Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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There's a 1.35GB/1.42GB copy of the film out now (categorized as HDTC720P). The picture's a lot better and it has the opening crawl.

Now you can go and check the things you might've missed in the cinema more easily. :monkey3

Ugh - as if the film industry wasn't already collapsing under the weight of Netflix, remakes/reboots/sequels and the internet/smartphone. Now it's bit torrent to the rescue.:lol

if you're gonna dislike TLJ, at least pay to see it at a theater, and if you must, buy a ticket to something else and go into TLJ.:lecture
Ugh - as if the film industry wasn't already collapsing under the weight of Netflix, remakes/reboots/sequels and the internet/smartphone. Now it's bit torrent to the rescue.:lol

if you're gonna dislike TLJ, at least pay to see it at a theater, and if you must, buy a ticket to something else and go into TLJ.:lecture

I haven't been to a cinema since the year Terminator 2 came out.

This will be my third full viewing of TLJ. I still regard it as a 5/10 Star Wars film. It has some good stuff in it, and you have to watch it the way the OT was intended: an homage to serial cliffhangers, which weren't known for being high art.

There are some things that I don't think will improve no matter how many times you watch it.

I'm at the point where Luke is starting to teach Rey and those negatives so far are:

Luke throwing the sabre.

Daisy's sometimes stilted delivery.

Luke's reaction after drinking the green milk.

Space Leia. Not that she could use the Force to protect herself, but the way she was shown to fly like Superman. And then not showing her pass through a protective force field when re-entering the ship, so there's no screen explanation of how they opened the door safely.
What's interesting is if it was one of the three characters you mentioned we as the audience would probably have very specific assumptions as to who they were talking about when telling Poe "I know your kind; impulsive, dangerous and exactly what we don't need right now."

If Ackbar said it we could assume he was saying "we don't need a crazy ROTJ Lando right now."

If Lando said it we could assume he meant "we don't need a crazy Han Solo right now."

And Mon Mothma would have us assuming she meant "we don't need a crazy Jyn Erso right now."

It definitely would have been cool to have that extra layer of context to the dialogue. That said I still am fine with Dern's portrayal of Holdo and the fact that she was a brand new character. But yeah it definitely would have been cool to see how it would have played with someone else as well.

I just watched the scene again where she knocks Poe down to size.

It's a scene you have to watch raw, casting aside the hate and the Youtube analyses that this represents the film's message that 'women should be in control because men are hot-headed and careless'.

You have to cast that aside because the film doesn't play out that way.

But what I still see is this strong feminist woman going overboard against the brash male "flyboy". It's a depiction of toxic feminity vs. toxic masculinity, but I don't see that as the film's message. Instead, it's just one conflict among many that the characters have to overcome. It resolves itself through Holdo's sacrifice, just as Luke resolves his inner conflict through sacrifice.

If the film was asserting an anti-male position why was Rey sent to bring Luke back with the aim of restoring the Jedi Order?

Rather, what we have is likely Kennedy's feminism guiding the empowerment of women in the story in order to bring about equality. But the film didn't do it well enough to impart that message to the casual viewer. It can come over as one-sided, whereas the film can be seen as representing different kinds (waves?) of feminism, before finally reaching a balance.

I refer to that balance as meritocracy because it goes against the positive discrimination that would put a person (male or female of any race) into a position purely to satisfy that a set number of males or females of any race had been reached, regardless of their talent.

Iraq "war" veteran...

Finished my third full viewing.

Continuing the elements that I still see as negative from my previous post:

(Luke throwing the sabre

Daisy's sometimes stilted delivery

Luke's reaction after drinking the green milk.

Space Leia. Not that she could use the Force to protect herself, but the way she was shown to fly like Superman. And then not showing her pass through a protective force field when re-entering the ship, so there's no screen explanation of how they opened the door safely).

When Poe rebels it's significant that Holdo gives the order to "get this man off my bridge." It's still a gender conflict for her at this stage. But she has a complete reversal of opinion after Poe's mutiny is broken - she's found respect for him. However, the change of heart is a bit clumsy, as though there's a missing scene or two.

The soldier who tastes the salt just to make sure the audience know it's not not-Hoth.

Kylo is still a petulant man child out of his depth, no doubt an intentional personification of Trump.

Canto Bight has come under some of the harshest criticism, but the place reminded me of the kind Han and Lando would've gone to in the early EU novels. Rather than be bothered by its inclusion I actually liked the diversion, and the window onto another part of the galaxy.

Through Finn and Rose it's presented to the audience as a den of greed, excess and oppression. Finn remarks their visit was worth it to have caused so much destruction. The words of idealists, but what they accomplished would probably have had no lasting effect. It falls to DJ to tell them the facts of life: things aren't always black and white.

I'm upping my score to 7/10, because the good more than outweighs the bad. You just have to watch it with the mindset Lucas had when he created Star Wars. In this respect TLJ feels more faithful to the original than the PT.
Yeah, I was honestly caught off-guard when the movie expected us to be sad at her staying behind to pilot the ship.

The only other filler we get is Leia explaining the plan to Poe, saying that Holdo "...was more interested in protecting the light than seeing you as a hero." But it's not always easy to pick up Leia's words as Carrie had a hard time forming words.

On my first viewing I couldn't see any value in TLJ. Getting through it was like trying to wade through sludge.

The second viewing Luke struck a chord (Conrad's Marlow, Lord Jim etc), and that gave me a way into the film, a path to make my way through it.

And on third viewing I was able to watch it devoid of the judgements generally levelled against it.

While some negatives remain, as listed above, they aren't enough to destroy the film. Though it would certainly have been easier from the get go if they'd been addressed during production. Luke's reaction to the saber was the big one that set the mood for all that followed first time: the farce is strong with this one.
The soldier who tastes the salt just to make sure the audience know it's not not-Hoth.

Actually, this was probably needed; you have to remember, it was "casual fans" who were saddened that Felicity Jones was playing Rey when RO trailers first came out. :lol
Actually, this was probably needed; you have to remember, it was "casual fans" who were saddened that Felicity Jones was playing Rey when RO trailers first came out. :lol


I'm still convinced they were going to make it snow at first. Then thought they could use the salt to try and differentiate it from the battle of Hoth (AT-ATs; Snowtroopers, Rebels in trenches defending their Rebel base). Plus they could use the underlying ground as the giveaway that Luke wasn't physically there.

And when you see the last shots of the Falcon as the Resistance go aboard it looks so much like snow that you have a hard time telling yourself it's salt! The arctic foxes stand out too, so now they're inspired by salt crystals instead of ice crystals.

I wonder why?


Attack of the Clones!
Buying five of these! Memorabilia of the ruination of Star Wars is gonna be worth a **** ton! :lol

Actually, this was probably needed; you have to remember, it was "casual fans" who were saddened that Felicity Jones was playing Rey when RO trailers first came out. :lol
Those aren’t necessarily fans either. They just happen to like Star Wars enough to see the films once, after they’re released and then they move on. When I think of a fan, even a casual one, I think of someone who’s willing to delve into the world beyond the mere scope of simply passing the time.

I wonder why?

Dear lord, the hotness! Always nice to see Emilia on screen! Can’t wait!
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