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I know there are gun nuts out there, I hope you haven't confused me for one of them. I would pick universal healthcare over guns even though I am technically against government spending.

Well, you're a rare gun lover then.

Let me quote from a movie I am quite fond of...
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
He might have been quoting too, I haven't looked it up. But it definitely reeks of American government. I don't know how many times we have to learn this lesson: If we the people, us citizens, give the government one of our freedoms in a time of fear and terror, we will NEVER get it back (The Patriot Act, anyone?). That's why so many people cling to their guns. That's why the NRA says "From my cold dead hands."

I agree sometimes we give too much to the government but you look at the party in charge when that happens. Just saying. As far as the Patriot Act that was ____ and it was done during a certain elephant president. The NRA is a joke and scares intelligent gun owners that folks "actually" want to take guns away.

What are these loopholes that you are mentioning? And these "bad" assault weapons you keep bringing up are responsible for less homicides then beatings, stabbings, and blunt force trauma. So do you think fists, baseball bats, and kitchen knives should be banned? Or maybe they should just make murder illegal. Oh wait, it already is.

I don't know them by memory. If you've actually watched any news or read anything (outside of fox news) you'd know they're there. I don't give a ____ if they're the lowest of lows. There is no sane logical reason anyone needs to own ever. I mean I'm looking at a website right now that I can by AR-15, AK47, etc. These are made for killing PEOPLE not hunting and not for target shooting. They are for WAR. If someone kills another person with any of those you listed they will be charged and hopefully convicted. Thats how we control those items.
oking at a website right now that I can by AR-15, AK47, etc. These are made for killing PEOPLE not hunting and not for target shooting. They are for WAR. If someone kills another person with any of those you listed they will be charged and hopefully convicted. Thats how we control those items.
Yea what website? You do realize that to buy ones of those guns from a website, store, dealer you must have a background check done. My AR was made for me to put holes in paper at a 100 yards. I guess I could kill someone with it but then again the hammer I use to drive in nails could kill somone also if I wanted to misuse it. Same with my jeep I drive to work. I imagine if I drove it full speed into a group of kids I could kill and maim quite a few couldn't I? Guess it all intends on a persons INTENT doesn't it? And to your final point. Of course anyone who uses a bat or a knife to kill someone hopefully gets caught and convicted. Now how is that different then someone who uses a firearm? Do we not hope they are caught and convicted also?
Not much of a revolution with bolt action, is it?

Point is, you cant blame the guns, the movies, the games....blame the little douches who did what they did.

Some people either can't make the connections necessary to comprehend, or they're so afraid that they'll seize upon and exploit any atrocity to support their position (unless the atrocity was committed by a dog, in which case, the owner is at fault---guns, apparently, are inherently evil :lol).
Well, you're a rare gun lover then.
Thank you.

I agree sometimes we give too much to the government but you look at the party in charge when that happens. Just saying. As far as the Patriot Act that was ____ and it was done during a certain elephant president. The NRA is a joke and scares intelligent gun owners that folks "actually" want to take guns away.
Oh you don't need to press me to get me talking about that dunce and his bully administration.

As for the NRA, you DO "actually" want to take peoples' guns away. Their assault rifles. You said so yourself.

And even though you weren't talking to me, I'm going to comment. You're absolutely right. Assault rifles are for war. They are for killing people, not hunting. But we still have the right to own them just because of the 2nd Amendment's purpose, which was to be ready to overthrow a tyrannical government. That's war, and I know you don't agree about the 2nd Amendment, but surely if you were right the government WOULD have taken our guns away a LONG time ago. The government LOVES taking things from us.

Let's throw a hypothetical. Let's make it fun. Say W. Bush's two terms never ended. Let's say he passed a law through congress to get himself turned from president to...EMPEROR (Star Wars...good one no?). This turns the military, loyal to him, into his stormtroopers. He controls them. He also controls the police. This is all a really fantastical hypothetical but imagine if the president did somehow gain that kind of power. It's happened before. Like..say...Germany's embarrassing number in the last century.

It's in case of crazy possibilities like that that our Founding Fathers wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves. So yes, assault rifles would then become necessary. SEE?

Yes this post is a bit spastic but I'm tired again... Sorry.
. The NRA is a joke and scares intelligent gun owners that folks "actually" want to take guns away.
Well let's see here. I consider myself an intelligent gun owner who happens to own an AR-15 which you say I shouldn't be able to have. So aren't you in a way trying to take my guns away? What about politicians who are constantly trying to enact gun laws which may keep me from protecting my family while most of them have access to armed guards around them if need be.
Yea what website? You do realize that to buy ones of those guns from a website, store, dealer you must have a background check done. My AR was made for me to put holes in paper at a 100 yards. I guess I could kill someone with it but then again the hammer I use to drive in nails could kill somone also if I wanted to misuse it. Same with my jeep I drive to work. I imagine if I drove it full speed into a group of kids I could kill and maim quite a few couldn't I? Guess it all intends on a persons INTENT doesn't it? And to your final point. Of course anyone who uses a bat or a knife to kill someone hopefully gets caught and convicted. Now how is that different then someone who uses a firearm? Do we not hope they are caught and convicted also?

Example 1

Example 2

Yeah, I know you have to but that means ____ to me honestly. Why do you need an AR to put holes in paper? Go buy a regular rifle to do that. As I said there is no sane reason to own one and you just gave several none logical, sane, and typical extreme gun lover excuses.

As for the NRA, you DO "actually" want to take peoples' guns away. Their assault rifles. You said so yourself.

Ok. Sure, I want to take away your assault weapons. There is no reason to own them. The second amendment isn't a good one as far as I'm concerned.

And even though you weren't talking to me, I'm going to comment. You're absolutely right. Assault rifles are for war. They are for killing people, not hunting. But we still have the right to own them just because of the 2nd Amendment's purpose, which was to be ready to overthrow a tyrannical government. That's war, and I know you don't agree about the 2nd Amendment, but surely if you were right the government WOULD have taken our guns away a LONG time ago. The government LOVES taking things from us.

Thats the weak excuse to own them and it really doesn't talk about assault rifles. There's not gonna be any war with any government. Only the craziest of crazy in this country feel there should be. We truly live in the greatest place in all the world and I do not see a day when anyone will need to change that. Also it would be such a pain in the ass to take away the guns. The process is listed here as to why it would never happen. Amending The US Constitution.

Let's throw a hypothetical. Let's make it fun. Say W. Bush's two terms never ended. Let's say he passed a law through congress to get himself turned from president to...EMPEROR (Star Wars...good one no?). This turns the military, loyal to him, into his stormtroopers. He controls them. He also controls the police. This is all a really fantastical hypothetical but imagine if the president did somehow gain that kind of power. It's happened before. Like..say...Germany's embarrassing number in the last century.

It's in case of crazy possibilities like that that our Founding Fathers wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves. So yes, assault rifles would then become necessary. SEE?

Yes this post is a bit spastic but I'm tired again... Sorry.

Thats just so far out there that its almost nil in it happening. Again, you have to have things changed within our government, voting goes on, etc.

Well let's see here. I consider myself an intelligent gun owner who happens to own an AR-15 which you say I shouldn't be able to have. So aren't you in a way trying to take my guns away? What about politicians who are constantly trying to enact gun laws which may keep me from protecting my family while most of them have access to armed guards around them if need be.

Yeah, I would love to see you lose the right to own that. There is no sane logical reason to own it. You can protect your family with with a pistol, rifle, or shottie. The gun laws trying to be passes are to take away assault rifles, extended clips, cop killer bullets etc. Those do not keep you from protecting your family. I'm sorry knowing folks out there are going around having guns under their coats doesn't make me feel safe. It just makes me think and feel that if ____ gets crazy I better find the safest place because its gonna turn into the wild wild west. I'm sure you're a smart but there is nothing intelligent in owning an assault rifle.
Example 1

Example 2

Yeah, I know you have to but that means ____ to me honestly. Why do you need an AR to put holes in paper? Go buy a regular rifle to do that. As I said there is no sane reason to own one and you just gave several none logical, sane, and typical extreme gun lover excuses.
He did have a good point about his hammer and his jeep. Should we outlaw knives? Should 300 lb. muscle men not be able to legally carry around their fists (Sorry, Ski)? SHOULD POOR LENNOX BE PUT DOWN for having big teeth? How about ladders, you can push people off of them. I mean come on, there are a lot of ways you can kill a person and taking away one thing like an AR-15 isn't going to put much of a stop to the murder rate in the US. Like I said before, if someone is crazy enough to murder, it doesn't really matter what weapon you give them. They're going to find a way. A bomb. A single homemade bomb could do just as much damage as an AR-15 in a crowd of people. You plant that sucker in the middle, boom. 9 dead, 15 wounded. That's the absurdity of the gun control laws. Where do you draw the line? Gasoline? Household cleaners? (Those things are deadly).

Ok. Sure, I want to take away your assault weapons. There is no reason to own them. The second amendment isn't a good one as far as I'm concerned.
You're a Michael Moore fan, huh?

Thats the weak excuse to own them and it really doesn't talk about assault rifles. There's not gonna be any war with any government. Only the craziest of crazy in this country feel there should be. We truly live in the greatest place in all the world and I do not see a day when anyone will need to change that. Also it would be such a pain in the ass to take away the guns. The process is listed here as to why it would never happen. Amending The US Constitution.
Your link is CALLED "Amending the US Constitution" and you still think the Constitution, how it is written now, does not grant private citizens the right to own guns? Why would it need to be amended in the first place if that's what it meant already?

And yes my example was a very improbable one but stranger things have happened in history. My point is if something DID happen, even though it probably won't, we need to be ready. It's our constitutional right to be ready. No one but the craziest people want to war now, but what about when "We the People" starts really turning into "We the Privileged, and then You the Taxpayers"? Probably won't happen in our lifetimes. But who knows what kind of laws will get passed in the future and if we give them our guns now, our children's children won't have them when THEY need them.

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
~Thomas Jefferson, 1787

It just makes me think and feel that if ____ gets crazy I better find the safest place because its gonna turn into the wild wild west.
The wild wild west? :slap Come on...
I just clicked on the last page of this thread....not having read it for a couple days. How did we get on the topic of gun control? I thought this was a thread about saving a dog. :dunno
I just clicked on the last page of this thread....not having read it for a couple days. How did we get on the topic of gun control? I thought this was a thread about saving a dog. :dunno
Err, Shatterer of Dreams threw guns at me when I said I didn't like pitbulls because one mutilated my brother's dog. Because I support responsible ownership and his point was responsible dog owners' pitbulls are just as dangerous as a responsible gun owner's gun.

Then it kinda spiraled...
I just clicked on the last page of this thread....not having read it for a couple days. How did we get on the topic of gun control? I thought this was a thread about saving a dog. :dunno

Good question. :dunno I was thinking the same thing.
Don't know if that is a good idea...political threads get the hammer because even though it may start off as a respectful discussion it ALWAYS spirals into insults.
I know a lab that's scarier than any pitbull I've met. She was abused as a puppy, so it makes sense.

I also had a yellow lab that was a sweet as pixletwin's dog, although he did get away one day and beat up a rottweiler and a shepherd. I'm pretty sure he just ran into their yard and tried to play (he never barked at other dogs, or anything) and they ganged up on him. Bad move. Atleast they weren't leashed, so it's not like he had any kind of advantage.

I would sign the petition if it wasn't blocked here at work.