Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Was there an actual lightsaber battle? Or did I miss it? Is this the first main story movie without a duel?

Yep same here. There were multiple times i thought to myself this has got to be a joke this can't be the real movie. TLJ directed by Seth Mcfarlane

It's like a new trend; making lighthearted jokes at themselves, like in Thor Ragnorak. Gets a cheap laugh, but I think it kills the integrity of the movie.
I am shocked at some of the reactions to this movie. Did we all just see the same thing? For myself, this is easily one of the best SW movies. Very well done. Loved how we all got the moments we've waited for, just not in the most obvious ways. Humor worked for me, by and large. Luke's storyline was masterfully done. Mark Hamill gave a tour de force performance.

I could have done without yet another Cantina like location. That is my one complaint.

Does Disney really hate the comments about Kylo being another Vader copycat thus removing the helmet entirely?

Kylo was pretty cool with the helmet on, but Adam's expressiveness is too good to cover up.

But EP9 will be pretty weird without a mask character.

How? Ep 8 was a 'no mask character' film already. Kylo took the helmet off almost immediately.

Saw The Last Jedi for the first time today. Loved it. So much awesomeness is this one. The 'hate' is shocking to me.

Was there an actual lightsaber battle? Or did I miss it? Is this the first main story movie without a duel?

How many times did you go to the bathroom? There were two big lightsaber scenes in my screening. Or, are you more concerned with the 'duel' aspect?

So who really is TLJ

After this film

First I thought Luke

Then Rey

Then Kylo

Now what..broomstick boy :horror

See, this is why I love this movie and its smart writing. Luke answered that question during one of Rey's three lessons.

Yeah I don’t get the logic in killing off Luke before Leia especially since Carrie isn’t with us anymore :slap
Luke wasn't killed off.
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How? Ep 8 was a 'no mask character' film already. Kylo took the helmet off almost immediately.

Saw The Last Jedi for the first time today. Loved it. So much awesomeness is this one. The 'hate' is shocking to me.

I love it! And yes, I almost forgot the remaining of the movie has him without his helmet. :lol

But Star Wars will be weird without a masked villain tho, especially without Phasma and masked Kylo.

And did they tricked you into thinking Rey brought Luke to Crait since he is wielding his first lightsaber in the final duel?

Was there an actual lightsaber battle? Or did I miss it? Is this the first main story movie without a duel?

It's like a new trend; making lighthearted jokes at themselves, like in Thor Ragnorak. Gets a cheap laugh, but I think it kills the integrity of the movie.

I blame Snyder and Batman v Superman for this. That movie was laughably serious and now every filmmaker is going over the top to not take itself seriously. A little comic relief is fine, but it’s like all or nothing these days.
I am shocked at some of the reactions to this movie. Did we all just see the same thing? For myself, this is easily one of the best SW movies. Very well done. Loved how we all got the moments we've waited for, just not in the most obvious ways. Humor worked for me, by and large. Luke's storyline was masterfully done. Mark Hamill gave a tour de force performance.

I could have done without yet another Cantina like location. That is my one complaint.

Don't mind these negative peep. Not only is it doing well in theater but is a great movie. Snook is a little like Snooki from the Jersey Shore but overall this movie is well done. The next will be even more epic. Looking forward to how Kylo Ren take over the dark side. A 10/10 for sure.

Was there an actual lightsaber battle? Or did I miss it? Is this the first main story movie without a duel?

It's like a new trend; making lighthearted jokes at themselves, like in Thor Ragnorak. Gets a cheap laugh, but I think it kills the integrity of the movie.

Yep they virtually undercut every serious/dramatic scene with some kind of senseless "humor". The good thing is i will save a lot of money not buying any TLJ figures but i would have preferred they make a good movie and let me fork over the dough. haha Wished they would finish the R1 line. Outside of the throne room battle it was very disappointing to me.

I love it! And yes, I almost forgot the remaining of the movie has him without his helmet. :lol

But Star Wars will be weird without a masked villain tho, especially without Phasma and masked Kylo.

And did they tricked you into thinking Rey brought Luke to Crait since he is wielding his first lightsaber in the final duel?

I honesty noticed his dark beard immediately and thought, 'is this a continuity error?' Like they had to film that part the same time as the flashback scene. But when you realize what happened, it was one of those, 'Ahh - gotcha' I loved that scene. With Luke 'fighting' Kylo.

For people that hate this movie, I wonder if they just want SW to be about 'cool lightsaber duel' moments? This was a character driven movie through and through.

A few things that really bothered me:

Opening dialogue between Poe and Hux, and why doesn’t the first
Order use shields on the dreadnought? He picked apart those cannons way too easy

Force flying leia scene yielded an audible laughter opening night. Took me right out of the film.

Why wouldn’t the first order scramble more ties to destroy the resistance fleet? They killed most of the command bridge on their first run with 3 ships, the whole 16 hour space chase seems like it could have been over if more first order ships had been scrambled.

Sad for ackbar to have his death confirmed with an off screen mention. Would have much preferred he taken command after leia and been the one to kamakaze the ship.

The entire sub plot with the casino, including the horrible maz cameo was just terrible.

The Rey and Kylo stuff, was odd. Sexy force FaceTime was just meh..

The whole, let’s keep the plan from Poe forcing him and much of the crew to mutiny was stupid.

The luke and Rey stuff was ok, not amazing. Yoda scene was amazing.

The luke handing the trinket to Leia, and the trinket in general was kind of weird. Would have much preferred luke/rey to find Han’s ceremony medal. Maybe a throw back to ANH with leia gifting it to Chewie would have been moving. Instead Leia left it on the planet.

Most of my gripes are in the first act, and I enjoyed parts of the second and most of the third act. Really loved the art design of Crait.
Don't mind these negative peep. Not only is it doing well in theater but is a great movie. Snook is a little like Snooki from the Jersey Shore but overall this movie is well done. The next will be even more epic. Looking forward to how Kylo Ren take over the dark side. A 10/10 for sure.

Glad there are a few of us. This movie plays AGAINST expectation. No doubt the source of some of the hate.

I honesty noticed his dark beard immediately and thought, 'is this a continuity error?' Like they had to film that part the same time as the flashback scene. But when you realize what happened, it was one of those, 'Ahh - gotcha' I loved that scene. With Luke 'fighting' Kylo.

For people that hate this movie, I wonder if they just want SW to be about 'cool lightsaber duel' moments? This was a character driven movie through and through.

And him wearing his black Jedi costume from EPV really had me scratching my head. :lol I don't believe it'll still fit him!
I have never heard such over dramatic nerd whining in my life......

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And him wearing his black Jedi costume from EPV really had me scratching my head. :lol I don't believe it'll still fit him!

It wasn't the same costume. Similar but different. And whatever he was wearing was re-tailored Im sure. LOL.
Can’t you wait and do this in Episode IX?


Yeah I don’t get the logic in killing off Luke before Leia especially since Carrie isn’t with us anymore :slap

Ep9 was supposed to be "Leia's movie" insofar that she was going to be the lead supporting original trio character. TFA was Han. TLJ was Luke. 9 was meant to be Leia's, but tragedy struck. They didn't alter the story in TLJ nor change Leia's role in any way. That will fall on 9.

Leia might have been the one most likely to make it out of the ST alive.

I wonder if Rian made Reylo so obvious in this on purpose just to destroy the myth of brother and sister hmmmm

It’s strange how Finn and Rey became irrelevant :dunno

Finn and Rey were separated to go on their own individual journeys and grow as characters - I'm confident they will share a lot of screen time in 9. I don't see them as irrelevant as they have a strong friendship, but I'm not surprised they were on their own away from each other in TLJ and they reunite as changed people.

TFA killed the idea of Kylo and Rey as brother and sister all by itself. The film and the characters wouldn't have looked or acted as they did if Rey was ever meant to be a lost child of Han and Leia's. Force amnesia for multiple people would've been the only [absolutely craptacular] way it they could've done it and it still would've sucked.

I also never believed she was Luke's daughter. It was clear to me from TFA that Rey and Kylo's dynamic was going to be a central focus - and if they'd wanted to go the related route, they would've written the story for siblings. Cousins are a huge drop off from father/son, and would've turned too much of the focus off of Rey and Kylo to Rey and Luke.

Rey's parents being nobodies fit with the story they're telling. I'll admit that Kenobi was probably my personal favorite theory by far (the thematic poetry in that would've been amazing), but as more interviews came out, and more details of Rey and Kylo's dynamic surfaced, I became more convinced she would be a "nobody" to contrast Kylo's "somebody". It fits the yin/yang element to their dynamic. They're opposite, and yet they're both holding on to the past.

Rey's parentage also fits with RJ's last shot of the boy at the end of the movie - Who is he? A "nobody" who can be someone.
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