The Expendables 3

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Not really. The first was mediocre bad, yes, but it was watchable. The sequel was just so ridiculously asinine. God, I don't even know why we're arguing about this; it's like saying "whose diarrhea smells worse?"
Never seen it, guess I should stay away.

Is it really worst than the first, wow. :rotfl

I enjoy the first one. Its got its problem but in the ends its still pretty enjoyable. The second just totally sucks for me. Its only the second movie I've really wanted to walk out of.
I have no idea what kind of lame weed you guys were smoking to say the first was watchable. That's the most generic, run of the mill piece of crap ever made by a human.

You get NONE of this.


But you get all of this...


Slow...generic, horrible, dull, insulting....and that ****ing line. I hate Ghost Rider. I hate it so much, I wanted to punch someone. I should've punched someone. **** that movie.
Ghost Rider has 2 good scenes. The opening credits, and the first Cage out.... GR2 has the awesome Cage Ouy
And 2 pretty interesting action scenes. But sadly....dat Goyer script....
Wonder if Sly ever approached Dwayne Johnson(The Rock) to join the crew.
He's funny,and he would bring alot to the table when it comes to fighting scenes.
Wonder if Sly ever approached Dwayne Johnson(The Rock) to join the crew.
He's funny,and he would bring alot to the table when it comes to fighting scenes.

The Rock is a legitimately huge star right now. The gimmick of the Expendables flicks is that they're populated by washed up former stars or B-list actors. It would be weird to see him in there.
I think Sly's intent is for the old timers to have one last shot at things, and to create new stars. While Statham is a busy man, outside of the Transporter, he doesn't have the same marquee value Willis, Stallone and Schwarzenegger had, and the other new guys are new to the genre. The Rock is a star and already an action hero, there's nothing to gain for him or the action genre by bringing him in.
Not really. The first was mediocre bad, yes, but it was watchable. The sequel was just so ridiculously asinine. God, I don't even know why we're arguing about this; it's like saying "whose diarrhea smells worse?"

See, CP would counter with, "**** smell, it's all about taste!" and then proceed to tell you, with nasty dookie breath, which he thought tasted better. :lecture:lecture:lecture
Not really. The first was mediocre bad, yes, but it was watchable. The sequel was just so ridiculously asinine. God, I don't even know why we're arguing about this; it's like saying "whose diarrhea smells worse?"


These films are awful to say the least.
How hard is it to make a movie about a biker with a flaming skull head?

Apparently, pretty hard.
