Sonar for DX12 & Grenades for DX11 ??

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Soooo did they ever legitimize the backpack being in that scene?? :lol

Anyway, I always thought that scene when he meets the wall, drives up and turns to land on the pavement is silly. Took the steam out of an otherwise awesome sequence.
Soooo did they ever legitimize the backpack being in that scene?? :lol

The backpack is the cape folded up. I think it's legitiment b/c at that height, wind speed is pretty high and if the cape was draping, it could catch the wind and blow him off the building. Also, just from the party scene where he jumps out to save Rachel, the cape is all over the place and I'd imagine it would kind of hinder/stall the dive from the building causing the glide to not be so graceful and perhaps missing his target floor of Lou's building
Yeah, I already asked about the backpack and the sonar head. All I want is the backpack but still too expensive with shipping. This is what he quoted me to ship to the states.

the shipping cost is 30usd.

Buy sonar head only is 75usd + 30 shipping cost = 105usd

Buy back pack only is 65usd + 30 shipping cost = 95 usd

Buy sonar head and back pack is 120usd + 30 shipping cost = 150usd

I'd rather go ahead and get the original HT one that the recasted one at that price :monkey4
I'd rather go ahead and get the original HT one that the recasted one at that price :monkey4

But original HT DX02 Cowl sculpt is pretty bad compared to the DX12's cowl. If i still had the DX12 I'd be down for the sonar head since its using the DX12 sculpt, has lights inside the head and is magnetized. I can understand about the back pack though.
yeah, Im mainly talking bout the backpack actually, since I have no interest with the sonar eyes as I will not display it with that head. The light up feature is a gimmick which never really made any sense to me. Its not like you are gonna turn it on 24/7 when you display the thing, and I hardly play with my toys.
The backpack is the cape folded up. I think it's legitiment b/c at that height, wind speed is pretty high and if the cape was draping, it could catch the wind and blow him off the building. Also, just from the party scene where he jumps out to save Rachel, the cape is all over the place and I'd imagine it would kind of hinder/stall the dive from the building causing the glide to not be so graceful and perhaps missing his target floor of Lou's building

Well what about all the other times he's standing on top of buildings and he's not blowing off? Unless you're suggesting he doesn't use the memory cloth for all occasions.

I'd rather go ahead and get the original HT one that the recasted one at that price :monkey4

Yeah, like I said earlier, when I asked him I thought he was going to give me a deal. F that.
yeah, Im mainly talking bout the backpack actually, since I have no interest with the sonar eyes as I will not display it with that head. The light up feature is a gimmick which never really made any sense to me. Its not like you are gonna turn it on 24/7 when you display the thing, and I hardly play with my toys.
Guess just depends on the person. I love light up features. Made sense to include it in the DX02. I usually turn the lights on all the figures I have with light up features at night time, looks pretty awesome. I don't see it as a gimmick if it's in the movie. It's not like the bad gimmicks Hasbro puts on their transformers and their weapons that aren't even remotely show/movie accuarate, that's a gimmick in my book. Here i see things like lights as a feature by again that depends on the collector
Well what about all the other times he's standing on top of buildings and he's not blowing off? Unless you're suggesting he doesn't use the memory cloth for all occasions.
Idk about those times :lol the second reason is my more rational answer than the one you bolded. I thought they explained it in the special features, might have to go back and check.
Well what about all the other times he's standing on top of buildings and he's not blowing off? Unless you're suggesting he doesn't use the memory cloth for all occasions.

Yeah, like I said earlier, when I asked him I thought he was going to give me a deal. F that.

Mike, cr0w might be selling his backpack. Try PMing him :wave
Also did the pack eject as there is no bulk under the cape once its deployed?


The cape pack is the cape actually. The memory cloth remember?


The backpack is the cape folded up. ...
Erm the pack was clearly not cloth

From Batman Wiki:

Memory cloth cape

The "Memory Cloth" cape is an integral part of Bruce Wayne's Batsuit. The fabric of the cape hardens when an electrical charge from his right glove runs through it, creating a wing-like glider. The cape in combination with magnetic grapple gun are his primary tools for traversing the city.

Becoming Batman

Wayne was introduced to the memory fabric technology by Lucius Fox of the Applied Sciences division of Wayne Enterprises.

Hong Kong Extraction
Batman folded the wings into a "backpack" that could eject from the shoulder blades of his redesigned Batsuit. It was used to infiltrate the highly secure compound of a mob accountant named Lau.

Damnit I was hoping to finally pick up a reasonably priced backpack. $90 is insane for a knockoff!
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Damnit I was hoping to finally pick up a reasonably priced backpack. $90 is insane for a knockoff!
It's insane period. Even if it was the actual Hot Toys release give me a break there's no way in hell it costs them that much to actually make. Total rip off.
Wiki really? anyway memory cloth becomes riged it does not change cloth can not become say plastic which you can see the backpack is, also adding the current would make it take on its wing form which it has been skelotonised to not a backpack
How do you know he doesn't have more than one cape used for multiple situations like the HK jump scene?? He's a billionaire. :lol Remember in Batman begins he had to buy 10,000 of each piece of the cowl to not raise suspicions??

I'm more than sure they've also said it in the special features on TDK. And it's been said many times that the backpack is the cape. I honeslty thought it was common knowledge. And Nothing wrong with wiki. Ppl use it all the time :dunno
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