Your Odd 1:6 Figure Wants

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Babylon 5
Underworld (Kate B)
Resident Evil ( Mila J)
5th Element ( Mila J)
Joan of Arc ( Mila J)
Virus (The Robot)
I don't know if it's odd, but I'd buy a third Prison Break Michael Scofield if Hot Toys finally did a tattoo version.
Last or second last version of Batman from Batman:Gotham Knight...thought that was a great animated movie(s).
I want a 1:6 Figure of him ->

I want a 1:6 Figure of her ->

And I definitely want a Clarence Boddicker 1:6 Figure
Not really odd wants, but just ones that havn't been made yet. I'd pay any amount for these figures:

David Bowman (in red space suit) - 2001: A Space Odyssey
Alex - Clockwork Orange
All 4 Ghostbusters
Miami Vice, ´nuff said, not like the mezco version, something more realistic, just Tubbs, Crockett and Castillo.....argh screw it, gimme the other cops aswell and while we are at it, AL PACINO from Heat OR Carlito´s way, since the white female cop from vice (gina....) has a cameo in Carlito´s way that would even fit.
Hm this AND I want a 12" Buffulo Bill doing the tuck dance.
Precious inclusive.

Forgot to add James Earl Cash and Piggsy from Manhunt 1 and the iron maiden from manhunt 2.
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The Ghostbusters, I'd love the full set.
I don't know if they have ever been done but with Hot Toys recent successes a set from them would be very well received :D
1:I would like a TMNT Rapael as Night Stalker complete with Bike.
2:Nicely detailed Street Fighter Figures