what are the pros and cons of a pittbull?

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very nice thanks yautja did you have to get them as puppys to train them early on and how difficult is it to brush there teeth, do they put up much of a struggle?

i got the dog from a neighbor who was moving away, he was around 4 or 5 yrs old and it wasnt too difficult to clean his teeth, he was actually very calm. if you want more info i suggest you check out dogforum.com i've found it to be very helpful.
i got the dog from a neighbor who was moving away, he was around 4 or 5 yrs old and it wasnt too difficult to clean his teeth, he was actually very calm. if you want more info i suggest you check out dogforum.com i've found it to be very helpful.

excellent thanks again yautja, ill sign up there and ask them some more questions
i got the dog from a neighbor who was moving away, he was around 4 or 5 yrs old and it wasnt too difficult to clean his teeth, he was actually very calm. if you want more info i suggest you check out dogforum.com i've found it to be very helpful.

Stop wasting your time.:lecture
They should be illegal to own.a bear can also be trained but it doesn't make it a good pet.to many people are getting these dogs and its nothing but a loaded weapon.I was friends with a girl who had one and when I would gvo over her house he was aws nice as could be ,if he disobeyed I would dicaplin him and he was fine.one day I went over and she wasn't there,I took 1 step inside and that dog almost had me for lunch.if it wasn't for my catlike reflexes I wouldn't be writing this now.they are a dangerous breed,if you want a good pet get a boxer,or lab or anything else.if you want a unpredxictable dog get a pitbull.
They should be illegal to own.a bear can also be trained but it doesn't make it a good pet.to many people are getting these dogs and its nothing but a loaded weapon.I was friends with a girl who had one and when I would gvo over her house he was aws nice as could be ,if he disobeyed I would dicaplin him and he was fine.one day I went over and she wasn't there,I took 1 step inside and that dog almost had me for lunch.if it wasn't for my catlike reflexes I wouldn't be writing this now.they are a dangerous breed,if you want a good pet get a boxer,or lab or anything else.if you want a unpredxictable dog get a pitbull.
I don't know if this is serious or not, but comparing a pittbull to a bear is ridiculous.
A bear is a WILD animal..it hasn't been domesticated over THOUSANDS OF YEARS like a friggin dog... You have to give the dog a reason to attack you (unless it's just naturally aggressive from being abused all it's life or somthing..). With bears, lions, tigers, etc..you don't. They are completely unpredictable, and FAR more dangerous...A 5 foot tall, 10 foot long WILD, UNDOMESTICATED Kodiak/Polar bear is going to do a lot more damage than a foot 1/2 tall, 2-3 foot long DOMESTICATED dog.

You walked into a friend's house when she wasn't there and her dog acts defensive? Good dog.. :slap
If one of my friend's walks into my house when I'm not home..I guarantee you my cocker spaniel will go after them, and he's the most docile animal I have owned.
In fact, I remember him doing just that a few times my friends tried going inside before me.

I have been around friends' pittbulls several times and they acted like any other dog would.. Even addopted a STRAY pittbull when I was like, 8..he was such a sweet dog. When I would walk him, he would be afraid of this Collie that would bark at us.

Everytime I see some severe pittbull attack, the owners live in some trashy trailer house and look like they haven't showered in weeks.

Pittbulls are tough dogs. When they want to hurt you, you're most likely going to get hurt. When they bite you..they don't let go. But a pittbull who has had a good home, and has been properly cared for, is NOT going to randomly go on a killing spree..unless it has some mental illness or somthing.
I have and had Pitbulls a majority of mylife and I can say that all these idiots that are talking bad about the breed need to go to hell. I have not ever met a more loyal, kind, loving, and perfect breed of dog. I have had Pitbulls from puppies, all the way down to fighting dogs that I saved at a rescue. I have never had a problem with any of them. They are excellent around kids and are more aware of them than most adults. The biggest problem I ever had with one is the current one I have now. But it isn't even a real problem. She just growls a little bit at people that come to the house, but never has done anything more of that. She obviously was abused in some way and has a hard time trusting just anybody. She's never done anything to harm anybody and has been around multiple kids during family get togethers. She's even calmer with the kids even after they pull and tug on her tail and ears. And might I add, this is a dog that I rescued, and god knows what she all went through. They are also very good with other animals and I have never had any problems. Even my cat!
Do not listen to any of these fools about the breeds ruthless tendencies because they are all lies. Sure if you have no idea how to give love to an animal and tie him/her up all day, you might have a problem, but the dog isn't born to be bad. It's the owners. Just anything else, you take care of your animal, it will love you back unconditionally.
If you want a downside, all I can say is that they are susceptible to tumors (skin growths) and some health problems depending on where you get one. If it comes from a reputable breeder you might not have these problems. If not, you might run into them.
My last Pit only lasted 8 years and it absolutely crushed me when she died. And to this day, every single person that ever met that dog, swears that she was the kindest, nicest dog EVER! Some were non believers of the breed, but are now extremely quick to check anybody that nay says now.
Get one, and don't look back. You will have the best pet in your life. Mark my words.
No disrespect to anybody, but seriously people need to really be put in their place especially if they have no idea what they are talking about.
Pitbulls usually prefer red twizzlers, but tootsie roll little people (PC term) should work.

AKA Little Chocolate Babies

Quiggle, did you ever happen to play Q_Bert or wear snuggies in your life time? You seem familiar to me, a certain someone from another board.
ive been thinking very strongly recently about adopting a pittbull and i dont feel they have a fair treatment stereotypically in the media as being violent dogs, so i was just curious to know if any of you have them as pets and can tell me the pros and cons of them? thanks!

They're great to have rough sex with. Try it
All I will say is that I feel sorry for those who are still in denial about the breed. The truth is written all throughout the world of information if you all decide to finally take the blinders off and do the research. And I will hope with all of my heart that you all do NOT find out the truth the hard way.
I've known a lot of docile pitbulls. At no point did I forget the caliber of damage that they were capable of inflicting. For that reason alone, I will never keep one, particularly in the company of children. It's a simple matter of risk and whether you are willing to take it. The sweetest animal in the world can feel threatened, but few of them can inflict harm the way a pitbull can.
Pros: You can eat him if need be.

Cons: He can eat you first. Even if he doesn't need to.
Well, I'd say he's over-rated and over-hyped as a rapper, and that way he talks out of the side of his mouth is totally sketchy.

Oh, and don't feed him Tootsie Roll midgies, they'll get him completely bound up; or if you MUST feed him the midgies, be sure to accompany them with a few docusate sodium capsules.

Word to the wise... :lecture
They should be illegal to own.a bear can also be trained but it doesn't make it a good pet.

What are you implying? That I should give up my pet bear?? I won't do it! The neighbor kids love going for rides on his back and having their pictures taken with him, and he cleans all the scraps off my plate, which cuts down immensely on trips to the dustbin. My bear is the best thing that ever happened to me! :clap
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