Star Wars Fine Art Show-off Thread

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That's pretty cool. I always thought Jabba and the Rebo Band got the short end of the stick by being excluded though. :(

I remember them being a set. The band that is. I remember picking them up way after the fact on remnant or clearance or whatever. Hell, TNG was already airing by this time, so they had been around for awhile. But I get your meaning.
Yeah, the band was a set, but they're figures just like the others, so it always seemed a little unfair to exclude them from the official list of figures because they weren't sold on a card. Jabba is more understandable.
This is my framed prints.



I was walking up to the Acme booth on the last day of SDCC two years ago to buy that Rood Boba Fett, partly because it was numbered 3. But as I approached, they were taking it off the wall for another patron. Lovely piece, but I'm glad I didn't blow the money that day.

Nice stuff you've got there. :D
How the hell do you guys choose a piece I went into a gallery in Manchester and was own away by all the pieces, I couldn't choose, the only one my wife liked was the Ruminations by Jerry Vandersteit it was in canvas but I could afford the paper not canvas. I'm really stuck I want a Vader and Boba piece but I thought the Royal Guard reflections was very nice. Decisions decisions.
How the hell do you guys choose a piece I went into a gallery in Manchester and was own away by all the pieces, I couldn't choose, the only one my wife liked was the Ruminations by Jerry Vandersteit it was in canvas but I could afford the paper not canvas. I'm really stuck I want a Vader and Boba piece but I thought the Royal Guard reflections was very nice. Decisions decisions.

I believe that if you look long enough, and hard enough, one or maybe two pieces will blow you more away than others. That's what my Chris Trevas print did for me.

Speaking of being blown away, I recently picked up a first printing Star Wars poster. :drool


* That thing at the bottom middle was the plexiglass popped out of the frame. I fixed it and now it's perfect.
I've got the two most recent Celebration prints, but I'm just hoping he doesn't pull a fast one on us and release something amazing at Celebration Europe II...