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The problems not with buying it, its that he wont put the damn thing down. I think he might start collecting them too.... it is a pretty bag though...

Cousin or not...I'll beat you with my new pretty bag...its so pretty with all its shiny I have to cut it up to make belts for my dollies...its so pretty.
Started work on Miiyoom for Feroze....

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Also Finished a ATAT Commander for him to... :)

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Mark that AT-AT Commander is awesome! Where did you get the little material straps? Not the leather, the grayish stuff?
Hi All,

Just wondering if anybody would know where I would be able to get two clear plastic stands? I've tried eBay but my searches are coming up empty. I want to make a Boba Fett "in flight" stand but finding it difficult to come across clear plastic post stands.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

P.S. Dorgs, your stuff is getting better and better. Only now that I've tried to start making my own belts and stuff do I realise how extremely talented you are.
Yeah the Dragon faces do have some great sculpts... I think some could look amazing with a wee repaint....

The cloth straps are like a webbing from a fabric shop... it was white and I just coloured it grey.

Ja what sort of plastic stands did you mean? Do you mean the medicom ones.

Chaka... I am using a base coat of chaos black and scorched brown.. then I will dry brush it different browns...
Hi Mark, I think they are Medicom but I don't know. To be honest I've never seen a Medicom stand. Basically I'm looking for just a clear plastic post with the "U" shape at the top for holding the figures waist.

I'm trying to get two cos I will be making two bases kinda like the one I made for my sandtrooper.
I will have a wee look mate!! Hows the handbag! You big dandy!! I am v jealous

The handbag is very fetching. All the boys were looking as I minced down the high street!!! Im chopping it up tonight gonna attempt to make a side pouch for OUR Old Ben and some belts for my Jawas.

Should be interesting to see what I come up with.

If you do find any of those posts please give me a shout and I'll gladly take them off your hands.
here is my indy painted by drogs,
