The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

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You've clearly never seen the show the way it's intended, and probably never will now that it's permanently closed everywhere besides Japan. T2:3D was amazing, especially at the time of its release. The 3D effects, live action sequences, smoke, water/wind-effects, we're all
top notch. It's exactly the type of film you'd want to see story boarded into "T3" if cameron ever did a true sequel. What could be cooler than Arnie in his prime with Eddie furlong(before he was all coked up, or at least not fully lol) taking the fight to skynet head on in the future war? Seeing it in person is a lot different than watching it on YouTube or whatever. Not to mention that was back when Cameron still had his mojo and didn't go full blown Avatar. No terminator sequel(besides T2 obviously) has even come close to that level of quality, and now probably never will.

Sorry if I?m this short, but you guys
a) crack me up
b) inbetween all the up-cracking just speak the ******* truth.

I?m actually preparing my little talk vid, for my channel and I wrote together this, anyone mind looking over it?

"Let?s Crate: Terminated
Spoilers ahead, sorry for the convoluted Dark Fate review, direct thoughts out the cinema, way more in line and structured here, across T1, 2 and DF.
Dark Fate stuck at around 123M. Could end up losing Paramount and Skydance between $100?130 million

Cameron?s ?edge? is gone, he wasn?t hungry enough to do a new Terminator. Period. He?s about environmentalism, which isn?t bad, but this is his main motivation behind Avatar.
So years back Cameron said, that it was a mistake to have Hicks and Newt killed, now he thought of the idea to kill John. (though the scene was executed perfectly). They killed John for a new combination of him and Sarah, gonna get to that in a bit. But he did this willingly and according to this article, he even went to this idea, with an excited grin. ?You pull the rug out from underneath the entire construct that?s been going on for the last three decades.? Yeah, ********?Salvation did it, better, yet not as successful, why didn?t you step up? It?s your ****ing franchise. You?re the creator. Geez.

[Article: ]

Back to step by step arguments: desperate attempt to gain new followers and please old ones, but he contradicts himself, ticking of said old fans. Linda Hamilton, Arnold (concept of aging flesh was fine, since Genisys, overall. Since T1 established the perfect disguise and that the skin also rots, if it isn?t taken care off), yet: still desperate and they?re unable to do a good, logic movie without Arnold and Linda AND?they annouce Edward Furlong?s return?for nothing.
So while I?m at logic: it?s killing me to see that Genisys endo. I know I?m anti-fan-boying here, but it?s just a fact. It?s a direct continuation of T2, they showed the future, like an updated cameron-one, blue-ish, skulls, H-K?s, original Plasma Rifle, even the sounds, but then?that endo. Huh? I showed a quick comparison. Let?s go more in depth here. The face. The new endo looks way more?dumb? There?s something about the face. Overall it looks the same, but the eyes are too big, the grin is too much. The original was just evil?with subtle nuances to underline that fact?angled lines, deep buried optics, hydraulics in the face, darkened chrome, simple lines. It just functioned.

But I don?t wanna ramble over the endo. Let?s get back to tick old fans off: uninspiring, rehashing characters, taken from locations where it?s cheap?er? to film, like that Dani. No hate on female empowerment. Since T1 Linda was quintessential female hero, so same goes for Grace, but they just combined Sarah AND John in Dani, so it?s still nothing new. And Grace is just downright disrespectful, even though her performance kicks ass. But?back to uninspring: machines. Skynet was a name, that was new, Legion has been used over and over, the Rev-7 in the future is just that tentacled beast, that reminded me of ?Edge Of Tomorrow?. Like?when they can?t think of anything else?they go all hentai?! To me?the best and most menacing, was?as Cameron envisioned?a walking chrome skeleton, fully human looking, red glaring eyes, walking normally, crushing skulls. Stick to that formuly, guys. Then you don?t have to fear for bad BO incomings.

So you see several problems here, while they?re trying to get the attention of old fans back: original future war, not competently done. Sticking to weird concept of endless learning, of the terminator.

In T1 he learns new phrases, but never more on behavior. In T2 you could argue, cause the theatrical release showed he?s leaning without the switch being flipped, going so far as to first ask ?what?s wrong with your eyes" and later saying ?I know now why you cry?, but in the extended version a ?flipped switch? is needed, so depending on which version you like, it still goes down to 2 simple concepts:
1.: In T1 he was only able to learn certain phrases. ?No pity, no remorse, no fear and it absolutely will not stop until you are dead.
2.: in T2 he learned the logic behind certain mannerisms. This works to ?make him a more efficient killer.?

This NEVER extended and it absolutely goes against the whole idea that SkyNet feared to be wiped out by humanity and he programmed his machines, his armies, with this. I can accept that he will learn to better blend in, but taking in a family? The more I talk about it, the more I hate it.
I won?t talk in detail about the Rev-9. Again it?s an endpskeleton with mimetic alloy, but seemingly carbon this time, nothing new and especially not as menacing as the 1000, even though the actor did a good job on this.
The only thing I talk about more now is the music.. Again a rehash. When Arnold hits the screen we hear a few steel-y bits, leftover of Brad Fiedel?s perfect score, but otherwise? The Terminator (Main Theme) Salsa Remix?! And again orchestral. Junkie XL does great scores. Mad Max Fury Road: money. Alita: good bits. Batman V Superman: masterful. This here had NOTHING that stuck to my memory and after finally hearing the full score: too much noise. It has a lot in common with Dredd, which is not a good thing, so no: not impressend and?

?this I fear is what happened with Dark Fate and Terminator as a whole: not. Impressing.anymore.
Is it better than 3 and Genisys: yeah-ish, but comparing those would be too much now. Not doing a full breakdown.
Is it better than Salvation: NOPE. It wasn?t the future war we wanted, but it was a grounded, gritty future war movie, resurrected from McG?s horrible script about Skynet ?rescueing? people and being misunderstood (yes, this actually as his idea)
Dark Fate is another lackluster attempt to chime in on the success of the best 2 in the franchise, which were a closed story. Rehashing plot points, bringing in new things that aren?t new, shocking fans for the sake of it, without any good outcome.
Put a lid on the jar, Hollywood. You won?t get any money out of this anymore. This was the 3rd failed attempt at milking this cow. The only possible way to maybe get money back and let the franchise keep it?s dignity: said future war."

If so: THANK YOU and see that I also used you guys as an influence here.
Wow...there certainly are some intense back-n-forths going on in here over this movie!

Being a long-time fan of the franchise, I've seen all of the movies and with one exception (Terminator Genysis), I've found something positive in all of them. I've seen this one twice now and considering it's poor performance, it'll be off of my local screens soon. I think the poor performance stems from audience apathy towards the "brand" and genuine confusion about what "Terminator" is anymore.

Terminator Dark Fate is a clunky, now common exercise in rebranding. This is an odd entry for the franchise that manages to offend it's longtime fans in the first five minutes of the movie before proceeding to offer a literal re-do of the first two movies. The new cast members hit the marks efficiently but with no real excitement.

It isn't until Linda Hamilton shows up that the movie gets a pulse. She easily dominates whatever scene she's in.
Once Schwarzenegger shows up, the movie actually veers off of the strict reboot formula to offer an absurd extension of the Terminator featured in T2. It's oddly charming and the closest thing this movies offers to an original idea.

The last third of the movie degenerates into over-the-top CGI infused mayhem that leaves one feeling numb and almost bored.

Despite the movie's shortcomings, seeing Hamilton and Schwarzenegger gamely attempt to inject the proceedings with some life is worth the watch. Hamilton serves up a genuine weariness and Schwarzenegger shows he still has charisma and knows the character better than anyone. If only the movie had ditched the do-over and instead focused on what these two characters could provide for a fresh story.

What could have been....
There were deeper philosophical debates on behavior in here about cyborgs from the future than in the Joker thread lol

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This film is just a reminder how untouchable T1 is.

How good T2 is

How not so bad T3 is

How underrated T4 is

and how bad T5 still is :lol :lol :lol

Yep. I thought Salvation was pretty good.

T1: 8.75/10
T2: 10/10
T3: 3.5/10
T4: 7.25/10
T5: 5/10
T6: 4/10
The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

Holy crap lol

High 60?s is already considered super atrocious but drops over 70% have very specific vocabulary terms assigned for it lol

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Re: The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

The article YOU posted about fool lol

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I see this movie is at 199 million worldwide. How much does it need to make to be profitable?
It needs $450- $480 to break even.

Yeah I think THR was saying it will lose $130m spread over the three backers.

The woke thing didn't help but it was kind of crazy to do another Terminator movie so soon after Genisys. 3 movies in ten years. The franchise is cool but it's a one-trick pony - it can't support that many movies that recycle the same future war, time traveling robot and indestructible machines ideas over and over.