Great Deal on MR Falcon!!

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Apr 9, 2007
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Didn't want to post this on the 4sale thread since I'm note selling, but I just had to let you know about the deal I just ran into. Mods please move to another category if you see fit...

Redford Films has again marked down the Falcon. The current deal for the LE is $1000 even (plus shipping which for me was $60).

I passed this up several times when prices were under $1000, but this time I had no choice! Considering that the best eBay price I've seen in months was $2200, I thought I might have forever lost my chance. She's shipping today!

If you want to join in my triumph, you'll need to do a little fancy navigation. You won't find the deal on the home page or by searching MR products. You need to type in "on sale" into the keyword search and page down until you come to it.

*Edit* It's now up on the home page*

I spoke to Steve Redford yesterday and he indicated that there were seven still left at that price. Good Luck!

Congrats on your big purchase. If I picked up one of these, my wife would throw my ass out on the street faster than the Falcon can make the Kessel run. :lol
Congrats on your big purchase. If I picked up one of these, my wife would throw my ass out on the street faster than the Falcon can make the Kessel run. :lol
Oh, I'm already out on the street... I'm just waiting for that big box to come so that I can live in it... :crying:crying
Congrats. I got mine at the end of last year when Redford had them for around $800, although shipping was considerably more for me. Where do you live?

Anyway, it's a great piece. The main problem is that it's difficult to find a good place to display it.
I got mine for about that much.

Won the Falcon, no base, dish or paperwork off ebay last summer. A few months later, a guy at a board I go to sold me his base. I've gotten scans of the paperwork and just about 2 months ago FINALLY got a dish. Guess I need to ad up how mush. Worse part was the $125 shipping for the base!
That is crazy on the shipping.

Yeah, I think it was becasue it was going from residence to residence? The guy I got the falcon from is a guy who sells all MR returned items. At the time I got it, the only thing wrong with it was that one of the triangular aft fins on the underside was broken off. You can only really see it if you are looking for it. Originall all the lights worked, but now, like many other MR falcon owners, some don't.
Congrats! I got one at the start of the summer and the Falcon became the focal point of my Star Wars collection immediately.

Heck, I'm selling off a good chunk of my collection because I'll never buy anything Star Wars that I'll like more than this scale model.
Man, how nice is this. excellent purchase wish I had the money.
Ive been waiting to find one of these for this price. I placed an order but it said my card declined but I know it is good.

Hopefully I will be able to get one of these.
Finally! I will have a Falcon! I ordered it Tuesday from Redford flims and it should be here on Tuesday!
Now I need to find a cool way to display it. I read on rpf forum that someone used a speaker stand to display it. Sounds cool!
Thanks for starting this thread and letting us know about this deal!

I'm sure you guys will like it. A couple of notes:

There is a typo on one of the plaques that comes with the falcon (the word "cannon" is spelled "canon"). You can get a replacement plaque for free by emailing: [email protected] with "Falcon Plaque" in the subject line, and include your name and address. More details are in this thread at Rebelscum.

I still haven't done this, but a number of people have had acrylic cases custom made for their falcons. You can try searching the props forum at Rebelscum for more info. It's not exactly cheap though. Not having a case is my main complaint about this piece.

The Millennium Falcon Star Wars/Transformer crossover (with the robotic Han and Chewie) comes with tiny Han and Chewie figures that are the perfect size for the cockput of the MR Falcon. I discovered this by accident. Their legs are connected by a piece of plastic that you have to cut away in order to fit them in the seats, but otherwise it's like they were made to go in there.

Can someone please list the dimensions for the base, I want to make sure I have just the perfect spot.
