Marvel's The Punisher - Netflix series

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I used to. Now it just makes me sad because in 99% it leaves me disappointed.

There is truth to that.. But in all honesty I would be disappointed with or without the hype of any movies or shows.. Half the fun is getting there anymore and most of the time its the best part :lol
Meh. Maybe if movie makin' machine wasn't such a black hole these days...
Bein' sceptical and objective feels refreshing in this age of hamster hype and disposable entertainment.
Never let your guard down and you'll never get badly hurt.

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Yeah...its soooo boring that he takes out a ton of people in the first episode. Lovin' it so far!
Meh. Maybe if movie makin' machine wasn't such a black hole these days...
Bein' sceptical and objective feels refreshing in this age of hamster hype and disposable entertainment.
Never let your guard down and you'll never get badly hurt.

Spoiler Spoiler:


Well I do find that I dont get as excited for films as I use to.. But like I said the sting of a bad movie is still there even if I don;t get hyped. I was not excited at all for Thor and I still left pissed :lol

Yet I like to try and get myself in the mood for films and the hype machine helps with that..

As for "Bein' sceptical and objective feels refreshing in this age of hamster hype and disposable entertainment."

That is how its always been.. Only Hype use to come in the form of Starlog, Fangoria, Star Blazer, Siskel and Ebert, Entertainment Tonight, review articles etc...

As for disposable entertainment.. We need to remember what kind of awful films use to get released in theaters (Megaforce, Creature, Krull, Deathstalker etc..). There was plenty of disposable entertainment back in the day also.. And as much as I love 80's action movies with Arnold and Stallone.. I would not say most of them they had anymore artistic value then a transformer film. Not counting the classics of course....

I guess my point is... The More things change, the more they stay the same..

As for The Punisher... Man... I have a cold right now.. I want to wait a but so I can fully enjoy it.. Also I think I will try to watch just one episode a night to help it last longer rather then two or three a day.. (bet it wont happen)
Im looking foward to starting this tonight!!

It’ll get panned by people online like almost all new movies and show based on franchises like this, but I dont pay attention to any of that stuff. In the current days of interwebz experts that micro analyze and criticize every little detail in shows & movies, I fear that people seem to have forgotten how to just let go and enjoy a movie or show. It’s kinda sad lol
Alright first episode in I already hate the opening credits music and graphics just horrible.

How freaking hard is it to make cool opening credits.

Now let me go watch the actual content lol
Oh boy, I hope Karen Page cries a lot and gets all red eyed and snot nosed like she does in both Daredevil seasons!!

Remember when she straight up murdered a guy and they never mentioned it again?
Argh went into this blind but got so distracted in ep1 when a certain actor popped up as one of the character's moms. (Not really a spoiler but just in case)

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Just finished three episodes.

- I really don't care for Madani, she's very unrealistic, boring and overall feels very forced
- Moss-Bachrach is pretty charmless and one-note, he doesn't do the character justice
- the Cerberus action scene's awful and drags for too long, not to mention it would've worked better as an off screen thing
- Karen Page is even more bi4y and hypocritical

- I am very surprised by the story, with some clishes and all
- great balance between modern realism and classy silliness of comics
- I actually laughed at stuff but it felt very natural, like in DD
- Castle is great and Bernthal is perfect
- interesting takes on Micro and Billy, I like it so far
Theee episodes in and I’m enjoying it. I’m hoping the story last the full series and not teeter out due to it being 3 episodes too long