Things I Hate

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I will forget. I think I might even pick up some fleas for the occasion.

At the very least, pick up some Tucks to ease the pain for the flight. :lol

I got patted down on a trip to Ontario (SoCal) for a convention when I forgot about my business card case. Honestly, these guys are overworked and trying to find needles in haystacks and getting blamed for everything that makes it through. I couldn't think of a ____tier job. I pity them.
I've got a copy of the fist to da FACE!!!! :mad:


I'm sick of hearing that this is some kind of warmest spring EVAH!!!!!!!!!, when it's still cold as witch teats, the second the sun goes down or a cloud goes by.
I flew this week. I was pulled for a TSA frisk because I forgot I had camera batteries in one of my pockets. A TSA dude touched my balls.

I hate that he didn't give me his phone number. What about my feelings?

You should've told him, "That will be 5 dolla, Joe!"

Joe touched you?????
You bastid! You LUCKY LUCKY Bastid!
I'm sick of hearing that this is some kind of warmest spring EVAH!!!!!!!!!, when it's still cold as witch teats, the second the sun goes down or a cloud goes by.

You need to move.

Winter was awsome. It snowed twice and the snow lasted about a hour each time. :yess:
Yeah, my little sister just moved to Florida. :gah:

I'd rather the whole Earth just heat up and make Maine have nice weather for more than a month and a half each year. Fat chance.
I love a mixture of hat and cold. There are things about both that I love. In winter I love to snowboard with my kids and snuggle up to a fire with a mug of my homemade chili and another of hot cocoa with my woman next to me (LOL...looks like I'ma need a new one of those), and a good movie on while it is snowing outside.

And in the summer I love working in the yard and taking my kids swimming...and then there are the hot sweaty nights under the sheets with the right woman.

Every season is full of win.

Edit - Now I need to make a stop in the "love" thread.
I PWN each of them so.... meh.

I love shoveling the snow in -20 windchill as I yell at the snow while it's coming down.

I love mowing while it's 110 degrees while I yell at my grass as it flies out the lawn mower, straight pwning!!!

I PWN each of them so.... meh.

I love shoveling the snow in -20 windchill as I yell at the snow while it's coming down.

I love mowing while it's 110 degrees while I yell at my grass as it flies out the lawn mower, straight pwning!!!


ski:.......(shaking fist at sky)........."DAMN YOU SNOW I WILL HULK SMASH YOU, I WILL KILL YOU SNOW, I WILL TEAR YOU FROM FLAKE TO FLAKE !!!!!!!!!"

neighbors:........."WTF?..........who is that outside yelling?"......."'s just that lunatic skiman.....that boy's cheeze done slid off his cracker".........:cuckoo: