Terminator Salvation = Awesome

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I liked this movie a lot more than I thought I was. If you are a fan and are open minded toward Mcg (which I am not, really), you will dig this movie more than not.
I hate to say I feel let down but I do. I think its because I saw and read too much before seeing the movie. At the same time I still feel like this movie didnt have the dark real feel that the first two have and I really believe thats why most of the diehard terminator fans love the franchise.

Never thought I would be picky about the score of a film but I really wasnt feeling the music either.

Too many loose ends and parts that make you ask why?

There are things I did like. Some nice throw backs to the other movies, Kyle was great. I thought the terminator at the end looked like he should, Loved that Cyberdyne is back, Marcus was cool and I liked the idea of him but I need more info because there is lots I didnt catch or can figure out about him.

Overall it was a step in the right direction and way better than T3. I do feel like it was hollow and was just filled with lots of action. It had lots but needed more.
TS straight up delivered. Such an awesome movie. So much so that it inspired me to preorder the Conner and Marcus Hot Toys figures. Will definately catch this movie at least 2 more times this summer without a doubt!
ordering movie collectibles before you see the movie?:monkey1

I love the terminator designs, but a bad movie can definitely destroy a collectible for me, thats why no matter how much I like the design, I cant ever bring myself to buy the Species maquette...

So if the T-600 was some doof of a terminator, I would have hard time getting a collectible of him, much less spend $750 on a bust! ;)

All my pre-ordering was to insure I'm not paying $$$ to get them on ebay, or hoping my 'wait list" converts. :)
Spoiler Spoiler:
look at the all the praises here. practically every movie site and every critic have condemned the movie. i think they can make the worst movie ever, but if it has robots in them, it'll still get a pass in here.
look at the all the praises here. practically every movie site and every critic have condemned the movie. i think they can make the worst movie ever, but if it has robots in them, it'll still get a pass in here.

so fans and their opinions here < critics that are paid to write down their opinions?
there's a reason critics are paid to review movies, because they at least are better informed(about cinema) than the casual moviegoers. and most fans who frequent movie forums bashed the film.

so yes, critics > the fans in THIS forum.
look at the all the praises here. practically every movie site and every critic have condemned the movie. i think they can make the worst movie ever, but if it has robots in them, it'll still get a pass in here.

The opinions of this movie in the movie/tv section is more divisive, if that's what you were looking for.
okay... just got back from reading the some of the comments there.
there's a reason critics are paid to review movies, because they at least are better informed(about cinema) than the casual moviegoers. and most fans who frequent movie forums bashed the film.

so yes, critics > the fans in THIS forum.

You're right this isn't a movie forum and the members here aren't publishing a critical analysis of the film. but just because the opinions here are ostensibly less versed in film and aren't listed on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't mean they are of no merit or less so.

And have you looked at the list of the reviews for most movies on Rotten Tomatoes? The credentials for some of those reviewers are suspect, to say the least.
You're right this isn't a movie forum and the members here aren't publishing a critical analysis of the film. but just because the opinions here are ostensibly less versed in film and aren't listed on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't mean they are of no merit or less so.

And have you looked at the list of the reviews for most movies on Rotten Tomatoes? The credentials for some of those reviewers are suspect, to say the least.

absolutely. There are some films that I think are critically well done films but end up being panned by a majority of critics. There are films that one could make a strong critical argument against, like Slum Dog Millionaire, which I thought was a glorified bollywoodized Horatio Alger novel, but it is at a 94% on RT and almost unanimously praised. There are numerous other examples.

Terminator 3 is at 70%, TS is at 33, which in my opinion is absurd. It's not only an example of how bunk that rating system is but also the fact that so far, a great deal of critics prefer T3. To me, that's nonsense and not just as a gut reaction but for reasons I can go into if you'd like.

I don't see how critics have some sort of general credibility over people's immediate reactions coming out of the theatre. I think it's a completely mixed bunch who aren't always using objective, critical reading/watching skills to comment on a film. Often opinion gets mixed up in there along with personal tastes, and this certainly shouldn't qualify a 'professionalism' that somehow invalidates fan's responses.
there's a reason critics are paid to review movies, because they at least are better informed(about cinema) than the casual moviegoers. and most fans who frequent movie forums bashed the film.

so yes, critics > the fans in THIS forum.
so, that didn't come off as snooty when you were typing it?
You're right this isn't a movie forum and the members here aren't publishing a critical analysis of the film. but just because the opinions here are ostensibly less versed in film and aren't listed on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't mean they are of no merit or less so.

if they are less versed in film, then their opinions are of less merit. to me, anyway. but really, if you enjoy the film, good for you. dont let anything i say ruin it for you. i'm just trying to balance the scale a bit, since the love here is almost unanimous.
And have you looked at the list of the reviews for most movies on Rotten Tomatoes? The credentials for some of those reviewers are suspect, to say the least.

the rotten tomatoes critics are wide ranging and come from everywhere. that's why the accumulative rating is a good barometer.