Things I Hate

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I had an uncle who took my father's death very hard and he was the same way. Really upset me at the visitation. I don't think he ever did get over it. He died 8 months later.

Sorry to hear that Ween. :1-1: I think my uncle is just feeling guilty for never really being there for my Grandma. So now he is lashing out at everyone else and accusing them of stealing my Grandma's belongings...which is crazy talk because my Grandma put in her will what she wanted everyone to have and it's all there. Nothing's missing. It's unfortunate because his health is not the best right now. He has to have back surgery in a few months and he is turning all his family against him and I don't know if the damage he is causing can be repaired.
When I am in a public bathroom and someone gets into the stall next to me and grunts and groans and huffs and puffs like he is working P90X in there..

I had a guy doing that when I used the restroom after seeing Avengers. On my way out I told him he may want to go pick up some Pepto Bismol.
A new thing I hate - how a family death can bring out the very worst in some people. One of my dad's brother's (the most mellow one of them all, ironically) has done a 180 and is just being a real p.o.s. I know it's because of his guilt and inability to deal with my grandma's death...but damn. He's been a real jerk to my dad and his other brothers. I'm half tempted to give him a piece of my mind.

He's grieving, unfortunately. Seen that happen a lot and snapping at him may only make it worse. :(
Thread titles that end in a question mark but aren't really a question. "Cool License X Premium Format?" type stuff. I'm betting a good majority can be answered with "No."

I wonder if there is a vbulletin plug-in that will automatically reply to those threads with a "No." or a "Not bloody likely." Dave should look into that.

Another sighting today. Boy is it ugly... The management company really needs to get the pest control guy out here.
What a doosh..... had to stop at "word of god"

And to think America elects people that believe stuff like this... let alone for 2 terms. :lol
I think if you're equating the last President to people like that, you should be equating the present one to the full spectrum of leftist terrorists from the past three centuries.
I flew this week. I was pulled for a TSA frisk because I forgot I had camera batteries in one of my pockets. A TSA dude touched my balls.

I hate that he didn't give me his phone number. What about my feelings?
I flew this week. I was pulled for a TSA frisk because I forgot I had camera batteries in one of my pockets. A TSA dude touched my balls.

I hate that he didn't give me his phone number. What about my feelings?

You should've told him, "That will be 5 dolla, Joe!"