The Official "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" movie thread *SPOILERS*

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Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

:lol For someone your age, I was expecting you to adapt to the HFR quickly. Guess not!:monkey1 I'll be watching this again, this time in IMAX 3D HFR and regular 2D. Then I'll have a better idea which format I prefer most.

I'm both young, and old at heart. :D

When it comes to film, there's no school, like the old school. :D
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I just saw it a second time, this time at 24 fps 3D. So much detail was lost compared to 48 fps. It all felt so blurry that I couldn't make sense of some shots that were so clear and vivid at the higher frame rate.

The IMAX HFR 3D remains the best looking movie I've ever seen.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I just saw it a second time, this time at 24 fps 3D. So much detail was lost compared to 48 fps. It all felt so blurry that you couldn't make sense of some shots that were so clear and vivid at the higher frame rate.

I did notice blur in my regular screening as well. I guess i gotta try out this 48fps dealio to see for myself. (I am glad i saw it regular first though)

Oh well good movie to see again.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

The blur is what makes it a film. :D

That's why this was such a revelation to me. Everything was clear and legible in a way I hadn't experienced before. It felt like the camera was catching up with the capability of the human eye. When I turn my head, I don't see motion blur to the extent that you experience at 24 fps. The clarity of the HFR presentation looked more lifelike and realistic to me. I think I see why some people would feel that takes away the "movie magic" experience that we're used to. It definitely doesn't feel like a movie. I thought I was looking out a window, and that was fascinating to me.

Thankfully, this is not being forced on anyone and fans of traditional cinema can always choose to see it the way they prefer. It's just one option among many, available to the small minority who enjoy it.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Saw it at midnight last night but haven't had time to write up a review until now.

The Good:
- Gandalf. Enough said.
- Martin Freeman as Bilbo. He was the best choice possible for the role.
- CGI Gollum was 100% photorealistic. He looked as though you could reach out and touch him.
- Galadriel. I think there may be an addition to the story in a later film where she comes to help Gandalf, as they certainly allude to that in her dialogue.
- Seeing the Witch-King of Angmar.
- Eagles.

The Bad:
- Azog the Defiler was rendered awfully in CGI. There was no need for that mess.
- Wargs. Sometimes they looked okay, and sometimes they looked terribly fake.
- Radagast's rabbit sleigh and the subsequent chase scene was too over-the-top and the CGI wasn't great. I'd like to see that removed from the film.
- Christopher Lee as Saruman His acting wasn't very good, or something.
- Ian Holm as old Bilbo had pretty bad makeup. His hairline looked amateurish.

The "Whatever:"
- Radagast. I could take him or leave him.
- The dwarves. Some didn't even have dialogue. Bombur, for example, was just a mindless eating machine. A few were prominent, but I never had any reason to care about them. Though I suppose I didn't really care about most of them in the book, either.

Now, film aside, let's talk about the technology. To those who claim the HFR was fantastic and people who disagree need their eyes checked, bug off. The fact of the matter is, we humans are so accustomed to seeing 24fps that the majority of people will, in fact, have issues adjusting. That said, I got used to it after 20-30 minutes, but anything with fast-paced action still looked like I was watching in fast forward. I'm not sure that I want 48fps to catch on. It does not look cinematic at all.

The 3D was top notch. I really enjoyed that aspect, and as I previously stated, characters like Gollum looked so real in 3D that I felt as though I could reach out and touch them. I love 3D when done properly, and this was certainly one of those cases.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

It's hard for me to judge the film without including the technical aspects, so I'm going to go with a 7/10. If the HFR and CG hadn't been so blatantly obvious in many scenes, it might have received an 8/10.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I stole 3 poster packs from random empty IMAX seats. :D

Why people would leave them is beyond me. They're great/
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

It's hard for me to judge the film without including the technical aspects, so I'm going to go with a 7/10. If the HFR and CG hadn't been so blatantly obvious in many scenes, it might have received an 8/10.

I had a bit of a problem with the CGI as well. I give the movie an 8/10. But i thought the Wargs looked fine, The Radagast sled scene looked real bad to me. Pretty minor gripe really with all the good in it.

(Really got a new appreciation for the Dwarves. Alpha and Boss!)

Again, could they have picked a better Bilbo?
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I stole 3 poster packs from random empty IMAX seats. :D

Why people would leave them is beyond me. They're great/

I'm surprised the management didn't hand them out at the door. That's how I got mine. I was really happy with the quality of them. Good for you, getting extra--I'd have liked another set. Although I don't know if it counts as stealing if the owner didn't want it and left it behind.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I just saw it a second time, this time at 24 fps 3D. So much detail was lost compared to 48 fps. It all felt so blurry that I couldn't make sense of some shots that were so clear and vivid at the higher frame rate.

The IMAX HFR 3D remains the best looking movie I've ever seen.

That was a main issue for me watching on Imax 3D last night.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Yeah, maybe not. Hah. But Ween wanted one, so I really wanted to come through. My only regret is I didn't get more.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I think that beyond the CGI issues in the sled scene, it just bugged me that Radagast was supposed to be leading the orcs away from the dwarves, and instead he kept circling back around. Every time a dwarf walked around a rock, there was Radagast again leading the wargs straight into their path. Thanks a lot, Radagast. Go back to eating mushrooms.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Yeah, maybe not. Hah. But Ween wanted one, so I really wanted to come through. My only regret is I didn't get more.

I would have liked to get an extra for Josh. They were really tight with one per person, although if they had put them out on the seats I would definitely have grabbed at least one more set.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Well, they did the same thing they did for you, but a lot of people forgot, or didn't care about them. So they left them on the floor in the theater.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Well, they did the same thing they did for you, but a lot of people forgot, or didn't care about them. So they left them on the floor in the theater.

That's why it's not stealing, lol. It's being smart. Those posters don't belong in the trash with the spilled popcorn. You did them a service by rescuing them and getting them into the hands of someone who will appreciate them.

Thanks Tom! The gesture is appreciated.

Well, I know it's the thought that counts, but I wish I had more to offer than just a thought in this case.
