Official Sideshow 1/6th DC Comic and Game figure Discussion

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Unfortunately I don't think they are going to be modest in pricing SSC is having delusions of grandeur as far as the quality of their figures go. It's seems as they think because they are the US distributor of Hot Toys and their quality and prices they think people should pay they same for their stuff. Plus with this TBD stuff going on all over the place it's like all the manufactures are in this together with the aim to gauge reaction and set the prices even slightly higher than they think the market will bear. After all, most people are gonna still buy it even though it's only 10 dollars more than they intended to spend kinda thinking. IMO

Good points. I know for me personally, I would buy the whole line if they came in at $110ish, where as I would be REALLY selective if they were $200.
Good points. I know for me personally, I would buy the whole line if they came in at $110ish, where as I would be REALLY selective if they were $200.

:goodpost:Exactly. They don't have to pay actors likeness and such that the HT figures do. They could really create a huge market if these are priced fairly. I mean the DCD 13" were pretty cheap and these are to replace those as far as DC is concerned. If these are close to $100 you would have a HUGE demand and lots of people collecting as completists. If these are near $200 you'll have hardcore fans and then general DC fans picking up one or two figures.

My fingers are crossed for $130. If they are $180+ I'm only getting Batman. We should be vocal on here that we expect these to be cheaper that the ridiculously inflated HT prices.
:goodpost:Exactly. They don't have to pay actors likeness and such that the HT figures do. They could really create a huge market if these are priced fairly. I mean the DCD 13" were pretty cheap and these are to replace those as far as DC is concerned. If these are close to $100 you would have a HUGE demand and lots of people collecting as completists. If these are near $200 you'll have hardcore fans and then general DC fans picking up one or two figures.

My fingers are crossed for $130. If they are $180+ I'm only getting Batman. We should be vocal on here that we expect these to be cheaper that the ridiculously inflated HT prices.

I totally agree. Now that the floodgates are open, with DC, SS, HT, EB, and others producing high-end Bat-product, I'm going to have to carefully consider which pieces to invest in. If these are $125 each, I'm in for the entire run. Approaching $200, it's Batman and Joker only.
Unfortunately I don't think they are going to be modest in pricing SSC is having delusions of grandeur as far as the quality of their figures go. It's seems as they think because they are the US distributor of Hot Toys and their quality and prices they think people should pay they same for their stuff.
More than that, I think it's the fact that they are the only game in town. Just like with their 1/4 scale statues. They have just about zero competition in terms of comic styled 1/6 scale figures from GI Joe, Star Wars, or now comic DC which now constitute all their 1/6 lines I believe. If you want to get a 1/6 scale Joe that's better than Hasbro, a 1/6 Star Wars better than Medicom, or a 1/6 Batman better than DC Direct, you have no choice but to go to SSC. So, the incentive to provide competitive prices isn't there--because there is no competition.

This has also led, I believe, to the shoddy QC work we've seen with lots of statues.

To me, it is almost surprising that SSC keeps pumping out such awesome looking prototypes considering all that. It's almost like they're overachieving, though of course, collectors of SSC do have certain expectations regardless and could walk if figures/statues were too sub-par. But these figures look absolutely outstanding, and if the production figures are nearly as good, they will be extremely hard to pass up. I still doubt very seriously they will be near Hot Toys level paint apps, outfits, or bodies, but it's almost an apples to oranges comparison considering that SSC isn't going for photorealism with this line.
I say $140-$170
Like I said.
the star wars stuff is more complicated and costs around that.
And it's also a huge licence.
I don't think these will hit $200
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I say $140-$170
Like I said.
the star wars stuff is more complicated and costs around that.
And it's also a huge licence.
I don't think these will hit $200

$150ish is fair.

Most of them have spandex outifts and besides Batman, most don't have any accessories to pack with them.

Green Lantern? Just needs the battery.
Superman? Kryptonite bits.
Flash? Needs nothing.
Aquaman? Triden.
Joker and Catwoman look great, the rest is kinda meh..especially Superman as a whole and Batman's head looks weird.
It'd be pretty cool if GL came with some constructs, as well. I really hope that this line is priced reasonably (My hope is for them to pretty consistently be at around the $130 mark), I certainly think that SSC would beneft from it. If these things are $200 a pop, and SSC does a very extensive line-up, I foresee a lot of gift card eligible Harley Quinns in the SS warehouse...
Most of the Joes now are around $135 from a quick search. Technically it really should be a similar price but with SS you never know.
$150ish is fair.

Most of them have spandex outifts and besides Batman, most don't have any accessories to pack with them.

Green Lantern? Just needs the battery.
Superman? Kryptonite bits.
Flash? Needs nothing.
Aquaman? Triden.
I disagree. GL will probably come with some constructs and possibly switch-o-head (since about 50% of the GLs look exactly the same from the neck down). Flash can also come with accessories like little whirlwind deals to spin out of his hands, electricity like what Whiplash had for his whole body, or yellow streaks that could attach to his boots/belt/gloves. He could also have an alternate belt and mask so you could switch between Barry and Wally Flashes. If SSC really wanted to go all out, he could have his cosmic treadmill, though that would probably be a separate release (costing $150 like the Snowtrooper gun).Superman could have Clark Kent outfit and head. Aquaman could come with alternate hands (hook, water hand) and head (bearded), as well as some, uh, fish.

I don't know if SSC will do all of this, but they certainly could, and jack the price up another $50-75 because of it.
Like I said I'll be passing on these, far too similar to the PF's of which I already have Batman and Joker on PO, I would get Harley if it were not for the fact that if that's design for the PF as well I'd rather wait for that
Really liking the Superman head sculpt.

Those prototypes do look pretty amazing across the board. I'm just praying SSC has turned a corner with paint apps, considering some of the recent Joes have had some very good work done. We'll see.
I'd like to get into this line, but don't know yet. I'm hoping Harley Quinn's corset is removable and that there's an EX non-toothy face sculpt. Hmm. That statement sounds kind of weird. Oh well!
Man I am not looking forward to the immense backlash that is going to come when Sideshow announces how expensive these are. I see people hoping for $130 and such, but to me they are going to try to squeeze $180-$200 out of people and expecting any less is unlikely.

I agree.... Saw one post where someone mentioned $80. That's a dream.
Would be happy w/ anything under $150. But $180 sounds probable.