Would you be willing to "remove" PF Angel's head for a better version?

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Super Freak
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
New York

Ok, now that there appears to be some interest, let's get a list of who is seriously interested in getting this sculpted. To make it easier let's make the head slip in the same slot the the Vampire head would fit into. (Im assuming that's how SSC will do this).

Let me hear from you and I'll start a list.



I'm a huge Angel fan and I was very disappointed when I saw the terrible job done with Angel's human face. I've been waiting for Sideshow to do a PF Angel and now my chance to having a PF Angel to match the quality of the PF Spike is gone... or is it?

I've been considering commisioning a sculpt of Angel's human face, having it casted and replace the horrible human version with a more accurate version. Now I had planned to buy the regular version and that would mean cutting of Angel's human head. It would have to be carefully remove, replaced, most likely filling the gaps with putty they way you would on a resin kit, and then painted. Would anyone be willing to go this far? Let me here from you. Maybe we can get our money together and get Angel done right.

By the way, does anyone know who sculpted the PF Angel?


Ok, now that there appears to be some interest, let's get a list of who is seriously interested in getting this sculpted. To make it easier let's make the head slip in the same slot the the Vampire head would fit into. (Im assuming that's how SSC will do this).

Let me hear from you and I'll start a list.

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Why don't you just buy the exclusive. The both heads are separate then.
I'm in on that idea. I much rather want a "Buffy season 1-3" Angel. A younger look...

And it all depends on how much such a commission will cost us :)
I'm in on that idea. I much rather want a "Buffy season 1-3" Angel. A younger look...

And it all depends on how much such a commission will cost us :)

I would definitely want a Season 1 - 3 Angel as well.

The cost per customer will be determined on how many people would be interested. I have two sculptors in mind. One would be Andy Bergholtz. Does anyone know if he'd able to do this? He's no longer sculpting for SSC, correct?

I don't know for sure, but my guess is that the body for the regular and exclusive are identical, in that the head fits into a slot. Most likely the regular is just glued in, where the exclusive is removable. If so, then it should not be impossible (or even terribly difficult) to remove the head and leave the slot in place for a new one, if that is what someone would want to do.
You may be right, RoboDad.

Let's try this way. How may would be interested in getting in on commissioning a replacement human Angel head for the Exclusive version? We can have the head made to easily replace the human version on the exclusive Angel and those with the regular version can do some altering. Anyone?

It would only really be worth doing in my opinion if it was a drastically younger sculpt, otherwise it's quite easy just to recast the head, and re-alter it myself really, which I was intending to do If I get him.

Price is also a big factor. Maybe you should set a poll up here.
I'm interested, but whether or not I'd actually purchase a commissioned human head would depend on a number of factors...

1) Cost of commissioned head.
2) Sculpt of commissioned head.
3) Sculpt of Sideshow final product head (almost certainly won't change, but could look much better in real life)
I understand, BillyBud. Of course who is sculpting it and the cost of the sculpt is important, but once we agree to have it sculpted and put down the money, you really can't change your mind. That means if the head cost $500 and 10 people pay $50 each and then someone decides that they like the look of the SSC just fine, they can't say, "Hey, I want my $50 back." That would end up screwing everyone else. If you're in and then you like the SSC sculpt just fine afterwards, the commissioned head is yours. You are welcome to sell it. Does everyone agree with that?

I'm not sure how many people are going to want to pay for a commissioned head when there is no guarantee that it will turn out better than the Sideshow one. Commissioning a head is a good idea in theory, but I have the feeling that support will drop considerably once it comes time to cough up the money. I'm not trying to be negative. Just saying...

Maybe you should wait until AFTER the Sideshow figure is released.
I myself would have to see the artists portfolio including similar human portraits. That combined with the final price would help me decide.
I myself would have to see the artists portfolio including similar human portraits. That combined with the final price would help me decide.

same here
I would have to see that the sculptor would be able to capture a young looking David, im talking the face AND hair!

I would consider doing this, but would the casts be painted?

Also, how can we be sure it would fit into the body. Maybe someone who gets the exclusive could let the sculptor borrow the head, they can make a cast of it and build it from that. That ensures that it would then fit into the body.

No... This is about a third additional head to the SS PF Angel. Some external sculptor would be hired to do it.
I would be interested depending on the sculptor's portfolio and integrity. I really don't want to put money down for something that won't stay on track and could run into countless delays (ie. look at some of the commissions at the Statue Forum).

....but I do think if SS can remove the wrinkles, we may be in good shape.
