Uncharted 2:Among Thieves

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Maybe, beta multi is alright. I love the first one, got all the trophies, beat it 6 times, bought the soundtrack...so I hope this one will exceed that in everyway.

Yeah same loved the first one and i like deathmatch on Beta but i'm buying it for the SP side if i'm honest and i just know it's gonna own :rock
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Maybe, beta multi is alright. I love the first one, got all the trophies, beat it 6 times, bought the soundtrack...so I hope this one will exceed that in everyway.

Maybe you can answer a question regarding Uncharted's trophies for me. I replayed it again to get the trophies, but inadvertantly missed one treasure and couldn't go back to get it (it's the trophy right before the first jet ski sequence). Instead of continuing my game, I had to choose chapter select. Anyways, I ended up getting the missing treasure and beat the game again. However, I did not get the trophy for collecting all 60 treasures or beating the game on Hard difficulty. Was this because I used the Chapter Select and didn't beat it "one" play-through?
this game will rock! i cannot wait! it was probably the best looking game at E3 !!

gametrailers gave it "best graphics" at E3! just looks amazing!

i did not know what to expect when i played the first one and when i did i was wowed!!

got this one already pre-ordered!