InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf 1:6

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Yeah he probably did do those things, I didn't pay much attention. I was (and still am) too annoyed with him that he left Eowyn to fight Nazgul by herself. I mean I really wanted to see him kick Nazgul's ass. Show us some of that mighty wizard magic! But alas, he was too busy aiming his flash light around while buggering off the battlefield to go get some more tobacco (probably). :lol
Also, don't take anything I say too seriously, I never read the books. And like most novel-to-film adaptations, 80% of the story is usually changed or left out of the films. Same treatment they gave my boy Harry Potter. I'm just poking fun. lol
The magic in Middle-earth is pretty inconsistent. I like your theory that he was stoned out of his gourd 90% of the time and couldn't properly function. He always knew how to party, that Gandalf!

and now i can never unsee lord of the rings GIF
Hell, just the way he blinks to silence the bickering at the council of Elrond when he hears Frodo exclaim he’ll take the ring to Mordor is a meaningful enough moment for me to love Gandalf forever without needing to rant for a day about all his obvious, majorly impactful deeds, subtle direction/suggestions, and wise and comforting words.

Every member of the Fellowship serves an important purpose and has their moment to shine. No one is just there for the sake of it or to tick a box. Every character matters.
I'm glad I'm not the kind of collector that cares about the value of these things. I collect because of nostalgia and sentimentality. Worrying about what something may or may not be worth if I ever decide to sell, which is rare anyways. It's all about the joy of owning these pieces.

My brother is the complete opposite and only collects with dollar signs in his head. Hell only purchase something if he thinks it'll go up in value.

A. Seems like a headache and an extra worry/stress one doesn't need in life


B. If you are buying these things with the sole purpose of flipping them (or anything) you aren't a collector. You are a reseller.
I don't think there's anything wrong in knowing the aftermarket value of your collection, but it doesn't have to translate to a business of selling. I've always found selling to be too much work. It's a part-time job itself to always be on the ball with selling. I've only sold 3 figures in 20 years, out of hundreds in my collection. In all cases it was simply because I didn't have to solicit the sales and there was an interested buyer already there. But even then the work was enough that it turned into a real pain. I got no thrill out of selling at all, only some relief to be rid of an unwanted item and gain some cash. I can do an honourable day of real work to make the money that comes from selling collectibles and the sales aspect doesn't add any personal or emotional value to my collecting habits.

I remember almost 25 years ago when Ebay new and I was poor but actively collecting vinyl records and I had a personal policy to always sell some records to fund my collecting. It made sense and worked out great on my first try! I did rake in a good amount of cash, so from there whenever I went crate-digging I made sure to keep a keen eye peeled for rarities that I could flip. Great in theory, but it turned out I just amassed more records without having much desire or functional process to actively sell in any volume. The work involved wasn't appealing or particularly rewarding. I ended up not being poor by actually working a real job and collecting with the money that came from it. Selling just dropped off my priority list of things to do in life.

My 14-year old nephew got into collecting a couple of years ago and asked me for advice on what to collect - I told him to only collect for enjoyment, not for investment. He settled on Funko Pops and, unfortunately, got conflicting advice from parents and friends to do this for investing and flipping for profit. To his credit he did make money, but not without lots of failures, borrowing and not paying money back, plenty of finagling, playing tricks and schemes, getting into trouble (i.e. losing his Ebay account for selling fake Pops). BTW, all of this friends at school are into this sales snake behaviour too - maybe it's a generational thing. He still prides himself on turning profits, but it's all rather disappointing to me. The kid learned nothing about collecting or enjoying something, but learned everything about being a little scam artist for the sake of money. I dread to think what he'll be doing in 5 or 10 years to make cash. I could call him a reseller, but it's more accurate to call him a "flipper". That's all he's really interested in and all he has learned. Notwithstanding, he hasn't really learned anything about making money or investing, just how to play the odds in turning profits. I suppose we've all known plenty of self-proclaimed collectors who are really flippers (or scalpers).
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Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?” – Obi-Wan Kenobi

Lol well I’m glad to see there’s probably a lot more than you and me my friend,… That ordered from them, I did get this email from them now which made me feel a little bit better.


The first Batch of INART The Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship Of The Ring – Gandalf 1/6th Scale Collectible Figure has been released.

The later batch of shipments will be dispatched according to customers' order times. We anticipate beginning these shipments by the end of December. We kindly ask customers who have not received a notification to wait patiently.

During the pre-order period(pre-orders placed before 8th September), we will provide free worldwide shipping for customers who order this product. Customers will not need to add extra shipping fees, as we will dispatch the product directly from our warehouse.

We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you. Happy collecting

Best Regards,
Anna︱Customer Service Assistant
Customer Service Department
Toys Wonderland Ltd

Maybe they’ve learned their lesson from the bad press?? I dunno.
I too received this email - I guess we shall see what happens
Yeah he probably did do those things, I didn't pay much attention…
I feel similarly about Raiders of the Last Ark and how Indiana Jones never left the classroom. And Ghostbusters too… the fact that they never encountered a single ghost still confuses me…
I collect simply to display and enjoy the figures. I don’t have time and energy to expend towards selling them. I think it’s cool that people do that! But it sounds like more work than I want for a hobby.

With InArt making the entire fellowship of the nine, I’ll eventually replace my Asmus collection with InArt. Hopefully I can sell the entire Asmus collection at once! I really don’t want to go through the hassle of selling each of the figures individually.
Still holding on to a faint hope that I might have the figure by Christmas, but admittedly that hope is dimming as each day goes by.
From time to time, it is neccessary for me to sell a figure from my collection.
It is work. But I have no choice.
New figures are expensive. Plus I don't have unlimited space at home. AND... if a better version of a figure gets released, I don't need to keep the older one.
I too received this email - I guess we shall see what happens
Me too, but slightly different, they wrote the exact same but said they would begin shipping in October. Well that didn't happen and I sent another email and got "late December to 'EARLY' January". After learning about Toys Wonderland... I opened a dispute with PayPal because the time was about to run out. Not going to risk losing the money. Sucks to miss out on this figure, truly. I think about it like Gandalf saved me from TW by sacrificing himself, though. :duff
From time to time, it is neccessary for me to sell a figure from my collection.
It is work. But I have no choice.
New figures are expensive. Plus I don't have unlimited space at home. AND... if a better version of a figure gets released, I don't need to keep the older one.
This is how I see it as well. I curate my collection, and if I upgrade a figure or don't like something anymore (usually after 5-10 years), I don't have a need for the figure anymore. I don't like selling and it's always a chore, but it's better than the figure rotting away in a box.

With the deluxe Joker set, InArt forced our hand that if we wanted a rooted Joker, we had to buy two plus a diorama, even if we didn't want/need everything. It seems they have learned from this, or perhaps it was a calculated move to immediately generate some more cashflow, but I'm glad I don't have to do it again.
Although not officially in preorder stage I'm curious with the reveal of Thorin that it opens the door for a HOBBIT version of Gandalf. I would imagine its easy money for Inart.
Although not officially in preorder stage I'm curious with the reveal of Thorin that it opens the door for a HOBBIT version of Gandalf. I would imagine its easy money for Inart.
What is different enough about his Hobbit look to make that a worthwhile venture?
Seems like that would only appeal to the chumps who thought they’d be satisfied with just keeping the Asmus figure.
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What is different enough about his Hobbit look to make that a worthwhile venture?
Seems like that would only appeal to that chumps who thought they’d be satisfied with just keeping the Asmus figure.
Not much. A different staff, pull on boots rather than lace ups and wears a silver scarf. Oh and no rip on the right sleeve, he actually gets that in Dol Guldur and you can see the repair in Fellowship...nice touch in retroactively adding it.
Honestly I don't see Inart being redundant like Hot Toys is in giving multiples of the same character like that. Best we would see may be a Gandalf the White at some point. But since they are doing the Hobbit I'd much rather see characters they haven't already done. Bilbo. Gollum/Smeagol maybe. More of Thorins company. But I guess time will tell what they end up doing.

My focus (and I hope InArts as well) is to complete the Fellowship first and foremost.
Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought."

December is fast approaching and every December comes the urge to marathon the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. These films hold a significant place in my heart. Such a wonderful time of year. Seeing these films in the theater in 2001, 2002 and 2003 were the greatest cinematic moments of my life. INART Collectibles Gandalf the Grey is one if the greatest pieces in my collection. For many reasons. Really looking forward to more of the Fellowship!

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought."

December is fast approaching and every December comes the urge to marathon the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. These films hold a significant place in my heart. Such a wonderful time of year. Seeing these films in the theater in 2001, 2002 and 2003 were the greatest cinematic moments of my life. INART Collectibles Gandalf the Grey is one if the greatest pieces in my collection. For many reasons. Really looking forward to more of the Fellowship!

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The 4K blu ray remaster is absolutely gorgeous. It won't be a marathon viewing in one day, but I'm definitely tempted to give it a watch again over three nights.