The Hottoycast: The new High-End Collectable Podcast

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Thanks Gambus Kahn! Check out episode 29 with our Mezco interview.

Not only will we be covering Mezco One:12 on a regular basis, but later on down the line, I (with permission of course) will actually be able to discuss some of the upcoming figures and vehicles designs a little bit more in depth.

Why is this you may ask, much to my delight, you are talking to one of Mezco's new designers, c'est moi.

It will be quite a while before any of the figures and vehicles I have worked on will be produced but when they are, I hope to be able to drop some geek bombs on the podcast. We will also have Mez himself back on the show I'm sure.

This is also why we have had no new episode in a while. Busy designing One:12. Which is a pretty good excuse I think. :)
That's pretty awesome. Hoping they tackle Lethal Weapon. Eamon, any cool new licenses coming from Star Ace you can tease?
Thanks Gambus Kahn! Check out episode 29 with our Mezco interview.

Not only will we be covering Mezco One:12 on a regular basis, but later on down the line, I (with permission of course) will actually be able to discuss some of the upcoming figures and vehicles designs a little bit more in depth.

Why is this you may ask, much to my delight, you are talking to one of Mezco's new designers, c'est moi.

It will be quite a while before any of the figures and vehicles I have worked on will be produced but when they are, I hope to be able to drop some geek bombs on the podcast. We will also have Mez himself back on the show I'm sure.

This is also why we have had no new episode in a while. Busy designing One:12. Which is a pretty good excuse I think. :)

Wow! Congratulations. That is just phenomenal news! Sounds like a dream job.
That's pretty awesome. Hoping they tackle Lethal Weapon. Eamon, any cool new licenses coming from Star Ace you can tease?

Thanks! Well you know they got all the WB CW licenses? The Flash, Supergirl and the rest. That's all I am aware of right now. Generally I just get the brief and by then the announcements have already being made on their Facebook page. Not that I could or would ever share something that has not already been announced.

Wow! Congratulations. That is just phenomenal news! Sounds like a dream job.

Thanks! It's a lot of fun and I have been given some great characters to work on.
Thanks Gambus Kahn! Check out episode 29 with our Mezco interview.

Not only will we be covering Mezco One:12 on a regular basis, but later on down the line, I (with permission of course) will actually be able to discuss some of the upcoming figures and vehicles designs a little bit more in depth.

Why is this you may ask, much to my delight, you are talking to one of Mezco's new designers, c'est moi.

It will be quite a while before any of the figures and vehicles I have worked on will be produced but when they are, I hope to be able to drop some geek bombs on the podcast. We will also have Mez himself back on the show I'm sure.

This is also why we have had no new episode in a while. Busy designing One:12. Which is a pretty good excuse I think. :)

Holy Crap on a cracker!!! It's so awesome that you have broken into the same industry that you have been podcasting about.
As a new listener, I am so happy for you man, and I looking forward to more episodes and more Mezco goodness.

You guys rock!!!
Holy Crap on a cracker!!! It's so awesome that you have broken into the same industry that you have been podcasting about.
As a new listener, I am so happy for you man, and I looking forward to more episodes and more Mezco goodness.

You guys rock!!!

Thank you! I have been an artist for many years now but yes, it's pretty cool to be designing for Mezco. I am working some things right now. :)
New episode finally up chaps. Really sorry for the delay on this is was a cocktail of technical issues and my new big work load...and who that is for is revealed in the podcast, though I have mentioned it briefly once already on these boards. :)
Thanks, Eamon, looking forward to it. Just started listening recently and have really enjoyed going back through all the older episodes. Shout out to that Mozart Clarinet Concerto theme music. Very classy.

Keep up the excellent work!

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Great podcast. My only complain is that these are few and far between. Congrats on the job, Eamon. Just curious, is it the artwork or the actual figures you'll be working on?
I bought the Mezco Batman Returns after listening to him on your podcast, he just sounded like such a nice guy, not Batman, but the Mezco fella. I'm still debating wether to get the Mutant Leader and Superman, going down that 1:12 road will lead to financial ruin, but these figures are like reading the effing comic. It's amazing.
I really hope that some day, some company would pick up the John Byrne X-Men licenses. That would be amazing. Or the Miller Daredevil... well, good podcast, please try to do it more often
Also BTW I've noticed that Episode 2 isn't playable on iTunes, any way to fix?

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I will have a look and see if I can reupload it next time. :)

Great podcast. My only complain is that these are few and far between. Congrats on the job, Eamon. Just curious, is it the artwork or the actual figures you'll be working on?
I bought the Mezco Batman Returns after listening to him on your podcast, he just sounded like such a nice guy, not Batman, but the Mezco fella. I'm still debating wether to get the Mutant Leader and Superman, going down that 1:12 road will lead to financial ruin, but these figures are like reading the effing comic. It's amazing.
I really hope that some day, some company would pick up the John Byrne X-Men licenses. That would be amazing. Or the Miller Daredevil... well, good podcast, please try to do it more often

Thanks for the compliments. I wish we could do them more often too but the long delay this time was purely down me, my workload and an frustrating technical issue (podcast maker thingy don't like latest OS).

It's mostly figure and vehicle work that I am doing so far for Mezco.

Glad the podcast helped you decide on what Mezco figures to be getting. There's no shortage of great figures coming from them that's for sure and hopefully we will get to review as many as we can. If you are wanting them to do particular figures, let your voice be heard on their Facebooks and twitters. As you heard Mez is game for anything that's cool so let your wishes be heard. I know I'd be up for some X-Men, especially Jim Lee ones.:)
Not on FB or Twitter... So... Yeah, they would probably sadly do the Jim Lee X-Men. I'm too old for that ****. For me, it's Byrne all the way. The interesting thing about Byrnes X-Men is that no one has ever done them before. Lees been done so many times, not in 1/6 or 1/12 (well, maybe). But I think more people want Lee. I think DC wanted to do a Byrne Superman, but since it looked nothing like a Byrne Superman, I think Byrne turned it down.

All the best with your new job and the Podcast. I also loved your Star Ace one. That was brilliant. But I really love the "normal" ones, the reviews. Combined, you guys know A LOT about 1/6, which makes it great. Would it be too much to ask for a photo of (part) of your collections? You can put them on the podcast. You guys talk a lot about your figures, would be great to see just a tiny bit :)
Hey Eamon, just listened to episode 36 and I LOVED the part where you guys discuss the state of collecting 1/6 (about an hour into it). I know it's better when these things come up organically in the conversation, just like it did here. But it would be great if you could touch on it again in future broadcasts. Fascinating stuff and great job as always!
Hey Eamon, just listened to episode 36 and I LOVED the part where you guys discuss the state of collecting 1/6 (about an hour into it). I know it's better when these things come up organically in the conversation, just like it did here. But it would be great if you could touch on it again in future broadcasts. Fascinating stuff and great job as always!

Oh I am sure we will get back around to that stuff again. :)

We have Molecule8 on our next show so if you have any questions, post them here. :)
