The Expendables 3

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Aside from Looper, Lucky Number Sleven, Moonrise Kingdom....what has he done that had any actual passion to it? He phoned it in during Die Hard 5, which is still the worst movie of the year, I haven't seen Red 2, but he looked like he was just waiting for his pay check in the trailer. :lol

GI-Joe was abysmal. Especially him. Why the **** was in that movie? :lol

I don't know what's going on with Bruno, but hopefully he can work it out and make something of actual quality again.

He looks like he wants to die.

Yeah DH 5 was unspeakably bad- like a SyFy movie
Gi Joe II was horrible...I did enjoy him in Red 2...
I have no interest. So I could say i'm wrong. I liked the first one OK. But I had no need for a sequel.
Let me see

BW was great in DH1, DH3, SS and UB.

Anything else.

Tears of the Sun. Lucky Number Slevin. Sin City. The Whole Nine Yards. The Siege. Last Man Standing. 12 Monkeys. Surrogates.

And, I liked Die Hard 4 ... along with 1 and 3. Didn't see 5 yet. Hostage wasn't terrible, either. Haven't seen Looper or either Red yet.

I actually rather like Bruce Willis. I even liked his guest spot on Friends (and I didn't much like Friends ... though my wife watches the re-runs all the time).

Sean Connery needs to come out of retirement for this ....

I don't recall Ford being a action star. Yea, you can argue Indy a bit, but that isn't on the same level as Commando, Rambo, Die Hard, Invasion USA ect.

Hell yeah bring in some Connery! He rocked in The Rock!

Ford just amped up the testosterone meter to off the charts! Solo, Indy, Ryan, Kimble, The President... his curriculum vitae is more than enough to bring his epic manliness to the party even if he doesn't have the physique of the titans.
Hell yeah bring in some Connery! He rocked in The Rock!

Ford just amped up the testosterone meter to off the charts! Solo, Indy, Ryan, Kimble, The President... his curriculum vitae is more than enough to bring his epic manliness to the party even if he doesn't have the physique of the titans.

Ford always had a better physique than Willis, who was average compared to Stallone and Schwarzenegger.
Hell yeah bring in some Connery! He rocked in The Rock!

Ford just amped up the testosterone meter to off the charts! Solo, Indy, Ryan, Kimble, The President... his curriculum vitae is more than enough to bring his epic manliness to the party even if he doesn't have the physique of the titans.

No chance of Connery coming out of retirement. He declined Indy 4 ... and said at the time, if there was any offer that would've done it, that would've been it.

Connery is done.

Ford's ok ...
I wish for an Eastwood Scene myself.

It's a Shame on Willis ...
I actually liked him in this ...
Liked Him in the Newest DH Flick..
Hated him in .G.I. Joe ..., but didn't care much for that Movie in general.