My idea for a third batman movie

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You guys keep bringing up Joker and Riddler. There's a bunch more characters out there they could bring in that would be able to work. Such as Azreal, die, said. Have him be a delusional criminal. Or how about Hush, Scarface. If pulled of the right way it could work.

The Riddler I feel deserves to be the main villain in the next film, and a lot of the fans seem to want it that way. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be a few other villains as well, but The Riddler should be the main in my opinion.

Also, I really feel that they could pull off Robin, I think he potential to be a cool character.
I'd like to see the riddler take stage for the next film, i want to see Batman bring out the detective side. We've seen the fear theme brought about by Scarecrow, the chaos theme with the Joker...I think a mystery theme could be great. with Batman outlawed the Riddler could run gotham ragged with games. I'd like to see maybe another villan to hold the attention of the batman much like the Joker did while Two-face was turning. I would boycott the next Batman film if Robin got involved but i trust the Nolans to do the right thing.
Please, WB and Nolan, please don't cast another Joker or you'll forever taint the status of 'The Dark Knight'. :monkey2

For you perhaps. I'm lucky such things won't ruin the enjoyment of B3 or TDK for me.

lforigno said:
the Joker should be in the next movie IF and ONLY IF Nolan originally had the idea for the joker to be in the third film.


Ask yourselves this: If Heath were alive, I'm sure you'd all be up in arms that Joker was not going to have a cameo or main role. His acting is great, yes, but the Joker is a character independent of Heath Ledger. He may have portrayed the character better than any actor previously, but his passing away won't make Joker die too.

I personally thought Scarecrow should have had a cameo in TDK where Batman visits him at Arkham to better understand Joker. That scene never happened. I think a similar scene in B3 with Joker would be nice. You could use shadows and CGI even to have Heath be in the film. Or a look alike and a voice actor to dub the lines.
For you perhaps. I'm lucky such things won't ruin the enjoyment of B3 or TDK for me.


Ask yourselves this: If Heath were alive, I'm sure you'd all be up in arms that Joker was not going to have a cameo or main role. His acting is great, yes, but the Joker is a character independent of Heath Ledger. He may have portrayed the character better than any actor previously, but his passing away won't make Joker die too.

I personally thought Scarecrow should have had a cameo in TDK where Batman visits him at Arkham to better understand Joker. That scene never happened. I think a similar scene in B3 with Joker would be nice. You could use shadows and CGI even to have Heath be in the film. Or a look alike and a voice actor to dub the lines.

Totally agree, that scene would have been great. Scarecrow had a lame cameo in TDK. He should have a comeback in B3, as one of the secondary villains, but he should be actually scary, and more than just a guy in a mask.
For you perhaps. I'm lucky such things won't ruin the enjoyment of B3 or TDK for me.


Ask yourselves this: If Heath were alive, I'm sure you'd all be up in arms that Joker was not going to have a cameo or main role. His acting is great, yes, but the Joker is a character independent of Heath Ledger. He may have portrayed the character better than any actor previously, but his passing away won't make Joker die too.

I personally thought Scarecrow should have had a cameo in TDK where Batman visits him at Arkham to better understand Joker. That scene never happened. I think a similar scene in B3 with Joker would be nice. You could use shadows and CGI even to have Heath be in the film. Or a look alike and a voice actor to dub the lines.
CHRIS NOLAN...READ THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldnt want The Joker in the next film regardless of Heath. I'd like an apperence sure....but get a new villian please.
For you perhaps. I'm lucky such things won't ruin the enjoyment of B3 or TDK for me.


Ask yourselves this: If Heath were alive, I'm sure you'd all be up in arms that Joker was not going to have a cameo or main role. His acting is great, yes, but the Joker is a character independent of Heath Ledger. He may have portrayed the character better than any actor previously, but his passing away won't make Joker die too.

I personally thought Scarecrow should have had a cameo in TDK where Batman visits him at Arkham to better understand Joker. That scene never happened. I think a similar scene in B3 with Joker would be nice. You could use shadows and CGI even to have Heath be in the film. Or a look alike and a voice actor to dub the lines.

Mr Nolan, if you have any sanity and taste for fine cinema ignore this post! :lecture
I wouldnt want The Joker in the next film regardless of Heath. I'd like an apperence sure....but get a new villian please.
i just want the joker to appear in the movie, but not as the main villain. if he's the main villain again, it'd be a repeat, and it'd fail. but if he appeared once or twice briefly, i'd be a success.
Mr Nolan, if you have any sanity and taste for fine cinema ignore this post! :lecture

go back to your booze fake stark.
Mr Nolan, if you have any sanity and taste for fine cinema ignore this post! :lecture

I am not saying either of these things should be done. I'm saying they could be done.

The CGI trick is not tacky or disrespectful; it pays homage to an actor and this technique can appear in what you call "fine cinema." The actor who portrayed Proximo in "Gladiator" died during the filming and he was inserted into a few yet to be filmed scenes pretty flawlessly. That was 10 years ago. Think what they could do today.

And what's the big deal with a recast? If you want anyone recasting the Joker, wouldn't you want it to be Nolan? He's the guy that recognized the potential in Ledger. He would be the man to find a suitable replacement rather than whatever director takes over after Nolan leaves. It's not critical that he looks/sounds exactly like Ledger. He needs to understand the Joker and lose himself in the role as Ledger had done.

I have the utmost faith in Christopher Nolan. He delivered the two greatest comic book film adaptations as far as I'm concerned and not one of his movies has ever let me down. I have high expectations for "Inception" and while it's sad to think B3 will be his last Batman film, it's exciting to think all of the original movies he'll have time to make afterwards!
I really like the idea of a Joker (in shadows) cameo in the next movie. Just don't see it as Batman going there to get a better understanding of any new villain. Maybe something at the beginning or end with Bats dropping off someone he caught, going past all the cells with their names on them. Not anyone major, but a little something for the fans. Maybe dropping off Zasaz since he was already shown in the first film.

While I wouldn't mind Riddler for the next film, I'm not sure I'd want him as the main protagonist for the entire film. I'm thinking someone like Killer Croc to give Batman a physical foe to go up against also. Since the series looks to be staying away from the meta-human type (Clayface, Man-Bat) I'd think someone like Croc could be done fairly easily explaining the skin condition.

I don't want to see it get into Batman & Robin territory with a ton of villains thrown in just for the sake of it, but I think it could be done well enough. After all they managed to get Joker and Two-Face in one movie and each of them would easily be worth an entire movie by themselves.
I like the Man-Bat angle....they could borrow from "On Leather Wings" from the Animated series. This way even the Commish would be questioning his own sanity... as the Man-Bat runs rampant through Gotham. Both the public and the Police force wouldn't be able to tell the difference etc..etc..
I wouldnt like to see Joker at all in BM3, its done and although CGI can be great i dont think its nesscary, Heath gave an awe inspiring performance and without the guy still around is someone doing voice acting and a cgi performance really fair just for a nostalgia trip? The scarecrow can be a good shout but after how he was so easily dispatched i think his return and becoming a credible threat again may be a mammoth task to pull off convincingly. In Batman and Robin they had the Arkham holding cell which held the uniform for Two face and Riddler, perhaps they could do a scene where something of the jokers is seen, a fitting tribute without the fuss of a potentially underwhelming cameo (ala Fake Arnie in T.Salvation, which despite best efforts and intentions still looked like a fake arnie) Batman is an outlaw to the people, i think the fitting end to the saga would batman being accepted back into the public like the end of Burtons Batman film when Batman is accepted by the gothamites. It would show the rise from unknown vigilante, public anti-hero to full fledged protector. i do think Bruce needs a bit more face time on screen to develop a bit more personality that seems a bit one dimensional at times.
Like him or hate him, Jett posted a not-so-cryptic post the other day. Make of it what you will.

Posted by Jett @ 6:00 AM on Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Could it be? Stay tuned...

Dunno when he's following that up, but with his inside connections and tendency not to post BS news reports, why would he post that? I think Catwoman's for sure in this film and we can expect a casting announcement soon. Soon's not soon enough, I know :impatient:

Another thing worth mentioning from Jett is Cillian Murphy said he's up to play Scarecrow again if he's offered to but knows nothing. A similar comment was made during the making of TDK and we all saw how that turned out. I'd love a trip to Arkham again and he could have a wonderful cameo there as could the Joker.

Mr Nolan, if you have any sanity and taste for fine cinema...

Speaking of taste for fine cinema, I only recently saw the newest trailer for "Inception." It looks like the most original film this year and might turn out to be his best film to date. I'm breaking my "wait for Redbox" policy and going to see that one opening night.
The death of Racheal is sure to have a lasting impact on Batman with Joker being his closest link to her. Perhaps there will be a scene where Batman goes to arkham to confront Joker in his cell and ask him some questions? Joker wouldn't need to be the main bad guy and shouldn't be the main bad guy but he needs to be present in the Batman universe as much as possible. I think Joseph Gordon Levitt could fill the part in a small role.....maybe even at the end, Batman could discover that JGL was an imposter Joker and the real Joker has escaped? (nod to the comics!)

I still say Catwoman could work if done right. It'd be a great time to introduce her. I also feel that Batman needs to be alot more brutal and relentless in this one after what he went through in Dark Knight. I hope he has a more wicked looking suit, moving a bit away from the hi-tech look of the last one.
.maybe even at the end, Batman could discover that JGL was an imposter Joker and the real Joker has escaped? (nod to the comics!)


And then Heath Ledger returns in the fourth... wait.

CGI! Yes! That's the ticket! :yess:
I think Joseph Gordon Levitt could fill the part in a small role.....maybe even at the end, Batman could discover that JGL was an imposter Joker and the real Joker has escaped? (nod to the comics!)

Have to say, I love that idea.

Great way of him being there, but getting around the fact Heath Ledger is sadly not around to play him.

And then Heath Ledger returns in the fourth... wait.

CGI! Yes! That's the ticket! :yess:

Or he faked his own death for four years JUST to work on the next Batman film! A major publicity stunt.