Xbox One System Discussion

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For some reason I just dont' believe that Sony doesn't have DRM built in to the system.
Would it bother you if they did? I haven't seen you or several other Xbox fans say anything bad about the online checks or DRM. It's just "wait and see Sony will have it too". Almost as if you're defending their honor.

I buy Apple products, but I freely call them out for their dumb decisions. Even if you're buying an Xbox One, can't you recognize its a bad thing that what they're doing hurts or even excludes certain groups of gamers? Or would you only say that if it's on a console you're not biased towards?
Ill take my apologies either public or private:wink1:
We knew this in February, that publishers could still use online passes like they are for this generation. :dunno darthviper explained it already. Sony even said last night, they're using the system in place now. No one on the planet expected them to remove the ability to have online passes, especially since they said as much months ago.
Whelp, any hope of the used game restrictions on Xbone going away just got shot down.

Ps4 Confirmed to have the Exact same system.

Short version, just like Microsoft, Sony is putting that system into place, and letting publishers decide how to use it.

Yeah, these are not the same. Sony is basically going with the way things are now. MS is creating EA's, Activision's wet dream for them. That satement basically says the PS4 will function the way current gen functions as far as this stuff goes. They are staying out of it, and not doing anything one way or the other.
Would it bother you if they did? I haven't seen you or several other Xbox fans say anything bad about the online checks or DRM. It's just "wait and see Sony will have it too". Almost as if you're defending their honor.

I buy Apple products, but I freely call them out for their dumb decisions. Even if you're buying an Xbox One, can't you recognize its a bad thing that what they're doing hurts or even excludes certain groups of gamers? Or would you only say that if it's on a console you're not biased towards?

I don't have a problem with it because I buy my games new. I doubt I've bought 4 used games in my lifetime (primarily because I despise Gamestop). Plus I've been an avid PC gamer for about a year or so and am used to the fact of requiring an internet connection to play games.
I don't have a problem with it because I buy my games new. I doubt I've bought 4 used games in my lifetime (primarily because I despise Gamestop). Plus I've been an avid PC gamer for about a year or so and am used to the fact of requiring an internet connection to play games.
I only buy new as well (unless used versions are the only ones available), and I don't sell games either. I can easily stay connected 24/7 also.

But my point is, don't you think it's a bad thing that people not able to check in every day will be locked out?

Many people I know never liked PC DRM, and it's one thing that always kept me from wanting to be a PC gamer. I don't agree with making consoles like PCs, and even some PC games don't have DRM, something not possible with the new Xbox.
You know when you trade your games in and you complain oh man, $5 for a $60 game?! Well now that the guy buying your game has to pay more on top of that to actually play it, do you think they are still going to give you $5? :lol

That means everyone may as well buy new, which destroys the market in general and gives the publisher incentive to charge a little more for new games. Get ready for the new $70 norm thanks to this dumb bs.
I only buy new as well (unless used versions are the only ones available), and I don't sell games either. I can easily stay connected 24/7 also.

But my point is, don't you think it's a bad thing that people not able to check in every day will be locked out?

Many people I know never liked PC DRM, and it's one thing that always kept me from wanting to be a PC gamer. I don't agree with making consoles like PCs, and even some PC games don't have DRM, something not possible with the new Xbox.

I've always seen this coming. I think it's just the future. Do I agree with it? No. Was it inevitable? Yes.
I've always seen this coming. I think it's just the future. Do I agree with it? No. Was it inevitable? Yes.
Ok, I wish more people would at least admit they don't agree with it. It probably is inevitable, but I'll never be happy with it, and I'll support anyone who provides any sort of alternative, as Sony and Nintendo are doing.
Ok, I wish more people would at least admit they don't agree with it. It probably is inevitable, but I'll never be happy with it, and I'll support anyone who provides any sort of alternative, as Sony and Nintendo are doing.

Iv always leaned towards M$ and although the game line up looked better to me, with all the restrictions and price, its making me think twice.
Most of what you said makes no sense.

I personally thought the Xbox looks more fun. Switching between games and other apps on the fly. The game DVR and Twitch integration. Plus I trust Xbox a hell of a lot more than Sony.

You trust a company who is doing everything they can to screw and restrict you? Okay then, that does't make much sense.
You trust a company who is doing everything they can to screw and restrict you? Okay then, that does't make much sense.
You trust a company who can't protect itself and allows your email, password and CC info to be stolen and sold on the web?
that could be any company. it could happen to MS, Apple, Amazon, any company that has your info. Internet is never 100% secure.

i am going with the company that, for now, says they focus on games and doesnt force you to have peripherals you have no intention of buying
that could be any company. it could happen to MS, Apple, Amazon, any company that has your info. Internet is never 100% secure.

i am going with the company that, for now, says they focus on games and doesnt force you to have peripherals you have no intention of buying
:exactly::goodpost: Being a victim of hacking =/= punishing and restricting your own customers.
:exactly: Victims of a crime VS microsoft putting cameras in there that always have to be on? Why the **** do you need that? Why? There is no legit answer that isn't an invasion of privacy straight up end of discussion.

"I remember when video games were about getting Mario to save the princess and, when you were done, the console would leave you the hell alone. The new Xbox one apparently wants to put an end to those days by turning the beloved game console into a 24/7 surveillance device. The Xbox One will bundle the Kinect – a device that captures motion and sound - with every console and its camera and mic will be always on by default. In fact, Xbox One will actually refuse to work if the Kinect is not connected to it. So the camera and mic will work even when the console is turned off. And the camera will even work in the dark. Yup. It will also be able to read your facial expressions and count the people in the room with you (there are also talks of charging Pay-Per-View movies PER PERSON in the room).

Furthermore, all of this data captured by the device could easily be transmitted to God knows where as the console will require an internet connection to even function. This capability is rationalized because Microsoft wants to give users the ability of turning on the console by saying “Xbox On”. So, for this reason, the console needs to be listening to EVERY SINGLE word you’re saying around it in case you say “Xbox On”."
I'd rather have a kinect watching me strip than my game profile and cc hacked.

Oh don't worry they can still get all that and more. How about if your PC screen faces your TV on the other side of the room like mine. They could take a look at the credit card info you enter online and see what your typing. They could see a bank statement you left out or any other personal info. Well more than any hacker could get. They can know when your home, or where your going, who you've been hanging out with and what words you say the most. They'll know your favorite beer and if it's in your bedroom they can watch you **** your wife. Sounds genius.

And if its going online at all times(cuz it always has to be online and the camera cannot be turned off), than its only a matter of time til people can hack your camera and watch you. So in addition to your xbox, buy a tarp to cover it.
Oh don't worry they can still get all that and more. How about if your PC screen faces your TV on the other side of the room like mine. They could take a look at the credit card info you enter online and see what your typing. They could see a bank statement you left out or any other personal info. Well more than any hacker could get. They can know when your home, or where your going, who you've been hanging out with and what words you say the most. They'll know your favorite beer and if it's in your bedroom they can watch you **** your wife. Sounds genius.

Hope you don't have a cellphone.