Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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What's ridiculous is by the time that grand finally came around, I couldn't care less who Rey identified as (even less that the Skywalker ghosts now ruined by Disney were inserted to sanctify it), it was all so meaningless.
I was somehow more invested in who the -f this rando lady was? :lol

So to help make the whole thing an even more overwrought, synchronous, meaningless, mess, I'm going to pretend she was actually Clone-Palpatine's Girlfriend = Rey's drunk Mother :yuck

Cause now that's ....poetry.:wink1:
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I'm actively jealous of anyone who never bothered to watch TROS. I wish I could make that claim. My brother and his fiancee asked if I wanted to go see it with them and for some reason I said yeah OK. For the sake of a day out I suppose. Why didn't I just meet them down the pub after? Oh well.
I'm actively jealous of anyone who never bothered to watch TROS. I wish I could make that claim. My brother and his fiancee asked if I wanted to go see it with them and for some reason I said yeah OK. For the sake of a day out I suppose. Why didn't I just meet them down the pub after? Oh well.
Oh to have been able to witness the look on your face when you first heard Poe use your "somehow" line in an actual Star Wars movie... :lol
Oh to have been able to witness the look on your face when you first heard Poe use your "somehow" line in an actual Star Wars movie... :lol
:lol That was my line? I can only think you're referring to a pretend opening crawl I wrote in one thread or another that got more laughs at the time than I was expecting. No idea now what that was.
:lol That was my line? I can only think you're referring to a pretend opening crawl I wrote in one thread or another that got more laughs at the time than I was expecting. No idea now what that was.
Yep you posted a mock opening crawl prior to TROS that opened with "Somehow..." as the explanation for why things were where they were and Abrams clearly read it and ran with it! :lol
It just seems a different angle.

Eh the shift in angle cheats it enough, that it's ok.
Or he just force-pulled it off, as a last gesture and we didn't see it. :lol

So for the special edition they thought to remove his eyebrows, but didn't catch that!?
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I thought it might be Ahsoka's influence.
Luke thinks he's the last Jedi (as Yoda told him he was) then Ahsoka turns up. A pre-Empire Jedi trained by his father, who knew Yoda and Obi-Wan in his prime.
It must have been like she stepped out of myth.
She starts to fill his head with the old Jedi code and suddenly he decides he wants to rebuild the Jedi, literally, wanting to bring back the pre-Empire Jedi order, complete with dogmatic nonsense.
Ahsoka may have walked away from the Jedi but given her line about the danger of attachments during her episode in Mando season 2, it would seem she still follows the dogmatic ways.
And now she's filling Luke's head with silly ideas.
It's almost as if Ezra saving Ahsoka through time travel in Rebels created the crappy sequel trilogy timeline.
It's almost as if Ezra saving Ahsoka through time travel in Rebels created the crappy sequel trilogy timeline.
Yep, pretty much lends to my head canon.
I can enjoy all what's come from Disney, knowing it's been an alternate time-line "canonically" triggered by that one event. :wink1:
Every time a character jumps through one of Filoni's time-portals, as far as I'm concerned they are triggering a different time-line. Which makes the Disney time-line and continuity officially an alternate universe timeline.
The first one was triggered as soon as Ezro pulled her out of the time-stream

Another will be wheneve he pops back from his space-whale adventure.
They can retcon in all the "*supposedly surviving Jedi" and poop them back into "reality", with space whales, time portals, calling them something else, dark, grey, medium, mild, Jedi on-a-break, whatever t-F they want, yet anything that contradicts, or $#!ts on this fact, Is implicitly alternate canon.:lol

*(Cue; the usual except Leia already contradicted it. No, she was not a Jedi yet, the whole point of the scene and next line is "pass on what you have learned", (it's why they hinged the future on Luke). There were no other Jedi left.
And what he'd learned is through free will "choice" you could recognize and thus own your worst fears, without denying them or letting them dominate or control you, and be a Jedi and still stay connected (without needing to possess them) to those you loved.
That was the unique instinct and transformative power Luke brought to the ROTJ.
All betrayed and denied by Disney, It wasn't enough to just tell new stories, Disney (who never liked the idea of Luke to begin with) has completely $#!& on, ruined, and made him an absolute character failure, so they can fill that void with whatever derivative crap they now come up with.
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