The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread


THAT is badass.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

The rumor won't die:

The Avengers
You know those clearly crazy rumors about Spider-Man making a cameo appearance in The Avengers, despite the fact that Marvel Studios owns the Avengers and Sony owns Spider-Man? Well, they're apparently not going away, and people are claiming that "reliable inside sources" are claiming it's really happening, and will be something along the lines of Wolverine's surprise cameo in X-Men: First Class. Frankly, I still just don't buy this level of inter-corporation synergy, even if I can sort of see why both parties might be up for it - Sony because it's great advertising for The Amazing Spider-Man, and Marvel Studios and their parent company Disney because it maybe kicks off the process of reclaiming the company's most important character. All that said, I'd still take these claims with a truly gargantuan grain of salt until we hear more. This all still seems pretty clearly crazy to me. [Best Movies Ever News]
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I am wondering with the persistence of the rumor plus all I'm hearing about Sony Pictures' financial dire straits and impending doom, is there a possibility that all this is the beginning of a process towards the rights reverting back to Marvel.
Could Sony Pictures' situation be so bad they've agreed to sell the rights back to Marvel after Amazing Spider-Man runs its course if Marvel helps to promote the film as part of the deal?
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Why would it be a surprise that Wolverine would cameo in First Class? The same company owns the rights to both films. :huh

I am wondering with the persistence of the rumor plus all I'm hearing about Sony Pictures' financial dire straits and impending doom, is there a possibility that all this is the beginning of a process towards the rights reverting back to Marvel.
Could Sony Pictures' situation be so bad they've agreed to sell the rights back to Marvel after Amazing Spider-Man runs its course if Marvel helps to promote the film as part of the deal?

Doubtful. Especially since we're talking Disney and it's no secret how deep their pockets are.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

If he's not in costume and shooting a web, it will all be a waste of time anyways...meh.

Our luck it will be Banner saying hi to Peter Parker :lol...ZzzzzZZZZzzz.

That might be enough for some to go Fap crazy, but not me.

Now, if they were to have a cameo of The Mike and Nam throwing stuff at the baddies, that would be classic! :lol
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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

So does Stark have the Triangle arc in this one or the Circle one. Confusing.
I'm guessing but it looks like Iron Man starts the movie in his Mark VI suit and then during the course of the movie he he gets the Mark VII suit with the circle reactor.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

As far as the Spider-Man business goes the one way it would make sense to me is that Sony Pictures is in the crapper and I've heard they have taken some big losses on some of their more expensive films. If there was an agreement to sell the rights to Disney in preparation for Sony closing the doors on their movie studios, then I suppose it could make sense. If Marvel promotes and the film is successful than they don't have to build a new Spider-Man franchise from the ground up. They can run with this one. Granted that is a lot of big ifs. Sony Pictures would have to be really screwed for any of this to be true. However, They have not had any real big hits that I can think of in the last couple of years.
I just think its super odd this rumor won't die already.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

That might be enough for some to go Fap crazy, but not me.

Call me simple, but Peter Parker just showing up at a Stark Expo trying to talk to Tony or a Science Fair that Banner is at asking questions will be enough for me to wet myself in my seat.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Joss Whedon just said at the Twitter chat that there is no Spider-Man appearance in the movie. Looks like we can put that one to bed.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Maybe, maybe not. Many directors especially in recent times have been specifically told to mislead audiences by studios for the big surprise element. While I don't think it's happening, it would be outlandish for him to say "No Spider-Man" have Garfield walk by as Peter Parker and say "There wasn't Spider-Man, it was Peter Parker!!" and still be within his comments.