What's your HAPPIEST Star Wars moment?

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Super Freak
Jul 16, 2010
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For me, standing in line outside the cinema waiting for Empire to start at 10 years old.

Then again at 13 for Jedi (and having wagged school with a whole bunch of mates).

The anticipation of the films, the build up, and the eventual triumph that both movies were was unparalleled (remember I was only 13, so yes, even Jedi was triumphant at that stage :)
Probably going to see jedi with my dad and then going to KayBee Toys after and seeing all the new figures...I got the Gamorrean Guard that day..Also getting the AT-AT for xmas was awesome
"Anything Star Wars is Fab! Hey -- can I friend you?"

Watching all 3 original films over and over, and reneacting them.

Buying my first Star Wars figures. Luke X-Wing Pilot, C-3PO, and Vader.

Then getting a ____ ton of Star Wars toys for Christmas like the Falcon and X-Wing...

Me and my dad having late night Saber battles in the dark while we watched Return of the Jedi.....great moment actually.

Then Episode 1. I was pretty young back then. But I remember the moments.

All the pepsi products were covered in SW pictures. I always got Mountain Dew for Darth Maul.

The toys.

And then my dad taking me out of school to see the movie opening day was pretty amazing. We went to Denny's and I tried the Boneless Buffalo Chicken dish they had. Fell in love. Then saw the movie. It was great at the time.

I also loved when the Episode II stuff came out. That was where I got my information from before I got on the internet. I looked at every figure to try and piece the story together.

Hated that movie though.

Episode III hype was pretty epic as well.
Skipping school with my two mates to see epsiode three on its first showing and being surrounded by thirty year olds with robes and lightsabers.
Order 66. Although not a happy moment in the story and also way too short, it's a great combination of image and sound and look and feel.
The music shows the inevitable horror that all Jedis now face, seeing Yoda shudder letting his stick fall down ...
That is the (only) real magic moment of all prequels. Happy however maybe because it made me accept those prequels at all.
That order 66 movement and the ensuing murderous rampage on the little jedi's is easily one of my favorite film moments let alone favorite Star Wars moment.

Actually, as a whole, ROTS is one of my favorite Star Wars films. I have very fond memories of that film.
Watching my son clap with excitement when the Star Wars logo popped at the beginning of the movie. He was only 2 then. Then 25 minutes later he lost interest and wanted to play. :lol