Terra Nova on FOX

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Terra Nova is like Jurassic Park mixed with Stargate with a sprinkle of Time Machine and a touch of Avatar and Lost, burned beyond recognition by a chef eliminated on the first episode of Fox's Hell's Kitchen. Who also has down syndrome and shouldn't be around a stove.

The first sentence was entertaining until he took the "down syndrome" shot. :rolleyes2

I'm willing to bet I found Devil's posts more entertaining than I would this show

I didn't.
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Agreed! I had a blast watching it. It to me is already better than most of whats on TV already and many of the new shows coming out this fall. Already very interested in the signs the they found on the rocks.

This is my prediction: The equations on the rocks are from Taylor's son, and they are for a way back to the future.

I'm already right about the first part. :yess: . Can't wait to see if I'm right about the second.
2 hours I will never get back...

The opening 10 minutes was intriguing, the rest was very flat. The teen angst was very contrived. The special effects were impressive, especially the dinosaur scenes. This was like watching a cross between Avatar and Jurrasic Park, but WAY less entertaining.

No desire to watch the 2nd episode.

Will it last the year?, we'll see...
I don't get all the hate. Yeah, the teen angst was a bit annoying, but do you really expect the teens to take up the majority of the future story? I don't.

The effects look good for a TV. You can't really say the characters suck when you don't know them. How much of the LOST cast did we know just after the pilot? Not much.
I watched it and was not impressed. Same caliber of show as Falling Skies. There just isn't any good sci-fi on TV lately. Walking Dead is watchable though, some really great Zombie work on the show.
I'm going to give it a few more shows before I judge it. I have a feeling it's going to be like Falling Skies and center itself around the kids, which I'm already sick of. lol
I don't hate the show, too early to say that, but it seems to be more of a family oriented show, and at my age and being childless, it's going to lose my interest quick if it centers on the kids, especially the teenage boy.
I thought the first 2 hours was good. This show has great potential but it could easily go to the garbage if they run out of ideas. I'll give it a few more weeks as I need a good LOST replacement.
The son is awful in it...Avatar guy is ok but not sure where this show can go. I was already bored with it after the first 40 minutes...