1/6 SSC Captain America Sixth Scale Figure

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Super Freak
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
New York
PO July 11th


It actually looks... ok. What trickery is this?

Jokin' aside, it's not hi-end and not something worth the asking price, of course.
BUT better than their horrible Punycher and DerpDevil.
Looks fantastic! Hopefully the exclusive is an extra head with classic head wings
The figure looks nice for SS (I like the magnetic shield mount). However it's either classic or MCU Cap for me. There are too many options in the market like this one that lie in-between.
This looks great.
The one issue I have is the head sculpt looks a bit unrealistic, somewhat cartoonish. I like how they designed the costume and integrated the articulation in the torso, well done!
If I had the money I'd consider getting this.
Sideshow Sixth Scale Captain America 006.jpg
Sideshow Sixth Scale Captain America 001.jpg
Sideshow Sixth Scale Captain America 003.jpg
Sideshow Sixth Scale Captain America 004.jpg
Sideshow Sixth Scale Captain America 002.jpg
Sideshow Sixth Scale Captain America 005.jpg
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give me classic wings and this looks even better
Looks better than most of thier current comic figures. Minor detail, but given that they went the extra mile and made the pouch on their ROTJ Luke figure's belt out of leather material, it's a shame they sculpted Cap's belt pouches.
Have you seen their previous Marvel/DC figures?
This is the most realistic comic book inspired head sculpt they ever did. :lol

The head sculpt lacks realism, it looks like a caricature and not a real living person. And I own Wolverine, that head sculpt was very comic book inspired as was Ghost Rider.
I don't think the headsculpt looks bad, but I get the feeling of "welp, I'm Captain America" when I look at the expression.
This looks great. I can't fathom why they didn't take this approach to the other figures in the line, save for Wolverine.

"Guys, any serious collector will tell you that Sideshow pieces are among the highest quality collectibles out there, period, full stop."

That's... that's actually the opposite of what they'll tell you.
Pretty good! The only thing I don't like are the knee pads which I think look very plain compared to everything else.

Too bad this will be $250+. I would go for it for maybe $150.
I like this line. All i have is Deadpool, but i'm very tempted by the Punisher and Thor. The pricing is a huge turnoff... Until they release a classic Iron Man, then i'll go all in.

The head sculpt lacks realism, it looks like a caricature and not a real living person.
I own Wolverine.
I don't get what you're sayin' then.
Figures from this line always have unrealistic cartoony heads.

"Guys, any serious collector will tell you that Sideshow pieces are among the highest quality collectibles out there, period, full stop."

That's... that's actually the opposite of what they'll tell you.
Come on now, let's not pick on poor chaps who get paid for sucking SSC' peen.
They're pathetic enough. :lol