Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

too early for anyone to care about spin offs from new characters.


Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Who then? Rey who is off training with Luke and has Chewbacca with R2? Okay, episode 7 2.0 then. Finn? Why don't we exclude him from Episode 8 and give him a solo movie of finding Rey. Poe? As of now, it is pointless to have a solo movie from any of them for the next five to six years.

Best option is Fett, Kenobi, Yoda, Vader....... all better options that would make for a bigger movie than any solo movie from a TFA character or new character.

How about a new film with a jedi Luke after ROTJ with a new actor playing Luke? That could be interesting.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I would rather see a Han Solo spin off than a Boba Fett spin off but there both terrible ideas.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Give me a Dr. Evazen movie, want to see just why he's wanted in 6 systems.

Maybe he was pirating Disney movies?
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

The only Star Wars spin off that interests me is the Obi-Wan Kenobi one.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I don't have a problem with a Han Solo spin-off movie; just get a good actor and script and I'll be happy.

However, like Road Blaster, I'm more interested in an post Episode III Obi-Wan Kenobi movie and if it does happen I hope Ewan McGregor returns as Obi-Wan.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

The early adventures of Qui Gon Jinn?

Count Dooku?

Though, I doubt either of those would garner much interest from a mass audience.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Do not want a Han Solo or Luke Skywalker film without Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill, unless that Ingruber Youtube guy is playing a young Han.

The only other way I'd accept it is if it was a full CGI film like the Old Republic and Force Unleashed trailers. Hamill/Ford could just do the voice work.

A Boba Fett film could be really cool if his helmet is never removed, much like the recent Dredd film.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I'm not seeing this and haven't read anything posted here. The idea of replacing Han Solo on film is stupid. Come up with your own original scoundrel to have adventures. Harrison Ford is Han Solo. His character arc has been completed the end.

I wouldn't object to "Legends" movies as animated straight to DVD features. That would be cool and would throw a bone to the fans of Star Wars that read hundreds of books, comics, and played the games. And if it's animated, you could cast whoever in any role so long as they sound enough like them.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I'll give anything a shot if there's a good creative team, which I think this has. And I don't necessarily need a Ford lookalike if they can play the character convincingly. But my gut reaction is "please not the doughy faced Tranktastic person."
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Do not want a Han Solo or Luke Skywalker film without Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill, unless that Ingruber Youtube guy is playing a young Han..

agreed! this guy or nothing

Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

He does a good impression of ANH Han Solo, but maybe Disney is not looking for that guy, they want someone who can be Solo when he was in his early 20's, and he might not act the same or even sound the same. He should look similar though...
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Who then? Rey who is off training with Luke and has Chewbacca with R2? Okay, episode 7 2.0 then. Finn? Why don't we exclude him from Episode 8 and give him a solo movie of finding Rey. Poe? As of now, it is pointless to have a solo movie from any of them for the next five to six years.

Best option is Fett, Kenobi, Yoda, Vader....... all better options that would make for a bigger movie than any solo movie from a TFA character or new character.

your post makes me think you're assuming he means a character that has been in a movie, what Khev is saying is make a film about an entirely new character that we have not seen before. Why assume all side stories have to be characters we know? No reason why a new character can't get their own Star Wars film and tie them into future episodes later, or maybe, they never tie into the main series at all. No reason why something like that couldn't work.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

your post makes me think you're assuming he means a character that has been in a movie, what Khev is saying is make a film about an entirely new character that we have not seen before. Why assume all side stories have to be characters we know? No reason why a new character can't get their own Star Wars film and tie them into future episodes later, or maybe, they never tie into the main series at all. No reason why something like that couldn't work.

Some things just aren't worth spelling out to some people but yes, that is exactly what I meant. Star Wars is a massive brand that will automatically draw an enormous fanbase. You don't need "Han Solo," "Boba Fett" or any other established character in the film. Star Wars is just another Marvel for Disney. Sure people know Iron Man *now* but most didn't in 2008. *No one* knew who the "Guardians of the Galaxy" were, they might as well have been a completely original team that Disney invented. But they were "Marvel" so people gave them a look, and all it took was a kickass trailer and totally enjoyable flick and now characters like Rocket and Groot are household names.

"Rogue One" is going to be about all new characters and is already one of the most anticipated films of 2015. "Rey," "Finn" and "BB-8" literally didn't exist in the public consciousness prior to the first teaser in 2014 and now they're Star Wars icons. New icons can be established at any given moment. That's what I want Disney to run with if they're going to go off with these Anthology films. Rogue One did not have to be about getting the Death Star plans so that we already know how everything will turn out. They could have hired that *exact same cast* that appeared in the current group photo and say that they are Resistance fighters off in another part of the galaxy trying to acquiring some *other* piece of vital First Order intelligence. Or keep them in the Rebellion and have them fighting another foe who reported to Palpatine that we've never heard of before in events never referenced by OT characters.

Telling stories that directly lead into the already established "Saga" films or that feature established Saga characters just puts them in a position of either doing something less dramatic because we already have the jist of what happens and also runs the risk of mucking up stories that we've already seen by changing the backstory of classic characters. It just isn't a good idea and isn't even necessary.