonhahn, thanks for your pics, but I can't judge them so positively as you do, for a number of reasons:

1) Maybe because pics are blurry and lighting temperature is misleading, the white tunic seems to me terribly plain. Almost no weathering to be found anywhere, even if I have seen in other pics that this is not so. They don't help me determine whether the yellowness seen on some parts is evenly applied to all of the tunic. One thing that is sure is that the simulated damages to it are so few and look so simple that the end result feels just too silly.

2) The head is TOOOOOO BIIIIIIIIG and sits too high. Those hair strands emerging from the front are clearly cheap. Whitish finish of paint apps could be possible but I am undecided.

3) The upper part of the robe looks brand new, and it is supposed to be standing the most wear. Same applies to pants.

4) Paint apps on the sculpt, if nice and subtle, are completely washed away if picture quality is not good enough. So I just can't say for sure about them.

5) Boots and lower end of the robe seem to look as I hoped they would when I POed.

We still need good quality pics, but this doesn't look well at all dudez......

On top of this, there is what I deem to be terrible product design mistakes:

1) That face doesn't make any sense to me. It is none of the 2 Mythos heads, where at least you could choose to go older Ewan or younger Alec. It is not even in between. It doesn't remember me any of them two!!! This is not artistical licence, this is plain dumb. Come on......!! Maybe they were trying to approximate HT's Ben Kenobi sculpt, which is of course terribly off.

2) Even if it looks cool, carrying those 2 precious lightsaber the way Obi is carrying them, is plain silly (you just stick them safely into somewhere in your backpack, let them stick out enough so that we fans are satisfied and every lifeform around can assume you are a Jedi, and that's it). It was cool but silly on the statue, and they should have fixed it when going 1/6, just for logic's sake.

3) Singly articulated neck for a fig that walks around clothed up to his adam's apple? Oh man...

4) Cheap unpainted neck.

Finally some questions for those of you guys already with the figure in hand:

1) Do you think guys I will be able to substitute the 2-part boots for HT Ben Kenobi's pleather boots? Is this fig's body HT-compatible in that respect?

2) Any idea anybody of any figures that sport a detailed, doubly articulated neck that I could use here?

4) Can the head be lowered somehow, or replacements are needed?

5) Rifle just too terribly small, at least the butt, when compared with the hands and with the statue counterpart? Can it be taken off and used?

6) What about hands being able to reach for the backpack straps? Is it really necessary to almost remove the wrist connectors for the hands to grab the straps, as seen in some pics posted before?

Thanks people,
I read somewhere SSC had all but quit 1/6 and were concentrating on 1/4 and bigger because work was more fun and margins were more better. They downscaled their 1/6 output to a minimum, and as far as I have read, they subcontract the art work to China (product design of course still happens in-house). I don't know exactly which artist works for which company, but if you look at production credits of SSC's figures, I'd daresay it is HT regulars that are behind Jack Burton and all those half-assed, comic-like figs like Plissken and now this clearly disappointing Mythos release. They of course obbey product design from Conejo Spectrum, of course, but the sculpting/painting/outfit talent might as well be HT's!

I am then wondering: if it is HT who really makes SSC's 1/6 stuff, how come it is so disappointing especially in the price range they are moving in? Does the problem lie with SSC asking the Chinese factory (3rd party involved, btw) to simplify production steps to increase profits beyond measure?

You have also made a very interesting point right there: we need some 1/6 company(s) that listens to fans (like Asmus does), holds the needed licences, and has the skilled people that it takes to create those clever accessories we would like to use in our dioramas to complement and enrich our displays, and that nobody makes. Accessories from the Sulaco dock bay, the map table from Hadley's Hope, the holo-table from Home One in Return of the Jedi, the bacta tank from The Empire Strikes Back, Bag End's façade, Gandalf's chariot... Wouldn't that be great? It doesn't look like anybody will be doing that any time soon...

SSC succeeds because they make merch that sells well. Distributing HT doesn't hurt either. But if SSC keeps cheating on people with their protos that are worlds away from what their production stuff turns out to be... man they are going to hurt themselves. Also, figures like their Plissken and Jack Burton are very weak hommages to such iconic elements of fandom. They deserve much better, and SSC doesn't cut it. They do from time to time (e.g. I think bounty hunters were OKish for the most part), so there is hope. I, for one, don't want SSC out of the 1/6 business, but fully in, which they are not. Not in value nor in price.

With this post, you have inspired me to write this one. Thanks buddy.

Vonhahn, thanks for your pics, but I can't judge them so positively as you do, for a number of reasons:

1) Maybe because pics are blurry and lighting temperature is misleading, the white tunic seems to me terribly plain. Almost no weathering to be found anywhere, even if I have seen in other pics that this is not so. They don't help me determine whether the yellowness seen on some parts is evenly applied to all of the tunic. One thing that is sure is that the simulated damages to it are so few and look so simple that the end result feels just too silly.

2) The head is TOOOOOO BIIIIIIIIG and sits too high. Those hair strands emerging from the front are clearly cheap. Whitish finish of paint apps could be possible but I am undecided.

3) The upper part of the robe looks brand new, and it is supposed to be standing the most wear. Same applies to pants.

4) Paint apps on the sculpt, if nice and subtle, are completely washed away if picture quality is not good enough. So I just can't say for sure about them.

5) Boots and lower end of the robe seem to look as I hoped they would when I POed.

We still need good quality pics, but this doesn't look well at all dudez......

On top of this, there is what I deem to be terrible product design mistakes:

1) That face doesn't make any sense to me. It is none of the 2 Mythos heads, where at least you could choose to go older Ewan or younger Alec. It is not even in between. It doesn't remember me any of them two!!! This is not artistical licence, this is plain dumb. Come on......!! Maybe they were trying to approximate HT's Ben Kenobi sculpt, which is of course terribly off.

2) Even if it looks cool, carrying those 2 precious lightsaber the way Obi is carrying them, is plain silly (you just stick them safely into somewhere in your backpack, let them stick out enough so that we fans are satisfied and every lifeform around can assume you are a Jedi, and that's it). It was cool but silly on the statue, and they should have fixed it when going 1/6, just for logic's sake.

3) Singly articulated neck for a fig that walks around clothed up to his adam's apple? Oh man...

4) Cheap unpainted neck.

Finally some questions for those of you guys already with the figure in hand:

1) Do you think guys I will be able to substitute the 2-part boots for HT Ben Kenobi's pleather boots? Is this fig's body HT-compatible in that respect?

2) Any idea anybody of any figures that sport a detailed, doubly articulated neck that I could use here?

4) Can the head be lowered somehow, or replacements are needed?

5) Rifle just too terribly small, at least the butt, when compared with the hands and with the statue counterpart? Can it be taken off and used?

6) What about hands being able to reach for the backpack straps? Is it really necessary to almost remove the wrist connectors for the hands to grab the straps, as seen in some pics posted before?

Thanks people,

To each thier own. If this figure (or my pictures of it) dont live up to your standards...that's a burden you have to live with, not me. I posted my opinion as a PSA. Take or leave it as you will but as to your questions...sorry I'm not interested in catering to your expectations. You can mutilate your own figure when you get it as you see fit and I genuinely wish you good luck getting it up to snuff enough to make you happy.
People have some really strong opinions about this figure, huh? Every other comment is so pointed and angry, one way or the other.
I think it can be summarized as: A) people that buy it are impressed, and B) people that don't want to buy it choose to spend their time convincing others not to buy it as well.

Then again, that describes half the threads here anyway.

And yes, you can make the argument that people in category A bought it and are "trying to justify their purchase," but by the same token, how can you so vehemently hate something you don't even let yourself see in person?

I won't attribute motivations to someone I don't know, nor will I speak for anyone else on this matter, but all I can say is I like what I like. If I didn't, I'd sell it. And I don't appreciate someone telling me that I'm wrong in what I like. I mean, I dislike some things too, but at least I try not to attack something without giving it a fair chance, and even after that, I generally avoid ruining someone else's fun by ranting on and on about why I hate x figure in front of everyone else that enjoys it.
People have some really strong opinions about this figure, huh? Every other comment is so pointed and angry, one way or the other.

Yes, except the people who have positive opinions have the figure in hand and those who have negative opinions don't. I'm getting mine today and will let you all know what my opinion of the figure is after seeing it in person.
Yes, except the people who have positive opinions have the figure in hand and those who have negative opinions don't. I'm getting mine today and will let you all know what my opinion of the figure is after seeing it in person.

You're absolutely right, but when sideshow's photos are this good I can't blame people
Gun looks like the 6-2Aug2 rifle with the stock sanded down. If it doesn't look good in hand I'll just use the one that came with farmboy Luke