Wolverine Origins (Spoilers/Discussion)

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I saw this tonight and thought it was quite good! I loved Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth, Gambit was really cool and Jackman as usual was great as Wolvie. The one and only thing I didn't like about the movie was the way they handled Deadpool, but studios are always going to take liberties like that with characters so I can live with it. It was very solid and I really enjoyed it, I don't get where all the hate and talk of it being horrible comes from.
*sigh*....why you ask?

The story is beyond poor.

So. Wolverine and his brother decide to go fight all the wars in history, until Stryker asks them to join a secret team. They have ONE mission (It is not implied they had more then one.) and Wolverine...the animal, the bad man, up and leaves once they start killin some people. He goes with his girlfriend, who we never really get to know anyway, to canada. Stryker says "VICTOR IZ KILLIN EVRYBODY...PLZ HELP!11" "Logan" (how he want from Jimmy, to Logan is never known....) declines. Then Sabes kills his underdeveloped girlfriend, and he goes on a "rampage".

After losing, Stryker tells him he can help. So he loads him up with adamantium. Why you ask? Perhaps for Victor..but the real goal is...OMG TO TAKE HIS DNA for BarkraPool! So, insted of just taking his DNA, they loaded him up with indesructible metal.....good plan Mr. Stryker. SO he gets out....and meets some old people. We never know their names, and they die. Woopy. We meet Blob to gain info. Then Gambit. Then we find out this entire thing was a lie...wow.

So he fights BarkraPool in one of the most poorly done effect/fight scene ever....(Yes, I did see that scene in the theaters). Now...how does Wolverine lose his memory? He gets shot in the head with an adamantium bullet. Yes.
You forgot:

How stupid is X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Here's an example that the most sensitive among you might find spoilery: After Logan, our hero, has had his bones laced with the super-indestructible metal adamantium (in an attempt to make him a completely indestructible weapon) he hears that the military guys who did it to him want to erase his memory. He freaks out and escapes; they chase him. The military sends Agent Zero, a mutant whose power (near as I can tell) is shooting real good. Wolverine kills the ^^^^ out of this guy; we cut to the military HQ where the bad guys are chatting about how the only way to possibly stop Wolverine is to shoot him with special adamantium bullets. Which are sitting there in the base. Which never went out in the gun of the guy whose mutant power is shooting people really good. That's pretty stupid.
It doesnt matter what you "think"...it matters what it is. You wonder why it gets the hate...and I tell you.
It doesnt matter what you "think"...it matters what it is. You wonder why it gets the hate...and I tell you.
It doesn't matter what I think huh? What gave you the idea that your opinion matters to me? You can criticize and pick apart the movie all you like, it's still not gonna change the fact that I liked it.
No it's not.

I like KOTCS, but I know why people hate it. (Fridges, and Monkies dont count....)

It's not an opinion that the movie his horribly flawed. At thats why people dont like it.