Upcoming HT TT Body, with Gambit Head

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Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
Karachi, Pakistan



Yup. I can see it. So I guess this means no official Gambit figure from HT. :lol

Credit to Devil 666 for pointing it out - from the customs section. Nice Head.
Gay head for a gay character. At least with a Reynolds head you could bash a pre suckass Deadpool or a Hannibal figure from Trinity. Gambit in that movie blew donkeys. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4

I liked Gambit and I like Taylor Kitsch so if it's easy enough to find an outfit I might pick this up. They are cheap right? Like $45?
The body is great news, these are getting impossible to find.

The head as usual I could care less about. Just thrilled this isn't a Slim.
That casting choice has joke written all over it. Not looking forward to that polyp of a movie either. :monkey4:monkey4

Well I thought as much initially too but for whatever reason i'm getting quietly hopeful it will be better than people expect it to be. Also GL is one of my fav characters so i guess i'm just being optimistic
Well I thought as much initially too but for whatever reason i'm getting quietly hopeful it will be better than people expect it to be. Also GL is one of my fav characters so i guess i'm just being optimistic

I just keep wondering, "Why?!" :dunno

There are so many other actors who'd have been perfect for Hal. No-brainers too. But casting Ryan has me thinking this'll be some stupid comedy with superhero undertones. Perfect casting for Ryan is the Merc with the Mouth. Hal Jordon, polar opposite. :(
Ryan Reynolds and Chris Evans are probably two actors I hate more then anyone, not just actors, I mean like historical figures like Hitler included. :lol

Seriously they just bother me, I don't think theyre funny and thats what their careers are built on, comedy movies I don't find funny for young kids I don't like.
Probably because they're just re-releasing the narrow shoulder TT with a new head sculpt.