Darth IMPoors Bash/Dio Thread

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and quite gritty at that.

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Well, Darth...if you watch the teaser trailer for the deleted material that's being included with the SW blu ray set, you might just get one or two peeks at a certain sandstorm - as well as wampa attacks, green lightsaber construction, bunker raids, and Luke being a peeping tom! :yess:

You don't say....:monkey3

Sorry to keep pimping this thread. Either it sucks or not as many people were aware of the scene as I thought (or both:lol. There is the logic "this was cut for a reason"). I know there's no great work, just redressing current dolls, but I figured it was different and there's alot of Skiff/Slave Leia love going on. I just took a pic of what's on the bench to give you an idea of what's going on.


Chewie is done. I don't have a hairy one (shut up feroze) or the skills/patience to make one, so he's bandaged up where he got shot. Finished! I hate how this is shown so quick in the movie.

Lando is badly in need of a SS replacement body. The Hasbro outfit will be fine as-is as it'll mostly be covered, so outfit done! Really need the taller body.

Han just needs his wrap figured out. I need to do it up better and dye it darker. It's currently a Tusken Raider cloak, or what's left of it. Belt upgraded, boots upgraded to the thinner tube boots I'm so fond of. Need to paint the goggles.

Luke needs goggle and hood work.

Leia-unfortunately she's totally covered minus some leg. Her wrap I have to mess with the most. I have a couple different capes/cloaks coming in the mail to experiment. The upcoming Hasbro figure is so far off it's useless as reference. I'll make due with this and what I can see in the vid:

Wish there was a scene of her flying the Y-Wing. That'd have been cool.

Droids will be in there too, but in the background. I'm not gonna bother modding either.

Hopefully it'll make for a couple sweet pics later.
Don't be modest, everybody knows YOU DO have a hairy one.
Awesome SCUBA-LUKE!!! Nice cooking IMPoor!!!
Sandstorm Leia is done (as done as a custom bash can be). It 's pretty close I think. Any ideas would be appreciated. Still waiting for a Lando body or cheap complete figure to upgrade Sandstorm Lando.

Wow Jeff you have been busy! :)

The sandstorm customs look great. Im looking forward to seeing Wedge completed. Nice work man.
Custom section's a little slow this week. Here's my meager attempt to add to some of the activity.

Working on R2-??. Biggs needs an Astromech to stand by him, so here's my first work on a droid. I happen to find the Taito R2 clock a little cooler and more to scale than the Hasbro version, so that's my base. From what I understand, Biggs' droid is similar (and by similar, I mean same dome) to R2-Q2, but it's not the same droid. Until a body paint job for Biggs' droid is confirmed, I'm leaving it as-is.

Only a couple reference pics. Here we go:



That's the nice thing about this "clock", for some unexplained reason, the head lifts way up. Keeps me from having to take anything apart.

Next to Dorg's wonderful Gonk




Someone feel free to Photoshop an X-Wing in there somewhere.

Yeah, the SW customs section is pretty slow this week... When I came back from being gone a little while ago, I was almost just thinking it was dying off...

Anyway, R2-whoever-he-is looks great so far! Especially next to Dorg's GONK. It seems like Dorgs hasn't worked on any Star Wars stuff in a while, I was kinda bummed to realize that upon my return to SSF...

But I think instead of letting an incomplete droid sit around, why not try your hand at making up your own body paint scheme to match the head? There might not be a way to confirm the paintjob on the body, and if there is you can always repaint it later, right? :wink1:

And it really brought me back to old times when you said "someone feel free to Photoshop an X-Wing in there somewhere." I remember I used to go nuts with any 1/6 photoshopping opportunity... However, I'm a bit busier these days with other ongoing projects, and don't have as much time for that kind of stuff anymore...

But that didn't stop me from scouring Google for a X-wing cockpit picture! I took a good 30 minutes looking, but I could barely find ones that were even facing the right way (most were shots looking out the front of an X-Wing.)

Sorry man, I tried! (I almost downloaded a 3D model of an X-Wing to use, but my computer's actually out of space right now, unfortunately...)

Working on R2-??. Biggs needs an Astromech to stand by him, so here's my first work on a droid. I happen to find the Taito R2 clock a little cooler and more to scale than the Hasbro version, so that's my base. From what I understand, Biggs' droid is similar (and by similar, I mean same dome) to R2-Q2, but it's not the same droid. Until a body paint job for Biggs' droid is confirmed, I'm leaving it as-is.

Only a couple reference pics. Here we go:


Next to Dorg's wonderful Gonk


Nice work, Darth_IMPoor :clap
Look forwards to see whole droid complete. :goodpost:
Jeff, that droid looks awesome. Mark painted that same astromech for me a couple of years ago to go with my Biggs. Now I just need to finish redoing my Biggs.

Your pilots are coming along nicely. I have adopted the "speaker wire" approach to doing vests myself. That was a great idea. :)
Jeff, that droid looks awesome. Mark painted that same astromech for me a couple of years ago to go with my Biggs. Now I just need to finish redoing my Biggs.

Your pilots are coming along nicely. I have adopted the "speaker wire" approach to doing vests myself. That was a great idea. :)

Did you/Dorgmal go for the whole R2-Q2 look or did he take some liberties with the color scheme? I really should finish it I suppose.

We'll have the only 2 Red 3 combos in the world. LE of 2!! They'll be worth a fortune:yess:
Labor day-which in the US means "All day to work in the shop".:lol

Although, it would seem many are being a little bit more productive. That's good. I'm a bum when I have off, so here's a couple things to look at.

X-Wing pilot Biggs is done. I've added some to the mid-section, done all my little tweaks, and added the hose.

Again, Sandstorm Leia is done.

My repaint of ANH Luke head for my "new" X-Wing Pilot (last version was eBayed for car repair money)

On the bench:

Wedge-just need helmet finished
Biggs R2 Unit-Primed. May as well finish him in R2-Q2 colors due to no
reference material for body in X-Wing slot
Wedge R2 Unit-Painting in R3-T2 colors for same reason. Known dome
scheme, unknown body color
Sandstorm Han-needs wrap finished
Sandstorm Lando-needs Lando SS body, boot work

Not pictured-"new" Ceremony Luke almost done. "New" Cermony Han started
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That Biggs looks great man. Adding to the mid-section really did the trick. Looking forward to seeing Wedge and Luke done also.

As far I as I know, Mark painted my R2-Q2 movie accurate. I could be wrong though. It looks good enough for me, its awesome.
Hey Jeff, I was able to find a picture I took a while back of the R2-Q2 Mark painted up for me. Im not trying to hijack your thread, but I thought you might want a picture of it for reference....


Hope this helps, you are off to a great start on yours.

Thanks Chris...droids look good. I have a couple screen caps of R2-Q2. I just don't think R2-Q2 is "officially" Biggs' R2 unit. He may be (or end up being), but the dome is definitely the same. Like Dorgs, I'll probably paint it as R2-Q2 because it just looks cool.

Here's my bash/upgrade of Ceremony Luke. He's on a HT slim now, Stormtrooper head, and better boots.


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