Sun beds.

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There is some good that comes from tanning. You do get vitamin D.

Better explanation:

Healthy, moderate sun exposure establishes and maintains the appropriate 25-vitamin D levels in your blood and may help prevent a variety of diseases, including cancer, stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, and autoimmune-related conditions such as Type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

The downsides to tanning is that it does age your skin, by adding deep freckles, and sunspots. Of course this is caused by excessive use over a large period of time. But like all things, even alcohol and fat is good when used in moderation. So to tan periodically won't be harmful as long as you're well protected. Most of those who damage their skin are those who do not understand the significance of the meaning moderation and are doing it year round, for an abundance of time.

Just like sugars and fats, and yes, even alcohol, the sun is good for you in small doses.
buffy-collector said:
I just got one of those sun bed thingy's one whats just for your face and I was wondering does any one know how long should use it before you start to notice it.

I've used it for three days and each day I've spent ten mins in front of it,when will I get tanned?

I know they can be dangerous but who cares if it gets you brown lol.

I was thinking of just sitting in front of it for like 60 mins,would that work?


Sitting in front of it for 60 mins is extreme. If you follow the directions, which I assume recommend 10 mins each sitting, you should notice a difference in a few days.

THAT BEING SAID... I urge you to be careful. I assume from your "who cares/gets you brown" comment that you're probably light-haired and light-skinned. That puts you in the highest possible risk category for skin cancer which you absolutely can get from a tanning bed as well as from laying out in the sun. I know that because my sister died a horrible freakin' death from skin cancer right after her 40th birthday after 6 years of horrendous treatments, everything from biopsies that took chunks of skin to chemotherapy and radiation that left her rail thin and looking like a corpse. She used a tanning bed and was a sunbather as well and that's how she ended up with skin cancer. I'm all about live and let live, but this particular issue is high on my list of things to butt in about because of what I've learned from experience. After watching a 34-year-old woman endure that for so long, a tan just doesn't look the same to me anymore.

Good luck and be safe.

*Hops off soapbox.*
buffy-collector said:
I just got one of those sun bed thingy's one whats just for your face and I was wondering does any one know how long should use it before you start to notice it.

I've used it for three days and each day I've spent ten mins in front of it,when will I get tanned?

I know they can be dangerous but who cares if it gets you brown lol.

I was thinking of just sitting in front of it for like 60 mins,would that work?


I wish you the best of luck. One of my parents went through skin cancer over ten years ago which thankfully hasn't returned. I won't be exposing myself to something just for a look if it means the possibility of dying--- but hey, that's just me:D .
just be careful and follow the directions...good luck with your new product

Well I guess I will just use it for 5/10 min till I get a healthy tan and then use it less and less.

Now I have a bit of a tan but not much and im faired with bright blonde hair/blue eyes so I do burn more easy when we go on holiday.
There is nothing wrong with tanning. Don't let these people scare you off from it. It's perfectly healthy when done moderately and periodically. The fact that anyone says it isn't healthy probably could say the same about drinking alcohol. But certain alcoholic beverages like wine has been proven to be quite healthy. A lot of European families drink wine on a daily basis, even having their children envolved. The average life span in certain European countries that have wine in their diet is amongst the highest in the world. When you have a glass a day it's beneficial because it thins your blood. I can go into detail, why it's good but I am too lazy.. Everything, even water, can be harmful if you over induldge yourself.

And for someone like you who goes out vacationing, spending a lot of time under the sun, should have a nice base so the potential of sun burn isn't as great. But even when you're outside you should always be wear lots of protection and don't be out for too long period of time. Always wear bright clothes..awww screw this I am sounding like a mother now. Awwww geez.