Somewhat Dissapointed with GG Qui-Gon

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Super Freak
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
The GG Qui-Gon Mini-Bust arrived recently, and is a little under my expectations. I had been really impressed with the early photos of this one, and thought the likeness was exceptional. I think what is troubling me is the overly pale skintone, and to a lesser degree the beard painting.

It's not bad, but I was expecting a lot with this one.

Anyone else have a similar/contrary response?
I was put off by the pose from the get-go. What were they thinking?
I agree with you guys. I wish he would have had a light saber in hand. Even though the pose represents of who Qui-Gon was I still would have like a light saber. I do like him but not as much as I thouhgt I would. I guess every thing has a way of working itself out because when I got Palps I was not sure if I would like him. Then I opened it up and was amazed at the quality of the bust.
Amanaman said:
I was put off by the pose from the get-go. What were they thinking?

I think it's fine - kind of a "using the force" / "mindtrick" pose.

Skintone is way too sallow on my copy though.

Although this would be cooler in a full size, I'll grant: :D

I'm a bit disappointed by the final product, but not enough to make me dislike it.
GG is notorious for bad skin tones. There is never much variation to them, almost as if they paint over every crease or wrinkle.

How about some pics?!
carbo-fation said:
Where are the pics?? :confused:

Ok, here ya go ...


Just Kidding, :lol

Actually, the photos I took don't seem to reinforce my complaint at all. The paleness was the first thing that jumped out at me even looking through the "window" in the box. But the more I look, the less it bothers me. The less I even notice it. The more I wonder if I'm just a big whiner. :D

Here's the real shots:



Yeah, I see what you mean... The areas underneath the eyes are far too pale, with not highlight on the cheek. The forehead looks good, but that's about it. Paint wise, the worst thing they did here was the eyes. Too stark blue and solid with no variation whatsoever. I'm seriously glad I passed on this now... I'm not impressed.

He looks like Jesus.... :lol
I'm not in love with it, but I still like it better than Sideshow's "hair back" Qui-Gon. I just don't understand why they did that!

Anyway, this bust would look amazing next to a Watto bust. Qui-Gon is, after all, do the Jedi mind trick hand wave.
The shade of color doesn't look to be the problem, but it's the blending of colors. There is way too much variation in his skin. It looks like he rubbed heavy gobs of sunless tanning lotion all over his face. His hair looks very dirty too. A very muddy appearance.
abstractharmony said:
Hair's not grey enough either.

True. And the lower beard should perhaps protrude a bit more thickly.

Don't know if I'm over-analyzing this one. :confused: Like I said, it's not bad, but I was looking forward to this bust, and something just isn't hitting me quite right about it.