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Rogue One wins for BEST final battle/space battle in a Star Wars movie made by Disney.

Its not even close.

In fact, Rogue One likely wins for BEST Star Wars space battle period.
Indeed it was. :)

What'd you think?

It sure was. :clap

Yeah it is another good SW film!

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Z, only you would be considerate enough to put spoilers around your thoughts about a 5 year old movie on the off-chance that there's another SW virgin frequenting this forum! :rotfl

* The PT has better visual design and world-building, and arguably a better story.
* The ST has better writing, directing and acting.

It's impossible for we fans of a certain age to discuss the PT or ST outside the context of the OT.

If you take the OT out of the equation:

* The PT has better visual design and world-building, and arguably a better story.
* The ST has better writing, directing and acting.

The PT was criticised for being too different to the OT, the ST for being too similar. But would any of us be interested in either without the OT?

Side note: After seeing the totally immersive, overwhelming space battle in GOTG I was expecting similar from the ST. The closest we came was the final act of TROS, and even that wasn't as good.

I?ll give you solid, but misguided writing and directing in TFA and even the abominable TLJ?the argument collapses under the weight of TROS.
There is NO writing or directing in the PT that sinks as low as TROS. It?s just poorly made.
Full quote in context: "If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers."

It was more a numbers game. Once they had the clones it was all good!

Like Mace your argument goes right out the WINDU! Lol

Z, only you would be considerate enough to put spoilers around your thoughts about a 5 year old movie on the off-chance that there's another SW virgin frequenting this forum! :rotfl


You should have seen Z?s review of ESB yesterday it looked like this:

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Putting aside whatever else you might think of it, I believe so. :)

I?ll give you solid, but misguided writing and directing in TFA and even the abominable TLJ?the argument collapses under the weight of TROS.
There is NO writing or directing in the PT that sinks as low as TROS. It?s just poorly made.

True, the TROS script *was* a hot mess of EU callbacks and TLJ retconning. There was a great meme going around of J.J. trying to please everyone then wondering why no-one was happy.
TLJ is definitely not a well written movie. Not by far.
And this is not about Luke, it's simply about keeping a coherent tone within the movie, not to mention within the series of movies, about staying within the boundaries of logic set up before, about understanding the underlying themes.
As for better acting... well, other than Hamill, I didn't see much to write home about... Fisher was particularly bad IMHO, and while Boyega and Isaac are fine actors, their poorly written roles didn't really help their cause.
It seems to me people just assume the acting and writing must be better, when it's actually not. The dialogue may flow more, but that doesn't mean it's a well written movie.
You should have seen Z?s review of ESB yesterday it looked like this:

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I knew you were going there and I'm still laughing. I'm an easy mark lol
TLJ is definitely not a well written movie. Not by far.
And this is not about Luke, it's simply about keeping a coherent tone within the movie, not to mention within the series of movies, about staying within the boundaries of logic set up before, about understanding the underlying themes.
As for better acting... well, other than Hamill, I didn't see much to write home about... Fisher was particularly bad IMHO, and while Boyega and Isaac are fine actors, their poorly written roles didn't really help their cause.
It seems to me people just assume the acting and writing must be better, when it's actually not. The dialogue may flow more, but that doesn't mean it's a well written movie.

Yep I still remember sitting in the theater on opening night and wondering why I was cringing less than 5 minutes into the newest Star Wars movie while Poe Dameron is making Mom Jokes to a Star Destroyer.
Hux had seemed like a genuinely evil character in TFA and was suddenly a bumbling, mustache twirling, cartoon character and I immediately started to lie to myself and try to convince myself that I was experiencing anything but a train wreck.
Painful evening, as far as evenings spent in movie theaters go.
TLJ is definitely not a well written movie. Not by far.
And this is not about Luke, it's simply about keeping a coherent tone within the movie, not to mention within the series of movies, about staying within the boundaries of logic set up before, about understanding the underlying themes.


Every time I see the name "Rian Johnson", "JJ Abrams" or "Kathleen Kennedy" a piece of me dies.
Luke was always aggressive to a fault. Couldn't wait to leave the moisture farm. Couldn't wait to leave Tatooine to help the Rebellion. Couldn't wait to hop into an X-wing. Couldn't wait to meet Yoda. Couldn't wait to confront Vader. Couldn't leave Han behind. Recklessly surrendered to confront Vader and the Emperor on the correct hunch/sense that his father would join him rather than see his demise.

Luke was a hero who always took action. There was never anything to suggest he would become a cowardly nephew murdering reclusive do nothing loser.

It was great to see Favreau make the correction:)
Luke was always aggressive to a fault. Couldn't wait to leave the moisture farm. Couldn't wait to leave Tatooine to help the Rebellion. Couldn't wait to hop into an X-wing. Couldn't wait to meet Yoda. Couldn't wait to confront Vader. Couldn't leave Han behind. Recklessly surrendered to confront Vader and the Emperor on the correct hunch/sense that his father would join him rather than see his demise.

Luke was a hero who always took action. There was never anything to suggest he would become a cowardly nephew murdering reclusive do nothing loser.

It was great to see Favreau make the correction:)

Luke was humbled after the journey of the OT. He wouldn't think of murdering a young Jedi in training. He saw the good in his father that mass murdered people. That scene in TLJ alone was the most insulting piece of cinema I have ever seen. AND I"VE SEEN SOME THINGS. :rotfl

But funny how the Master can get a building toppled on him, knocks him unconscious while his student just doesn't run away, but decides to go Anakin Skywalker and now wants to kill everyone at the Jedi Academy. So that means Kylo is now more powerful than Luke, but then cannot beat Rey at anything. Still dumb.
Luke was always aggressive to a fault. Couldn't wait to leave the moisture farm. Couldn't wait to leave Tatooine to help the Rebellion. Couldn't wait to hop into an X-wing. Couldn't wait to meet Yoda. Couldn't wait to confront Vader. Couldn't leave Han behind. Recklessly surrendered to confront Vader and the Emperor on the correct hunch/sense that his father would join him rather than see his demise.

Luke was a hero who always took action. There was never anything to suggest he would become a cowardly nephew murdering reclusive do nothing loser.

It was great to see Favreau make the correction:)

Does the line that’s your uncle talking ring a bell lol

You are right he couldn’t wait to leave the moisture farm and Tatooine AFTER finding his aunt and uncle burnt down to their bones!