What was your first computer?

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What was your first computer?

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Super Freak
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Halls Gap, Australia
Just out of curiousity, I was wondering what others first computers were. For me, it started in '84 with the Amstrad CPC 464. Yeah the one with the tape drive, that took 30+ mins to load a game :) There was an option of buying it with a green or color monitor (had the color one). I still have it to this day lol.


From there, I went on to a C64, then Atari 1040(ST?), Amiga 500, then an IBM "clone".
some kind of Atari computer, but cant remember anymore than that. I recall having a cassette tape storage device also.
I remember buying some computer game magazine and in the back they had the program code for video games you had to enter into your comp 1 letter at a time. It took FOREVER to install a game.
Oh yep the 464 magazines had those game programs as well. I think they were written in Basic, and often had 1000+ lines to enter! One typo in the program meant the game would not work, and would just give a syntax error. Very frustrating after spending a whole day to type it all up :)

Apologies for not having more poll choices - I thought to stick with main older computer types that others may have started with.
Well, if you want to call the Commodore Vic-20 a computer than its that. Later I "graduated" to the C-64.
When I was a kid in the 80s, we had a Commodore 64. It was great! I had all kind of cool games, including some Incredible Hulk game where you typed in commands, and an Aliens game where you fought in the power loader (unless I dreamed that up). We even had one of those old school printers hooked up to it, with the holes in the side of the paper that you had to rip off.
The C64 was far better than the 464, and there was some sort of rivalry between ppl who owned them haha. Yep there were some great games such as the Last Ninja series as well. Oh I remember the printer for it too! - a dot matrix and would make a screeching noise that was very loud when printing.
Atari 800


Early 80's, it belonged to my older brother. We played MULE, Mask of the Sun, and it even had an internet modem.

It took an hour to load a game. :lol
I dunno if atari 2600 counts. Other than that i never had one till 2001-2002

(and i'm glad to have grow up without one, kinda sad nobody/and this next generation will ever know whats that's like ever again)
Our first computer was an IBM PC Junior 128K :lol... we got copied games from a family member; which such classics as:
Kings Quest II (came on 2 floppies, real floppies that is)

And I think that was it. Best thing was you could save your progress in Kings Quest, but you had to have a dual floppy drive... since we only had one every time we died we had to start the whole game over again :lol Never did beat it :monkey2
Commodore 64 when i was a kid. i thought i was so cool with that!!! then when i was a senior in H.S. my parents bought me my first actual PC for my bday.
Mine was a Sinclair ZX81, followed up by the Sinclair Spectrum (which I even still have, somewhere, I think.)
commodore 64. followed by a $2000 I286. then a 386. skipped the 486 and went straight to Pentium I. Talk about speed baby. First modem = 2400. BBS porn @ 2400 bps when you're a teen = premature disappointment.

Edit: I may have had a Tandy too. I thank my parents for keeping me in the know growing up.