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Btw Talibane, just want to respond to this real quick -

Why is it that you have no issue with people ranting about how much they hate the people that work on Star Wars and how they want them to burn/die, think they're terrorists, etc. and so on and so forth? Is that what you consider civil? I have never once seen you call out anyone for acting in such a way.

I don't think that TaliBane not calling out the other side necessarily means that he has no issue with uncivil or hypocritical behavior from those who happen to share his opinions on the film (he even provides the disclaimer that both sides have fans that take things too far,) it's just that we all have our finite amount of time that we spend here so if you're going to quote one post you tend to pick one that would be most interesting to counter or defend. If any of us called out *everybody* who behaved badly then we'd never talk about anything else, lol. :D
I've found it funny for the past 10 months that everywhere the "so-called" TLJ debate bitterly erupts (which is everywhere TLJ is discussed - TLJ has become an open can of gasoline for SW fandom) there seems to be this idea that its only those who didn't like TLJ that are uncivil and running off at the mouth, and there's these "can't we get these people outta here and return to normality?" type comments. When the reality is, it's often rabid koo-koo time on both sides.:dunno:lol

I don't think that TaliBane not calling out the other side necessarily means that he has no issue with uncivil or hypocritical behavior from those who happen to share his opinions on the film (he even provides the disclaimer that both sides have fans that take things too far,) it's just that we all have our finite amount of time that we spend here so if you're going to quote one post you tend to pick one that would be most interesting to counter or defend. If any of us called out *everybody* who behaved badly then we'd never talk about anything else, lol. :D



You know I love my BDW.*:hi5::lol

(*I know his health isn't great but the fact he has a cameo in Ep IX has me SO excited to see it)
So I’m glad I ordered this. I may order a second one soon but I just saw a comparison photo and it really doesn’t look anything like luke. Lol I’m wondering if hot toys is going to remaster this like they did the body to the bvs Batman. The comparison photos are really so shame to the sculpt...like a lot of shame. The jaw seems to wide and his cheeks seem to full. Not enough wrinkles..

I think hot toys can do ALOT better and I feel like the sculpt is so off that they have to know how off this is... being scheduled so far off to be released, I’m sure they will hype everyone up with the improved and intended sculpt and then release the item before it’s current due date.
I think so far from photos this is the best Luke likeness.. probably why I'll order this over the RoTJ version
This is suppose to be luke in the latest movie. I’m surprised you feel it’s the best likeness. Have you seen comparison photos? The facial proportions are pretty off.


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The facial proportions actually don’t look too bad to me in those comparison images. It’s mostly the hair that’s throwing it off for me.
Not as far off as the others. TLJ figure is a good 2nd I'd say. Above photo is as usual Hot toys practice idolized, but imo not that bad.
I do think it’s not the best Luke likeness though. The proto sculpt on the regular TLJ Luke figure I think surpasses this. As does the RotJ Luke sculpt.
This is suppose to be luke in the latest movie. I’m surprised you feel it’s the best likeness. Have you seen comparison photos? The facial proportions are pretty off.


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They got the part on the wrong side and looks like shirt should be black. Forehead is correct though.:monkey3

These pictures aren’t so bad when it comes to facial proportions and that’s what I was thinking when loading them. I’ll find some other pictures that show the flaws better. Much better. The lower half of face starting from nose tip and down.

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The few pics we've seen with the hood up make a difference as well. It almost looks like the proto images for the product page were airbrushed. There were a couple of hooded photos where the aging looks a lot better. The hair is still way too swept back IMO, but I don't the face itself looks too bad.
The few pics we've seen with the hood up make a difference as well. It almost looks like the proto images for the product page were airbrushed. There were a couple of hooded photos where the aging looks a lot better. The hair is still way too swept back IMO, but I don't the face itself looks too bad.

The hood up hides the extended forehead, as well as the "just out of the shower" hair comb-over HT seems to love to sculpt.

You can see that hot toys Luke has to much jaw. It could just be the effect that their beard has on the figure. Some people look like they gain weight when they grow a beard even if they are skin and bones...I think the dimensions are just a bit off. Also, marks nostrils are not perfectly symmetrical and hot toys Luke is near symmetrical. The airbrush theory sounds about right but why would they do that if they do not intend on the final sculpt appearing like so? The way the hot toys mustache ends in symmetry with the middle of Luke’s eyes vs The way Marks ends in symmetry closer to the end of his eyes really makes a world of a difference. I think it’s just slight dimension issues all of hot toys face like they wanted to make a more suave “modelesque” luke and that’s just not the kind of liberty that attracts me to hot toys.

Remember we all (well most of us) have noses, two eyes above it and one mouth below it....yet the slightest changes in symmetry make a world of difference. Not that I’m looking for perfection but we have all seen nearly perfect hot toys sculpts.

I’m still buying it because I do think it’s brilliant but I know someone among the hot toy artists can do better; hope they do.

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Hot toys Luke almost has an Asian appearance compared to mark. Mark has a shadow line on his left side..like an indentation. Mustache falls differently. Beard not long enough. Nostrils to symmetrical. Bridge of nose just a bit to thin. A lot is off actually. I think the middle comparison photos make the differences stand out. It would be soooooo cool to get a luke that looked a ton like the actual mark hamill luke.

You can tell the jaw is just to strong in the hot toys image. Luke has more of an ectomorphic tiny jaw/chin. Idk.

Still buying it like I said. I am still happy; I guess I put hot toys on top and I know they can do better.

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Wonder if anyone will do customs of this sculpt for the crait figure. I'm not sure how customizing hair would be, but if you cut the back it could be similar to the hair he has in the film. The sculpt on this figure is way closer to Mark IMO. I'm kinda surprised they didn't just start with this sculpt and modify the hair/color for the crait sculpt.
Yea I feel like hot toys might come through and redesign like they did the bvs body. I really like the figure but I can’t just convince myself with apologetics that it looks spot on. I’m still buying it but I feel like this coming from hot toys is a little bit of a let down; a little surprising too. Almost suspicious that they will release a better sculpt soon and then announce an early release of the product right when everyone is super happy and excited about the new improved edition; the talk coupled with the hot toys accuracy will make people spend money they don’t have in order to secure a work of art they know they can make money off of later. Lol

Please! Manipulate me hot toys....manipulate......me lol

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Well if the actor or Disney have to sign off on it, I'm sure the chances of an idealised somewhat younger cleaner skinned version has a higher chance of success than 1:1 reality. :lol Vanity rules in the end ! :lol

No but seriously, the Crait version is supposed to be the younger him. So they've done a real younger looking version, which will look different to the non-de-aged looking Hamill in the film.

Especially when you compare to the Hobo version above. That looks like real age Hamill.