Vader: Stitching, Hands & other Issues Discussion

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Again, the stitching in person for Vader was fine. I did not talk to one freak who thought otherwise.

Here's a couple of shots from the beginning of the thread to chew on...the RS one looks just fine to me....the second one looks like the figure is in such intense lighting that the material is almost dark grey or as others pointed out, it's been sharpened in PS to the point where the stitches look more intense than they really appear "in person".

I think Vader looks fantastic...

Josh, you or anyone have any other shots to throw in the mix?
I think a good rule of thumb about stitching is the Giles suit. In pictures it looks ridiculous but in person the stitching isn't very noticeable.
Josh, you or anyone have any other shots to throw in the mix?

Yeah, I do. I'll add all of the shots I took once they load in Photobucket. They're going to show the stitches because I sharpened them or the flash in some shots.

I think a good rule of thumb about stitching is the Giles suit. In pictures it looks ridiculous but in person the stitching isn't very noticeable.

I think thats a good way of looking at it.
Well that proves it!! 12th stitch from the top on the left tabbard is loose.


A lot of criticisms are very valid, but some remind me of the old bumper sticker "If you can read this you're too close."
For the $35 I'm paying for Vader, the stitching is absolutely FINE. Best value in the Star Wars line ever, for me at least.
I wonder if he'll have the leather collar for the cape? The chain hasn't been shown, but is listed in the features.
all i see when i look at these shots is stitching with a vader figure thrown in. that's the last straw. how can i go on living when vader looks like this. im canceling my vader exclusive right now.:rolleyes:
I did noticed the stitching when seeing it in person at SDCC, but imho it's not really worth carping over. It's not a deal-breaker at all and overall this is still an awesome figure.
Thanks for those great shots. Josh. I'm with Anzik here...where's the bumper sticker that says "If you can read this...." :) I think this whole "stitch" thing is a non-issue....when does the carping begin on the black for the helmet not being black enough? :rotfl

He looks just great. Nice to see from these photos that the cape is lined. That will really give it plenty of weight to lay and drape correctly.
I did noticed the stitching when seeing it in person at SDCC, but imho it's not really worth carping over. It's not a deal-breaker at all and overall this is still an awesome figure.

Yeah. It's there and it's noticeable if you look for it but it's not bad or detracting from the figure.
I did noticed the stitching when seeing it in person at SDCC, but imho it's not really worth carping over. It's not a deal-breaker at all and overall this is still an awesome figure.

Was waiting for you to say this again and I'll call ya out on it again. We talked a ton about this piece multiple times and I even asked you for ALL the issues about it. You never once even said the seems where visible. So IMO it seems you just need something to poke at about Vader. Its just your nature. :lol

Thanks for those great shots. Josh. I'm with Anzik here...where's the bumper sticker that says "If you can read this...." :) I think this whole "stitch" thing is a non-issue....when does the carping begin on the black for the helmet not being black enough? :rotfl

He looks just great. Nice to see from these photos that the cape is lined. That will really give it plenty of weight to lay and drape correctly.

No problem. Yeah, its a great piece. Probably my top piece at the show from this year.
Was waiting for you to say this again and I'll call ya out on it again. We talked a ton about this piece multiple times and I even asked you for ALL the issues about it. You never once even said the seems where visible. So IMO it seems you just need something to poke at about Vader. Its just your nature.
:confused: Just because I noticed stitching doesn't mean I think it's an issue. I don't. It's a 1/6 figure with clothing. OF COURSE there's stitching. Those who are being difficult here are the ones who are a) making a big deal about said stitching or b) claiming that the stitching is somehow invisible in person. Both of those are crazy, imho.

I saw the prototype in person at SDCC and loved it. I still do. But, yeah, I did notice the stitching and was "eh" about it. So what? I'll be the first to say that it doesn't dampen my enthusiasm for the figure one bit.
Why so irritable lately, Josh?! :huh

I remember seeing the stiching, but I didn't expect any different - most 1/6 figs have this problem, right? I am by no means a 1/6 afficianado but I do have Vader on order; I suppose that says something for my opinion of the figure.

I remember seeing the stiching, but I didn't expect any different - most 1/6 figs have this problem, right?

Exactly, that's why it's not an issue, even if you can see it. The flash in some of these pics just makes the stitching glaring, like they stick out... and it's not that way in person. But they're not invisible, either. Sheesh, people. This really shouldn't be that hard.
:confused: Just because I noticed stitching doesn't mean I think it's an issue. I don't. It's a 1/6 figure with clothing. OF COURSE there's stitching. Those who are being difficult here are the ones who are a) making a big deal about said stitching or b) claiming that the stitching is somehow invisible in person. Both of those are crazy, imho.

I saw the prototype in person at SDCC and loved it. I still do. But, yeah, I did notice the stitching and was "eh" about it. So what? I'll be the first to say that it doesn't dampen my enthusiasm for the figure one bit.

Well, I can guarantee you I'm not crazy. Its not an issue because you're right it will have stitching though even when I got to look at it up close without the case it wasn't noticeable like in the pics.

Why so irritable lately, Josh?! :huh

I remember seeing the stiching, but I didn't expect any different - most 1/6 figs have this problem, right? I am by no means a 1/6 afficianado but I do have Vader on order; I suppose that says something for my opinion of the figure.


I'm not irritable at all. Not sure what you mean there. I can't discuss something without being irratable now? Guess I should just stick to talking with the brotherhood in the video game section. Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. :rotfl

They all have them but again it wasn't like it shows in the pics.
I'm not irritable at all. Not sure what you mean there. I can't discuss something without being irratable now? Guess I should just stick to talking with the brotherhood in the video game section. Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. :rotfl

I can assure you that you haven't hurt my feelings, but between this discussion and the Obama tax thread you seem to be a bit quick to pounce; take a deep breath man -- it's all good, we're all friends here right? :peace