The Witcher netflix series

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Yep I finished it tonight and it was a slog with Yennifer. Yes, we get the elves are hated but they just kept pounding that drum. Some cool creature moments but lasted seconds. I feel like they want to be Game of Thrones but you can just feel how tv production it is. I think the writing didn't really savior great moments and the directing was meh.

I felt more involved with the first season, because of the dynamic leading up to Geralt and Ciri finally meeting.

From the start season two lacked any real connection between them. The writing isn't inspired enough to build the kind of dialogue that keeps you invested in the character's. GoT did that well.

While it's beginning to feel very LoTR with the elves and mention of dwarves, and the locations such as the empty walled town that recalled Bree, it lacks the epic nature. (It even had a watcher in the water in the sewers - but that's kind of a trope since the Dianoga in ANH).

The upper level scheming is tapping into GoT, but in a small way.

The episode came alive when the bard showed up and sang his very modern sounding song in his rocking long leather coat! But he's a bit of a cheesy character, for very light relief.
I felt more involved with the first season, because of the dynamic leading up to Geralt and Ciri finally meeting.

From the start season two lacked any real connection between them. The writing isn't inspired enough to build the kind of dialogue that keeps you invested in the character's. GoT did that well.
I honestly feel lost half the time. I've even played the hell out of Witcher 3 and still have a tough time with the politics of The Witcher world. Dialogue isn't intriguing at all.
I honestly feel lost half the time. I've even played the hell out of Witcher 3 and still have a tough time with the politics of The Witcher world. Dialogue isn't intriguing at all.

The first season was confusing due to the various timelines, but I found enough in the characters to stick with it to that pay off at the end.

With the second season the attraction is more the evocative locations and set designs. They're so reminiscent of the LoTR books, and D&D.

Story wise season two feels lazier. Go to the Sandpiper and he'll get you on a boat - actually he just tries to distract a single dock worker while everyone else just walks on board. lol

Or Yennefer rescuing that guy from execution so easily.

There's no real challenge, as if the characters are set on rails.
Yep I finished it tonight and it was a slog with Yennifer. Yes, we get the elves are hated but they just kept pounding that drum. Some cool creature moments but lasted seconds. I feel like they want to be Game of Thrones but you can just feel how tv production it is. I think the writing didn't really savior great moments and the directing was meh.
The elves didn't help themselves by basically telling Nilfgaard to piss off and renege on their deal once the baby is born.
The elves didn't help themselves by basically telling Nilfgaard to piss off and renege on their deal once the baby is born.
Are we meant to sympathise with the elves because they seem to make stupid decisions. It's not like Nilfgaard was just going to give them Cintra to rule over.
Are we meant to sympathise with the elves because they seem to make stupid decisions. It's not like Nilfgaard was just going to give them Cintra to rule over.
I sure as heck didn't and based on their actions can completely understand why they are hated.
As a whole, I found Season 2 to be a bit of a letdown. I found myself bored by the various plotlines and started noticing the numerous "two-person social distancing" scenes the more I watched it. Perhaps I'm just imagining that though.

I really want to enjoy it too, as the original material (and the games) is compelling, but I find watching play-thru's of the games to be more entertaining. The show has yet to make it's mark.
I finished the second season yesterday and I have to say I enjoyed it. The first episode was the best IMO. Adapted from my favorite short story. That Bruxa was quite terrifying.

I missed the monsterhunting a bit in the rest of the season, but that was to be expected the way the story played out. Like others have said, Yennefer's story was a bit bland. I hope it picks up again next season.
Sometimes I found the show to be a bit hard to follow. Like they had to cut some scenes which actually would've made sense to keep in.

Overall though, I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to see what the future holds. In the meantime, I'm planning to start reading the main story books of The Witcher. So far I only read the two books with short stories.
As a translation from the book to actual show, season 2 is a mess. It's not good. This youtuber says it so much better than I with his episode 1 of s2 review

I think we just have to accept that they're doing their own story. Personally I think it's worse than the books and didn't like the changes.
Wholesale changes to beloved properties generally don't work.
I think we just have to accept that they're doing their own story. Personally I think it's worse than the books and didn't like the changes.
Wholesale changes to beloved properties generally don't work.

Why on Earth the writers of the show thought that they're better writers than Sapowski beggars belief. They've ruined what could have been a great series, such a shame.
I'm not a bigger Witcher lore guy, but played the hell out of Witcher 3. Having digested a lot of media over the decades, I've come to the conclusion that the showrunner sucks. Season 1 had better monster fights and less walking/talking/politics. S2 was a boring bridge to get to S3. S1 did fail at establishing at what times certain events took place as they just plopped you there. Armor aesthetic changes with Geralt, Nilfgaard. Then the death of that one Witcher really pissed some people off. Can't make a new Witcher and have him get killed quickly?
Also, they changed composers in Season 2, and the end result was some pretty boring music in comparison to the epic score from Season 1.
Exactly! The score for season one is great and has it's own sound and epic scale. I listen to it a lot.

I listenend to the score from S2 after finishing it and it was absolutely bland and boring. Nothing stood out.

When watching the show I only found one particular piece of music stand out and that was when Yen and Ciri were riding together and coming upon the waterfall (I think). While listening to the S2 score, I couldn't seem to find this particular bit. Not sure if it wasn't on it, or it was blander than I first thought.
What I ( as someone with eastern European roots ) really hate is that they removed all Slavic elements from the show. The buildings, the costumes, everything looks like generic western fantasy now. Even the monsters are all wrong. Baba Yaga should not be a nice old lady but a deformed ancient hag (more like Ladies of the Wood in W3 game). And Leshy is a humanoid animal spirit, not a tree monster, ffs. Chernobog literally translates to 'Black God' and it's a deity, not a stone dragon. And of course, the racial demographics must be identical to present day USA, even though this is supposed to be fantasy Poland of the Middle Ages.
What I ( as someone with eastern European roots ) really hate is that they removed all Slavic elements from the show. The buildings, the costumes, everything looks like generic western fantasy now. Even the monsters are all wrong. Baba Yaga should not be a nice old lady but a deformed ancient hag (more like Ladies of the Wood in W3 game). And Leshy is a humanoid animal spirit, not a tree monster, ffs. Chernobog literally translates to 'Black God' and it's a deity, not a stone dragon. And of course, the racial demographics must be identical to present day USA, even though this is supposed to be fantasy Poland of the Middle Ages.
The Hollywood Executives and Writers of America.......

Sorry world, your ideas are ok, but "We'll make every thing better"... :yess:

:slap... Such a joke.. :rotfl

I enjoyed season 1. Not much of a Witcher Fan per se, but enjoy the genre. Cavil was great and the actress who played Yennifer. Was looking forward to Season 2, but so far after everyone's reactions it seems to be a pass...

Maybe if a Season 3 happens and improves, I'll go back to watch Season 2.
I enjoyed this season about as much as the first one, it's just one of those guilty pleasures. Better than WoT at any rate. And I do think Cavill has had better directing this season, his acting seems better.
I just finished season 2 and I have to agree with what most have already said. Just overall a very bland and borderline boring season. The writing needs to be much sharper for season 3.