Statue Weta Workshop Smaug the Terrible Statue

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Yes, I have both of those dinos and they have great paint jobs. They are also tiny compared to Smaug. You don't have this in hand. It's massive. A large part of the price is just for the piece itself let alone the paint job.
A larger creature piece is easier to paint well then a smaller one, at this price range it should not be a reasonable train of thought to accept sub par paint jobs just cause of the mass of polystone involved.

Weta uses unlike some others high quality materials throughout for their collectibles so one should not expect their products to be in the cheap range of collectibles when compared to other manufacturers. I honestly think they are the best at what they do for years now.

I'm just confused they let their possibly biggest ME release ship with paint jobs clearly below what other releases have compared to their prototypes when they could delay it and/or raise the price another 50-100 to ship out a paint job as stellar as the sculpt, packaging and other top quality efforts that went into this statue.
I'm just confused they let their possibly biggest ME release ship with paint jobs clearly below what other releases have compared to their prototypes when they could delay it and/or raise the price another 50-100 to ship out a paint job as stellar as the sculpt, packaging and other top quality efforts that went into this statue.

As someone who owns this piece I don't know where you're getting this opinion. Maybe a couple people got ones with paint issues but I've seen several including mine that have outstanding paint jobs. Not to be a jerk or anything but you've made it clear here and S&F that you think the paint job is an issue. I do think it's time for you to find something else to talk about. You've beaten that horse pretty good.
A larger creature piece is easier to paint well then a smaller one, at this price range it should not be a reasonable train of thought to accept sub par paint jobs just cause of the mass of polystone involved.

Weta uses unlike some others high quality materials throughout for their collectibles so one should not expect their products to be in the cheap range of collectibles when compared to other manufacturers. I honestly think they are the best at what they do for years now.

I'm just confused they let their possibly biggest ME release ship with paint jobs clearly below what other releases have compared to their prototypes when they could delay it and/or raise the price another 50-100 to ship out a paint job as stellar as the sculpt, packaging and other top quality efforts that went into this statue.

I build lots of monster models. I paint lots of monster models. Bigger models do not mean easier paint jobs. If you think that, then you have never painted anything.
As someone who owns this piece I don't know where you're getting this opinion. Maybe a couple people got ones with paint issues but I've seen several including mine that have outstanding paint jobs. Not to be a jerk or anything but you've made it clear here and S&F that you think the paint job is an issue. I do think it's time for you to find something else to talk about. You've beaten that horse pretty good.

Noted, no problem.

I build lots of monster models. I paint lots of monster models. Bigger models do not mean easier paint jobs. If you think that, then you have never painted anything.

I'm a painter myself, and a perfectionist. I know the people at Weta are as well, and way better then me. So I just find it strange they don't ask the factory painters to just spend another hour or two on each piece to add in some wash, tones or even dry brushing on appropriate places, it would do so much for a sculpt of this amazing quality.

When Weta made the 3d model for the statue they even made sure his scales was modeled so they could take several layers of paint without being smothered.
I'm a painter myself, and a perfectionist. I know the people at Weta are as well, and way better then me. So I just find it strange they don't ask the factory painters to just spend another hour or two on each piece to add in some wash, tones or even dry brushing on appropriate places, it would do so much for a sculpt of this amazing quality.
I will agree with you that a little washing and dry brushing would have done a world of good. I actually have been thinking about doing that myself but I worry about compromising future value. Some people don't want you to breathe on less it takes away from its authenticity.
As someone who owns this piece I don't know where you're getting this opinion. Maybe a couple people got ones with paint issues but I've seen several including mine that have outstanding paint jobs.

To be fair Josh, he's not totally wrong. I'm sure for what it is, the paint job is "outstanding", but so far, every photo of the production piece has pretty much been the same and that is it's been a more simplified version of what the website photo's look like. Sure, each one is hand painted and hence the "variations may occur", but it's more then that. It's not so much as variations, as it is missing paint layers which is very clear to see on the head.

Was it expecting too much to have the production and prototype match more closely in relation to paint apps? Maybe. But at the same time, others have more or less matched. Radagast is so close to prototype photo's it's not funny and just recently, Faramir is fairly darn close too. So why not Smaug?

I have no doubt that had Smaug been released 10 years ago, not a thing would be said, but as can be seen in my photo of Faramir and Boromir, a lot has changed in 10 years and the overall quality has gotten so much better. Shouldn't we keep pushing for improvements, even if it is only to adjust ones expectations.

PS On a side note, anyone know whats happening with S&F, it's been down for a number of days now.
Is it "exactly" like the proto? I don't know probably not but its a damn good paint job at least on all but one I've seen. I understand that people have high expectations but I don't have an issue with saying this piece met that. At least for me he did. I agree that Radagast and Faramir are fantastic but so is Smaug and he's on that level. Having all three of them. I don't have an issue saying that.

Smaug being released now or then doesn't matter, imo. A lot has changed and Smaug shows that I think. Again on all but that one we saw that had very flat paint. I do think the proto was so detailed paint wise it was never going to hit that but I do think looking at mine at least and a few others that some got as close as a production piece can get. So while I agree that we want to push for better and better I do think the paint job on my Smaug is some of Weta's best work.
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There's no question the proto paint job dwarfs the production, from what I can tell and most people who have it say. However, that does not itself equate to the paint job being bad. The paint job still looks quite good and to call it a $20 toy is a bit asinine. It should be better, yes. Weta should ask the factory to step up it's game a little. But again, "should be better" and "not like the prototype" are not synonymous with "bad".
Noted, no problem.

I'm a painter myself, and a perfectionist. I know the people at Weta are as well, and way better then me. So I just find it strange they don't ask the factory painters to just spend another hour or two on each piece to add in some wash, tones or even dry brushing on appropriate places, it would do so much for a sculpt of this amazing quality.

When Weta made the 3d model for the statue they even made sure his scales was modeled so they could take several layers of paint without being smothered.

wow...Man... you are still beating on the dead horse...:horror you really never listen to what other people said or never try to understand what other people tried to convey to you either on this form or S&F forum :) People who got the sculpt kept telling you they are satisfied with the paintjob or telling you the paintjob is good / up to the standard, but you ignored all those comments and kept saying it is bad. While there are people commented they are disappointed with the paintjob or found issues, you are the first to support. :clap

Another 1-2 hours for each piece? 2000pieces x 2 hours = 4000 hours. If those painters work 12 hours a day, they need 333 more days to finish painting all the Smaugs. Try to think from other side too. Weta sculpting department is not Weta digital, Weta sculpting department needs to earn money to support it's own department too. Every company needs to take care of their costs. When you say "why not add 1-2 more hours to do more....", you don't know what impact would be causing on Weta's operation cost, etc.

But anyway, i do not totally deny what you said, your complains might work and made Weta to improve on their paintjob quality (nothing is free, that might put the extra cost on the statue), or improve their quality control too. But non-stop waiting for chance to repeat same complain again and again for weeks just too much in my humble opinion.

Questions, since you are a professional painter too, may I ask how much would you charge if someone is looking for you to repaint Smaug to get the official photo's paintjob quality? And how long do you need?

PEACE. Cheers~

That is so cruel...!!
Now I know what this icon means.
Should they change the horse for an Smaug?
My English is not so good looking.
Speaking of shipping, what are the dimensions on the box Smaug arrives in? I saw his cardboard box in the background watching another statue review and it looked MASSIVE, like will just barely fit through your door massive. Out of curiosity, anyone got the measurements?
Speaking of shipping, what are the dimensions on the box Smaug arrives in? I saw his cardboard box in the background watching another statue review and it looked MASSIVE, like will just barely fit through your door massive. Out of curiosity, anyone got the measurements?

I for one would like someone to try a repaint of Daddy Smaug. Maybe Rayeknor knows someone at Papo and get it painted by them,or he can let us know (if he buys Daddy Smaug) to paint it himself. I understand the paint app does not match the prototype, and that some pieces missed some layers. I didn't let that stop me from buying Daddy Smaug.
I for one would like someone to try a repaint of Daddy Smaug. Maybe Rayeknor knows someone at Papo and get it painted by them,or he can let us know (if he buys Daddy Smaug) to paint it himself. I understand the paint app does not match the prototype, and that some pieces missed some layers. I didn't let that stop me from buying Daddy Smaug.

A full on repaint will set you back a few bills but would probably blow everyone away. Especially on a piece like this.
Still looking forward to getting mine, hopefully next month.