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El Roranous

Super Freak
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
SoCal! San Diego
Recently I was able to acquire the complete Angel series for a very reasonable price. Even though I hadn't seen it before I had heard good things about the show and I also liked Buffy.

So now I am on the third season of Angel and I must say, to me it's the better show of the two. Buffy is great but to me there was something missing and sometimes it was way to girly. Lots of relationships and heartbreaks... ehh. Not always my cup of tea.

The humor on Angel seems to be better for me as well. I loved how they always make him look goofy while he is trying to be a bad ass. For example, I think in season 1 he was acting all tough and jumped into his convertible only to find out that he had jumped in the wrong car. Another favorite moment of mine was when he had to wear the pink helmet. :lol :rotfl On Buffy, the humor is more like "ouch, I broke a nail- you'll pay for that demon." Although I do find Anya to be a very funny character.

Overall, I think I enjoy the characters more on Angel and also the show really seems to leave you wanting more. After the first season it gets even better.

Just thought I would share my feelings. Which one do you prefer and why?

I guess I should mention- try not to drop any spoilers. I am not completely done with either show yet. :duff
I'm a much bigger fan of Angel. As you said, it's more of a guy's show. Darker and less of a focus on the soap opera romance stuff, but with the same irreverant humor and sharp dialogue that made Buffy fun to watch.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the darkness of the show. I am into that as well.

After watching the Buffy episode, HUSH, I was left wanting more shows styled in that manner. I don't really know what was different about it, besides half the show being silent. I think it just seemed more creepy and Halloween like to me.

Another thing I am enjoying about Buffy is Spike. I think his character really adds a lot to the show. Without him I doubt that the show would be that fun to watch. By the way, kind of off topic but Riley bores the snot out of me. :lol
I loved Angel but I think it suffered from lack of overall direction. Season five's premise bugged me.
I enjoyed em both, i cant really compare them tbh they both have their strengths and weaknesses. Id still say im more of a Buffy fan than Angel though.
Rory has a big butt and anything he says is complete drivel.

Having said all of that, Rory's big butt and all, and the fact that what comes out of him is complete and utter BS, Angel and Buffy rock!
Rory is the love of my life and I don't understand why he won't acknowledge my love for him. He is a big poo poo head.

Having said all of that, Rory's big %^&is and all, and the fact that what comes out of him is complete and utter awesomeness, I am simply to gay to go on!

Dude calm down. :lol
Buffy will always be the best cause well, it came first and it just kicks ass! But Angel was really fun, and i really liked how they could make fun of themselves. I however didn't like the way the show went with Angel having a son and then cordy screwing him, that was REALLY gross. yuck!!! I know they tried to explain it away with demon blah blah blah, but you just can't scrub those images away. that being said. the best eps ever was the puppet one with spike and angel! man I laughed my ass off! And I cried, yes cried (im a chick, after all) when fred died. that sucked eggs! well, my two cents. :D
At the time I preferred BTVS to AtS, but as time as gone on I found myself loving Angel a lot more. The show was darker in tine, and I feel has 'aged' very well.

It's galling that recently theres been a renewed interest in Vampire shows and movies, most of which seem to weak 'knock offs' of Whedons shows, and basically bring very little that is new to the table.
Sorry love, no argument intended here either, but It just gets me down when I see folks coming on her and calling what others enjoy 'garbage'.

A reasoned explanation as to why someone dislikes something is fine, but just using that phrase can get peoples backs up, as it did mine rather.

I suppose that it doesn't help that we've had a fair bit of that recently on some other threads here lately.
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