Tyler Durden from Fight Club (Brad Pitt)

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Dec 29, 2008
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Death Star
Does anyone know who currently makes the best, most screen accurate Tyler Durden from the movie Fight Club?

I really want one badly, and since I don't think HT is gonna make them, I'm considering custom. I'm pretty flexible with the price as long as its a really good custom.

Appreciate any infos or suggestions :)
I never saw a tlyer durden but i would like to see one also!
I love the look at the end of the movie with the fur coat!

I love that look too, mate!

Its like the final battle version, just like the octopus' outfit in the last scene of the spirit that HT made. So I'm guessing that if HT made one, its going to be SWEET!

The only thing that I dislike is the oakley glasses. A bit to futuristic and doesn't compliment Tyler's outfit. I really like the red tinted oliver peoples shades that he wore in the beginning of the movie.

I'd buy every single version if HT decide to 'jokerize' tyler. Got the red leather jacket airport costume, pajamas with those bunny slippers, waiter costume, battle damage version from the underground fight, final battle costume and there's more, but that's what I could remember right now.

Come on HT, please get the Fight Club license! I need my Tyler Durden figure badly!
We need this!


^ yeah! I'm getting those red tinted shades :D

We need kojun or yulli to do the sculpt short hair and spikey hair tyler, and a rubber body from rambo, and harue for the outfit!

Does kojun or harue do single orders?
don't you think that having a figure of Tyler Durden goes against everything he was preaching in the movie?
This I would want too, I think there have been a few Norton sculpts made so it would also be an option having the 2 displayed together. One Norton and the other his split personality.
don't you think that having a figure of Tyler Durden goes against everything he was preaching in the movie?

This would matter if you actually believed what the character was preaching in the film. Since I view him as an anti-social villain, I don't care that making him an action figure goes against the character's anarchist beliefs.

I would also like to see an Edward Norton fight club figure. Can't have a villain without the hero, even if they are the same guy. :)
fair enough, depends on how you see him i suppose.

there is currently a kit on the bay item number 260092387460