The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I'm just curious, how did Bruce Wayne get all of those injuries and worn-out knee caps if he's been retired for 8 years? He seemed pretty healthy at the end of TDK.

when he fell off the building with Dent in TDK

No, it's because that's how they wrote him for the film. :lol

I would have loved to have seen or heard the abandoned concepts and brain storms they had before they came up with what is now known as TDKR. I'm sure there were many discussions on where to go next.
It's not an Inception ending and shouldn't be interpreted as such. I'd have been PISSED if it cut away and ended with Alfred nodding his head. This is Batman, not ____ing Incraption.

If anything, it's like The Dark Knight Returns but instead of leading an underground team of Sons of Batman, it's about trying to live a happy life. A happy life Alfred wanted him to have.

He fakes his own death to achieve this. After his "death" he fixed the Batsignal and sent it to Gordon. He enabled the auto pilot function on the Bat (which helped him escape the explosion).

Even the music implies positivity and "HE LIVED" vibes once Alfred nods his head and Bruce is eventually shown.

It's not a dream, it's not an illusion. Batman planned it from the beginning because he's a scheming bastard.

Not only that but if that Alfred scene at the end was his imagination, he would have likely imagined seeing Bruce and Rachael together not Bruce and Selena.
What if it ended with Alfred nodding at . . . Rachel and Harvey Dent at the table! :horror
:rotfl But Alfred's been running up and down those stairs for decades!

I'm... pretty sure that it'll take a lot more than that, to make The Batman physically disabled. :monkey1.

Well let's see, how about Jumping three flights down and landing on van, getting smacked into a wall while riding on said van, Being attacked by rottweilers...twice, getting into fist fights with mobsters, being beat with a pipe by a psycho clown, getting shot in the stomach(yeah bullet proof vest, but it doesn't make the impact any less painful) then falling off a scaffold.

That's in TDK, we're not even going to imagine the time between Batman begins and TDK plus what he did in Batman Begins.

I dunno if Brucey boy is going to be the model of health, 8 year rest or not.
Just got back from my second viewing, this time at an IMAX. Oddly enough, the reception during this showing was much more boisterous and euphoric than the midnight release on Thursday. Must be the venue or location, I dunno.

I'm talking loud gasps when Batman gets his ass kicked and when Miranda reveals herself to be the true evil and once again when John Blake was referred to as Robin.

I heard sniffling from a few people from the point when Batman flew out into the bay to Alfred's breakdown at the funeral. My reaction to those reactions were incredulity, but I guess I'm just not that big a fan of the film.

When the score hit the thumping bass notes as the final few scenes played (Alfred at the cafe, Lucius with the Bat, Gordon with the signal, Blake in the cave), there was this roar of satisfaction emanating from the audience.

It was quite something to behold. I love crowds like that. They are quiet and focused when they should be, laugh when it's appropriate, and go bat____ crazy when the time comes. I wish I could've shared in that excitement the first time, or at all, really.

Oh yeah, and I enjoyed it a bit more the second time. Just a bit more. Most of the problems with the pacing I still hold to, but it didn't drag during the second half like the first time I saw it. Now that I'm familiar with the story and didn't have to devote so much attention to parsing those details, I could really focus on the performances, character moments and emotional beats of the narrative. That's where TDKR shines for me.

This time however I did fully realize how much I disliked Bruce just going into seclusion for 8 years after TDK. I think that's the one thing I'm still hanging onto as far as 'major' complaints go. Everything else just seems so minor to me at this point.

TDKR is a rickety old wooden rollercoaster that could fall apart at any minute, but it doesn't. The turns are rough, the bumps are unpleasant, but it holds together, and it's an amazing ride while it lasts. Just don't linger over it.

I think that's good enough.
What if it ended with Alfred nodding at . . . Rachel and Harvey Dent at the table! :horror

This woulda worked best imo .......

Well let's see, how about Jumping three flights down and landing on van, getting smacked into a wall while riding on said van, Being attacked by rottweilers...twice, getting into fist fights with mobsters, being beat with a pipe by a psycho clown, getting shot in the stomach(yeah bullet proof vest, but it doesn't make the impact any less painful) then falling off a scaffold.

That's in TDK, we're not even going to imagine the time between Batman begins and TDK plus what he did in Batman Begins.

I dunno if Brucey boy is going to be the model of health, 8 year rest or not.

Know your limits Mr. Josh-A-Tron.
Just got back from my second viewing, this time at an IMAX. Oddly enough, the reception during this showing was much more boisterous and euphoric than the midnight release on Thursday. Must be the venue or location, I dunno.

I'm talking loud gasps when Batman gets his ass kicked and when Miranda reveals herself to be the true evil and once again when John Blake was referred to as Robin.

I heard sniffling from a few people from the point when Batman flew out into the bay to Alfred's breakdown at the funeral. My reaction to those reactions were incredulity, but I guess I'm just not that big a fan of the film.

When the score hit the thumping bass notes as the final few scenes played (Alfred at the cafe, Lucius with the Bat, Gordon with the signal, Blake in the cave), there was this roar of satisfaction emanating from the audience.

It was quite something to behold. I love crowds like that. They are quiet and focused when they should be, laugh when it's appropriate, and go bat____ crazy when the time comes. I wish I could've shared in that excitement the first time, or at all, really.

Oh yeah, and I enjoyed it a bit more the second time. Just a bit more. Most of the problems with the pacing I still hold to, but it didn't drag during the second half like the first time I saw it.

This time however I did fully realize how much I disliked Bruce just going into seclusion for 8 years after TDK. I think that's the one thing I'm still hanging onto as far as 'major' complaints go. Everything else just seems so minor to me at this point.

TDKR is a rickety old wooden rollercoaster that could fall apart at any minute, but it doesn't. The turns are rough, the bumps are unpleasant, but it holds together, and it's an amazing ride while it lasts.

I think that's good enough.

Well let's see, how about Jumping three flights down and landing on van, getting smacked into a wall while riding on said van, Being attacked by rottweilers...twice, getting into fist fights with mobsters, being beat with a pipe by a psycho clown, getting shot in the stomach(yeah bullet proof vest, but it doesn't make the impact any less painful) then falling off a scaffold.

That's in TDK, we're not even going to imagine the time between Batman begins and TDK plus what he did in Batman Begins.

I dunno if Brucey boy is going to be the model of health, 8 year rest or not.

Of course Batman's "line of work" was starting to take a toll on his body. It was even shown, when Bruce Wayne took off his shirt, and Alfred saw that his body was covered in bruises. But, it doesn't get over the fact that, despite everything, he was still physically strong at the end of TDK. Something doesn't add up.
So what do you all prefer , the dark knight or the dark knight rises?

That's one of the thoughts I had during this film. "What the hell is the Joker doing?" "Oh wait, he doesn't exist anymore."

He'd probably think Bane and the League of Shadows were psychopaths ironically, just like Batman. I don't think he'd let them steal his thunder and take over the city. Also doubtful he'd just let Bruce retire for 8 years without scheming up another plan to bring Batman out of retirement.

It's too bad he got retconned out of existence. :monkey2

So much for that great line, "I think you and I are destined to do this forever." :(

I pretend the dark knight is in a whole different universe and tdkr is just a sequel to batman begins. Idk I just hate the idea of seeing joker left out.
One afternoon in rush hour traffic I turned green, ran through a city bus and woke up in some ravine half naked. So yeah we could all potentially be superheroes.

You're supposed to give the girl the drink with the Rohypnol, not drink it yourself. :nono

Maybe. But the sad fact is, that we'll never know how Blake actually turns out. It's too bad that Nolan's finished with Batman after this movie :(.

Nolan is done, JGL might not be.

All this talk about a reboot, it would fit with JGL taking over the cowl. And considering all parties involved lied about him being Robin in TDKR, there's the potential that the coming reboot in 2014 is actually Blake's Batman.
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