1/6th Cad Bane

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Wow!!! Your attention to detail is amazing!! Can't wait to see it when it's done.

Your son is blessed to have a dad who would go to this length for his happiness.

Merry Christmas.

VERY TRUE!!!! GREAT JOB Dorgs!! Your son will LOVE this and probably NEVER forget it! :)
Great job...

[the dude person and thenammagazine, please keep your lovefest out of this thread]

If this is love for you, your life must be very unhappy...

Anyway Dorgs, I admit it is an awesome custom, I just didn't like the Hasbro sculpt is all...

I shall now run away and hide my face in shame... I have nothing accomplished in my life...
and thenammagazine is a big fat meany butt! He hurt my feelings... :monkey2
To my knowledge Hasbro never made a 1/6 headsculpt of this species.
Regardless, amazing work as usual Mark at a typically amazing pace.
To my knowledge Hasbro never made a 1/6 headsculpt of this species.Regardless, amazing work as usual Mark at a typically amazing pace.

Hmm.. I think you are absolutely right... I thought I saw one somewhere on the internet, but can now find no trace of one ever existing....

So in that case, Dorgs' sculpting skills are better than mine! And I've sculpted 3 heads:)lol)!

I think it should look more like the pic I posted to be "realistic", but since it's from clone wars... well you have some sort of creative license to go anywhere between cartoonish and realistic.

I look at this figure with new eyes... it's pretty damn good.
dude.. that is solid.. your son is going to love it....this is by far one of the best pieces I have seen..
The Mighty Rogue Trooper


Well last night I got in trouble with the Mrs! As you guys know I tend to burn the candle at both ends with to jobs a family and a 1/6th Star Wars Obsession... The down side of this is that from time to time I get struck down with a migraine and am no use to man nor beast, in fact my only real use when I have one is as a draft excluder....

Last night was one of those times despite not being able to see very well I still got on the forum and posted pics... much to nurse debs (the Mrs) disgust... so I finally gave in shut the computer down took my pills and went to bed.....

I awoke this morning to this!! And some wonderful comments and I need to make a few things clear.

Last night I had every intention of expanding on this thread and explaining about it.

Right the head sculpt!

The head sculpt is a re-sculpt of another board members amazing work. The Mighty, the Amazing, the chuffin bleedin brilliant Rogue Trooper.

Many months ago I contacted Rogue after being blown away by his outstanding sculpts. Rogue (who is such a wonderful chap).

Rogue offered to lend, yes lend me some of his customs!! Amazing eh! Hence the cantina was born and cad bane.

Rogue allowed me to take a cast or two and I set about re-sculpting the brilliant duros to suit the cad bane figure.

So this figure is 100% dedicated to my good friend Rogue Trooper and I am forever in his debt.

As for more of Rogues work..... ooowww yes its coming.

The Christmas Cantina Special will be Show casing the Masters work and some of my interpretations of his truly fabulous work.
Re: The Mighty Rogue Trooper

More pics.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/cad%20bane/bane-9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/cad%20bane/bane10.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/cad%20bane/bane11.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/cad%20bane/bane12.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Your custom Cad Bane is beyond
AWESOME, Dorgmal Snow! :whip
I absolutely love it and want one! :D
Dorgs your work is always just Awesome and Liam is a very lucky boy and migraine's suck BIG time. Can't wait to see him finished and I bet that you can't wait to show him.
Why thank you Sweeny and Hewer, but I ow a lot to Rogue trooper and his original Duros headsculpt, which I WILL SHOWCASE THIS VERY EVEING IN THE CANTINA BOOTH!!
I am not sure if I will be able to get him 100% done by Christmas and I kind of hope Liam does not like him, as I now love it LOL. I have go to do the box next.
Totally mind blowing. That will really make Liam’s Xmas day for sure. I also have to say your photography is inspired Mark
as if you haven't been critical before...

Dorgs used a bunch of pre-made stuff then customized it, I usually make everything from scratch with little resources, because unlike Dorgs, I do not have piles of cash lying around that I can just flush down the toilet to make a Millenium Falcon cockpit.

At least my criticisms are constructive.. I mention things that could be improved, I never said "FAIL" like you do.

Your title suits you.
"SSF's resident @$$hole"

PS and I have yet to see a custom by you, so at least I made something!

That's kinda my point. You jump on others for critiquing your work yet don't hesitate to tell someone you hate theirs. Sometimes it just best NOT to post if that's how you feel about what they've done, especially when you can't do any better. The only exception would be if you were commissioning the piece, which, you're not. As to my customs, there are a handfull of pics floating around all over the forum, I just don't feel the necessity to post pics everywhere (no slight to those who do) as they're done more for me than anyone else. Feel free to find some and bash away as again, I don't care about others opinions about them since they're made for my own collection, nobody else's.

Back on topic though. Dorg, after looking at my eel, you can probably get the whole breathing apparatus by simply cutting off the goggles on the mask. Then all it'd need is a good coat of silver/chrome/tin paint. Though it's almost a travesty to cover up that sculpt. It looks great!