Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I don't know what I was thinking. Disregard previous post.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Holy ****.

Rian Johnson, director of Brick, The Brothers Bloom and Looper, has been courted for many blockbuster franchises. Maybe some day he'll reveal all the tentpole movies he considered and ultimately passed on. Rian's a smart filmmaker, and he while he loves the big movies he also knows that if he's going to jump into that world it has to be on the right terms.

I guess he found the right terms with Star Wars Episode VIII, because it is being written and directed by him. And then he's going to be writing the treatment for Episode IX, basically making him the guide for the rest of the trilogy. What JJ Abrams' role will be is unclear, although my sources have indicated he wants to be George Lucas for the next two films - the overlord behind the scenes.

Selfishly I don't want Rian Johnson making Star Wars, because I want Rian Johnson making his own movies. I think he's one of the best voices in the film world, and I think he's just getting started. At the same time how can you begrudge someone taking this kind of a job? Assuming he is not crushed by Disney and Lucasfilm and Bad Robot (and that's a big assumption in modern Hollywood) Johnson is an exciting choice for a franchise that is simply not exciting.

He's exciting for all the reasons Abrams isn't. Johnson's scripts are tight and smart, and his focus on character is precise and surgical. While Abrams has a facility with the blockbuster format and look, I think Johnson's approach to character and story (and wonder) is closer to the world from which Star Wars sprang as opposed to the world that sprang from Star Wars.

I want to complain that so many interesting filmmakers are getting shangaied by Star Wars - Gareth Edwards, Josh Trank and now Johnson - but if they're using them as springboards for other things how can I?

By the way, this is four out of six upcoming Star Wars directors announced. Where are the women? We have two more slots, Disney.

PS, does this mean Badass contributor (and current road tripper) Noah Segan is joining the Star Wars universe? Darth Blue?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

He also directed some of Breaking Bad's best episodes including Ozymandias and Fly. Brick, Brothers Bloom and Looper are fantastic films. This is the best Star Wars news I've heard since getting Lawrence Kasdan back into the fold.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I guess Disney must already be over or disagree with JJ's "vision" for the franchise... I assumed he would direct all three films.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Good news, I thought Abrams capable, but far from great. Although I enjoyed the ST reboot, I didn't think it had much heart and fell closer on the spectrum to Bay style 'look at this' summer blockbuster. Great films to enjoy, but nothing I'll treasure through the ages.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

If the article is correct, it would be really weird for Disney to pull him from the directing duties, but allow him to stay on in the Lucas role from Empire and Jedi. I'm assuming this is what J.J. wanted. If they really are concerned with him at this stage, I imagine they would pull him out of the director's chair for Episode VII.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Good news, I thought Abrams capable, but far from great. Although I enjoyed the ST reboot, I didn't think it had much heart and fell closer on the spectrum to Bay style 'look at this' summer blockbuster. Great films to enjoy, but nothing I'll treasure through the ages.
I agree. I liked it more on a second viewing, when I knew what to expect, but I felt J.J. went too far trying to make a "spectacle" movie there. He is a good filmmaker, and does what he does well. But his kinds of movies don't have a lot of staying power with me, and often feel like empty calories.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

If I recall correctly, it was never JJ's intention to write/direct the SW films after ep7.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I don't understand why they'd want someone to "Be Lucas" when they've already got Lucas to be Lucas. I guess I'll fill in my own blanks as, Abrams is being replaced, but has a 3 picture contract, so now he's being paid to 'advise'. :lol

Really can't wait til more details come forth.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I agree. I liked it more on a second viewing, when I knew what to expect, but I felt J.J. went too far trying to make a "spectacle" movie there. He is a good filmmaker, and does what he does well. But his kinds of movies don't have a lot of staying power with me, and often feel like empty calories.

Nice, that's a very good way to put it. :exactly:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I don't understand why they'd want someone to "Be Lucas" when they've already got Lucas to be Lucas. I guess I'll fill in my own blanks as, Abrams is being replaced, but has a 3 picture contract, so now he's being paid to 'advise'. :lol

Really can't wait til more details come forth.

would you seriously want Lucas to advice????????? are you nuts :cuckoo:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Not sure how I feel about this new news. It sort of suggests they are making it up as they go along. I had hoped Abrams would have steered the ship and set out the next trilogy with Kennedy and Kasdan. Of course bringing in secondary directors as Lucas did with OT. But handing writing and directing (and production) over after one movie makes me a little nervous. I also thought Looper was horribly overrated. It was ok, bit certainly didn't demonstrate a great visual or writing ability to me, Abrams, whilst hollow as you guys suggested is old school and gets it. What? Abrams did 2 Star Trek movies (would have done 3) and yet is only interested in one Star Wars movie? Given that he is a self confessed Star Wars fanboy that's quite odd, I wonder what's really going on behind the scenes.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Yeah, I agree, I think that nearly scarpered the entire thing behind the scenes on this one.
Even the fact that it made the mainstream news was an indication of how touch and go it was about him spending months in London.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I had a dream that I saw the first few minutes of this. It began with Luke, disguised as a storm trooper being captured by General Zod. The interior of the Millenium Falcon looked like my Grandma's house. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Are you free to write and direct Epidode X? Everyone else seems to be doing one?