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So your saying that despite Kathleen Kennedy saying that they had no source material to draw from JJ stoke the idea from a comic based on the series he was trying to finish? The comic did it better.

Are you saying you're surprised that KK had no idea what she was talking about, lol.

Palps worked in Dark Empire cos he was there from the start, his resurrection was central to the story. Sadly in the ST he was an afterthought/contingency plan.

One byproduct of Palps' on screen return being the result of a "course correction" is that he really DID get to be a surprise. (And a welcome one, to be sure, lol.) I always thought it was stupid in the PT that he played the Palpatine/Sidious connection as if it was a surprise to the audience. So for three entire films spread over six years we had to wait for the idiots on screen to figure out what we knew five minutes into TPM, lol. At least the ST presented him as a true phantom menace this time around. :)

Glad to see you using the same defence of TROS as I do for the PT (it's B-movie/pulp). If only we could see eye to eye on either!

How dare you insult B-movies/pulp. ;)
"I want to believe"...

I read the pro-TROS posts and I'm trying to feel the good side of the Force but simply can't get behind them.

The whole "decision by committee" storytelling (see "Star Wars: High Republic" whiteboard for example..) destroyed the magic worse than the introduction of midichlorians in the PT. One major example, to me, was what was done with Rey. I could not care less about her as a character due to the Mary-Sue issue. I had no problems with any of the acting but they ruined the main protagonist from the get-go. After TFA, I actually cared more about Finn and Poe and how they would develop. Major disappointments there... Tons more but those are my main gripes.

The CGI, Williams soundtrack and the sound effects couldn't save this trilogy. I'm just glad that it's finally over.

I still get a kick following this thread, though. It has definitely provided some great laughs.

Don't you dare compare TROS to that High Republic whiteboard nonsense, lol.

I don't remember "giant serpent coiled around a hot virgin" anywhere on that board. :monkey5 ;)
Oh well, the Skywalker Saga might be the ultimate study in how a franchise can morph as it passes through different hands, how much original vision remains and how much is distorted. We've seen the extremes of both creator control and studio interference.
None of that could have been built off of TFA. I was referring to chewblacca's claim that RJ took things off course with TLJ which hurt TROS. So my question was what was the "good" version of TLJ/TROS, not the entire ST.

Well, Rian nuked the franchise with TLJ, so it was impossible to have a good version of TROS. That's why I did the entire ST. My idea I typed on the toilet in 5 minutes with prior EU works was better.

But, I'll give it a go. Snoke is Darth Plageuis. Waiting in the outer regions, biding his time, healing from what Palpatine thought was the death blow. He can save those he loves from dying. He can manipulate the force to create life. And the "death" was a big ruse. Kylo feels betrayed, lied to for years, being manipulated by a greater Sith Lord... like his grandfather before him. Anakin appears in force ghost form and tells Kylo to "learn from my mistakes." Luke also appears and says "I sense the good in you Ben." Kylo turns back to the light. Rey and Ben fight Plagueis. Rey dies. Ben lives. The Rise of Skywalker is Ben rising back to the light.

Boom. 1000x times better than TROS.

I literally just realized that the ST outline that Lucas himself submitted also threw out the entire previous EU as well, lol. It was George's idea to have Luke be a sad exiled hermit and the story was to focus around two teenagers name Sam and Kira. No reference whatsoever to "Jaina," "Jacen," young Ben, Mara Jade, etc. Throwing out the EU was literally his idea and apparently Disney said all right then so be it. And then by having TROS loosely adapt portions of Dark Empire they actually honored the original EU better than he did, lol.

He had multiple drafts. He never really liked the EU to begin with, but he still allowed it.... he wasn't going to nuke it completely.

TFA Art Book, TLJ Art Book, Michael Arndt (original screenwriter Lucas hired to write the ST) and um, the entire internet the last five years. You really aren't on the up and up when it comes to this stuff are you, lol.

Funny how this stuff comes out only after Disney buys it...

A version that sets up a villain in the previous two movies and not some “Hey you know what would be cool!” villain that was used for the sake of nostalgia.

Pretty much any plan. But nah, they rushed it, hired bad directors, hired KK, no plan, no direction, no care, complete on the fly BS.

Also a trilogy that had a full thought out plan, and not something like throwing ideas at a wall and seeing what would stick!


Lol, yes I was messing with you with my first line above. And of course a novelization will provide more info than what was in the movie, that's literally been the case with every novelization for every movie ever made. Do we *need* any more information to follow the events of TROS? Nope.

Emperor Palpatine returns due to cloning and dark magic, reveals that he was behind the creation of both Snoke and the First Order, prepares to get revenge on the Jedi and Rebel Alliance while conquering the galaxy once again, Rey personally confronts Palpatine face to face, reflects his lightning back on him killing him and his followers, the Resistance fleet then destroys his fleet. The end. No additional source material needed to follow the above events which were spelled out in the movie.

Yes there were some odd loose ends like Finn wanting to tell Rey something or geeky Star Wars questions like "but what was the model number of the cloning chamber used to grow another Palpatine body" but none of it was critical information to know in order to understand what the characters needed to do to overcome their challenges and resolve their arcs.

"Do we *need* any more information to follow the events of TROS? Nope." :lol:lol:lol

What? The entire galaxy is a mess. Trillions died. No government. No Jedi order. We don't need any thing else? What the hell happens after? There is no support structure to rebuild whatsoever.

I think your just reaching so that you can make sense of a franchise that sucks now. Trying to lay blame on Lucas when he had nothing to do with this mess. It?s actually funny the hoops you go through to defend this horrible writing and then turn around and crap on PT which doesn?t compare to this mess of filmmaking and writing.

The biggest thing in writing is show don?t tell and this new trilogy has done nothing but tell, tell , tell and you and somtimes JYE gobble it up like it was all meticulously put together. Come on man. It?s like you convince yourself everyday it doesn?t suck. Even the positivity thread died. Which is kinda funny tbh since people really wanted a safe space from criticizing this. Ajp is gone to. He loved TLJ now he said **** it .

I just seriously enjoy the mental gymnastics. It?s fun to read.

Reminds me of NASCAR fans. They'll defend the sport/franchise no matter what. NASCAR introduces a "playoff" in 2004 and has bombed in ratings and sponsorship dollars. Star Wars introduces the ST and has bombed, destroying the OT in the process. But, both still have fans no matter what who will die on their small dwindling hill.

So your saying that despite Kathleen Kennedy saying that they had no source material to draw from JJ stoke the idea from a comic based on the series he was trying to finish? The comic did it better.

Even EU fans didn't really like Dark Empire and yet what was the worst story considered by many, they adapted. KK is a liar. No source material and she rips the EU off at the last second to patch work a garbage ST together. Complete joke and incompetency.

Palps worked in Dark Empire cos he was there from the start, his resurrection was central to the story. Sadly in the ST he was an afterthought/contingency plan.

Glad to see you using the same defence of TROS as I do for the PT (it's B-movie/pulp). If only we could see eye to eye on either!

Yup. Planned from the start makes it work than being thrown in at the last second.
The only thing Palpatine is missing in ROS is a handle bar mustache and a top hat, and the only thing Rey and her friends were missing was a box of Scooby snacks.
Don't you dare compare TROS to that High Republic whiteboard nonsense, lol.

I don't remember "giant serpent coiled around a hot virgin" anywhere on that board. :monkey5 ;)

Oh, I will.

Dinosaurs = Space Horses

No Main Character = Reinforced with Rey, yet they just inadvertently made it the Palpatine Saga, creating a single main character.

Diversity = Killing all white male characters in the ST. Finn, Poe, Rose, etc...

Complicated Monsters = Attempted with Kylo Ren

Actual Ending = Would have been nice to have in the ST

Feelings = Rage

Relatable Characters = They killed off all the white guys, so none. Finn is my favorite regardless though, but they screwed him and now he goes on twitter bashing the movies and his character direction.

Sweeping/epic = lolz

Humor = BB-8 thumbs up, ThEy FlY nOw

Scope = lacking

The Force = Can download it now

Lightsaber Battles = 2. Both bottom 2 duels

Think I got em all.
"Do we *need* any more information to follow the events of TROS? Nope." :lol:lol:lol

What? The entire galaxy is a mess. Trillions died. No government. No Jedi order. We don't need any thing else? What the hell happens after? There is no support structure to rebuild whatsoever.

Good thing you had comics and novels to help you cope with the end of ROTJ then. :)

The only thing Palpatine is missing in ROS is a handle bar mustache and a top hat, and the only thing Rey and her friends were missing was a box of Scooby snacks.

:lol :lol
Anyone who claims they didn?t think Snoke was either Anakin, Emperor or Plaque the tooth destroyer in TFA is lying.

Ok so it ended up being the emperor just roll with it the same way we did with the wacky changes in the OT and PT.

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The only thing Palpatine is missing in ROS is a handle bar mustache and a top hat, and the only thing Rey and her friends were missing was a box of Scooby snacks.


Good thing you had comics and novels to help you cope with the end of ROTJ then. :)

Trillions didn’t die, the Republic government structure wasn’t wiped out, the Rebel Alliance actually had a structure with politicians leading it, who were more than capable of restoring peace. Han and Leia were a couple. Luke was a Jedi after years.

Rey has the worst last line in cinema history, Finn??? Poe??? Galaxy??? I don’t know.
Anyone who claims they didn?t think Snoke was either Anakin or Emperor in TFA is lying.

I originally thought he was Plagueis, then later thought he might be Palps. At no point did I think he was a remote-controlled clone puppet (guess that makes it a great twist!)

TROS might be the worst film of the ST, maybe even the entire saga, but it gave us IMO the best scene of the ST: Ben's vision of Han. That was an emotional gut-punch on the same level as the similar scene between Clark & Jonathan Kent in BvS.

Abrams even managed to incorporate a funny line without detracting from the feels!
I originally thought he was Plagueis, then later thought he might be Palps. At no point did I think he was a remote-controlled clone puppet (guess that makes it a great twist!)

TROS might be the worst film of the ST, maybe even the entire saga, but it gave us IMO the best scene of the ST: Ben's vision of Han. That was an emotional gut-punch on the same level as the similar scene between Clark & Jonathan Kent in BvS.

Abrams even managed to incorporate a funny line without detracting from the feels!

His delusional vision of Han that he imagined? But, after reading a novel and three comics, it turns out it was Leia mind raping her son and forcefully put that in his head?

Not trying to diminish that scene or make fun of you for liking it, but Still haven’t seen the full thing, only clips, but that’s what I seriously thought it was from what I gathered. Maybe I’m delusional :lol
Anyone who claims they didn?t think Snoke was either Anakin, Emperor or Plaque the tooth destroyer in TFA is lying.

Ok so it ended up being the emperor just roll with it the same way we did with the wacky changes in the OT and PT.

So true, hell people were ready to accept Mace Windu as Snoke FFS, lol.

Trillions didn?t die

Trillions didn't die in the ST either dude, this is SW not IW, lol.

the Republic government structure wasn?t wiped out, the Rebel Alliance actually had a structure with politicians leading it

Nope. Outside of the Empire the galaxy was run by regional governors only, openly stated on film. No different than the state of the galaxy at the end of the ST except that FO oppression lasted only years instead of decades so would have been easier to bounce back from. But if you need to run to novels to tell you how they're going to "figure things out" post-TROS hey don't let me stop you. :)
So true, hell people were ready to accept Mace Windu as Snoke FFS, lol.

Trillions didn't die in the ST either dude, this is SW not IW, lol.

Nope. Outside of the Empire the galaxy was run by regional governors only, openly stated on film. No different than the state of the galaxy at the end of the ST except that FO oppression lasted only years instead of decades so would have been easier to bounce back from. But if you need to run to novels to tell you how they're going to "figure things out" post-TROS hey don't let me stop you. :)

Like 5 or so planets were destroyed by that Super Duper Death Star in TFA. Wiped out the New Republic.

Way different endings for the state of the galaxy between OT/ST
I originally thought he was Plagueis, then later thought he might be Palps. At no point did I think he was a remote-controlled clone puppet (guess that makes it a great twist!)

TROS might be the worst film of the ST, maybe even the entire saga, but it gave us IMO the best scene of the ST: Ben's vision of Han. That was an emotional gut-punch on the same level as the similar scene between Clark & Jonathan Kent in BvS.

Abrams even managed to incorporate a funny line without detracting from the feels!

You know I like you Prime right I think you always provide great insightful opinions.

But please don?t ever compare Han to Pa Kent from the Snyderverse that just makes me go hnnng lol

But yes you are 100% right Han/Kylo was a pretty powerful scene.

So true, hell people were ready to accept Mace Windu as Snoke FFS, lol.

Trillions didn't die in the ST either dude, this is SW not IW, lol.

Great shot kid that was one in a million!


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Like 5 or so planets were destroyed by that Super Duper Death Star in TFA. Wiped out the New Republic.

Yep, just like the Empire destroying Alderaan and dissolving the Senate. That's not "trillions."

Way different endings for the state of the galaxy between OT/ST

Yes, so different.

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