Statue Sideshow - T-Rex: Tyrant King Statue

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Yeah, mine appear to have a poor paint job. Hopefully the replacement will be better. I too noticed the lack of detail on the claws. They don't stand out at all. Also, the three black blotches on the lower jaw have been applied poorly. The body looks ok, but the head is the main attraction. If they screw up the head the whole sculpture falls with it. :(

Some close ups.




Hello Robban, YOU MUST exchange...actaully I'm checking mine too, and I did find something wrong...anyone who has problem with the statue NEVER spent $400...they have the obligation to provide a statue that meets the price. With all the money they took...with all the responsibilty they take!

There're many bruise on its lower jaw...I still don't know who beated it? Your statue is so wrong...sorry but it's true. You deserve a good one!
Hello Robban, YOU MUST exchange...actaully I'm checking mine too, and I did find something wrong...anyone who has problem with the statue NEVER spent $400...they have the obligation to provide a staue deserving the price. With all the money they took...with all the responsibilty they take!

Your statue is so wrong...sorry but it's true. You deserve a good one!

Thanks www1b24! :)

I've always been pleased with all the statues. None has arrived broken or poorly painted. This was a first. A 400$ statue must be perfect! My replacement will be here thursday. :blissy
Some really great pictures here. Blade, I love the outdoor shots!

Speaking of the massive Stegosaurus, I'm thinking of getting the repaint version. I'm worried about the paint, but also the size. I think the trex will look good sandwiched between the stegosaurus and new triceratops. But is the stegosaurus just too big, that it would look odd? Can anyone post a pic of the King next to the Steggo if you have them both?

Here's how I've settled on displaying the King for now. This guy seem to be a lot more stubborn about the lighting in this room than the other dinos :wink1:

I was having trouble getting the Rex off the shelf (very tight fit) so I simply grabbed a poorly aligned shot with my phone. :/ The perspective is off but the Stego is definitely taller than the Rex. Given that they weren't alive during the same period I'll likely keep them separated from each other, display wise. When the Tri arrives (later this year?) I'll have to rearrange everything. Again. :)

I was having trouble getting the Rex off the shelf (very tight fit) so I simply grabbed a poorly aligned shot with my phone. :/ The perspective is off but the Stego is definitely taller than the Rex. Given that they weren't alive during the same period I'll likely keep them separated from each other, display wise. When the Tri arrives (later this year?) I'll have to rearrange everything. Again. :)


The size of T-Rex and Styracosaurus almost match each other! You don't have to wait Triceratops to come, let the above two begin the first fight! NOW!!! :viking
god, I can't wait to get mine, how does everyone feel about the spots between his jaws, I find it looks out of place, would look better without them, I hope mine comes without it.
I hate those black spots. They really don't look like they belong there and I would've preferred a more fleshy tone that's a gradient ad opposed to those speckles of whatever.
Wow, that under-painted piece kinda freaked me out.
I was gonna wait until my birthday to open it, but now I'm gonna open tonight.
They said they got paleontologists on the team to verify the accuracy of the sculpt or something right? Somehow I found those spots really distracting, were they really accurate? I'm not so sure.
They said they got paleontologists on the team to verify the accuracy of the sculpt or something right? Somehow I found those spots really distracting, were they really accurate? I'm not so sure.

Those spots are supposed to make the statue more realistic, instead of being too clean itself. It's originally a good intention. But the factory painters didn't get the information of this spirit...all they know is 'the jaw corner needs spots'. So they just 'spot' on it...they don't know those spots should be 'animal-like' spots.

Those factory painters may technically be good painters, but they have no feeling with dinosaur or any other kind of statues. So sometimes they can't get the idea of what those paleontologists would like to express. I feel sorry for those scientists, their initial intents are misrepresented.
WOW, some beautiful pics people, please keep them coming! As many have stated, the paint apps vary greatly, with the peculiar spots being the only drawback imo. Hoping to get a "spotless" one, as the sculpt looks absolutely fantastic. Congrats to all who have already received this epic beast, truly one of Sideshow's best dino sculpts.
Here is mine, I didn't want to wait on the waitlist for the exclusive in case I got bad paint. It comes from BBTS, regular edition. 102/2000. Paintjob is very different than a lot of the ones posted here but I love it. This is in harsh light but everything is well painted. The spots inside his cheeks are even subtle. Nothing is poorly done.

TheMonSSter, that is one beautiful Rex!!! As for the inner cheek spots, they truly look subtle & natural on your statue. It's the outrageous outer jaw spots shown in some versions that are totally unacceptable. Congrats on getting a real beauty!
Thanks guys. I saw one at a shop in Orlando that just got it in. It was a lot more green, looked very different almost like the Papo Vrex toy. I loved the one they had but not the $425 price tag. When I first opened my order I was disappointed it was so brown. The more I looked at it the more I loved it. It looks like an animal in its prime and tiger striped. Filthy feet and a head that looks like its been buried in many dead animals. No two are alike and they seem to vary wildly, but who knows what a real t-rex looks like anyway. I hope everyone gets what they are hoping for or at least a well painted version.
Wow, you received one with an excellent color scheme! I definitely hope that mine (which will arrive within a few days hopefully) look as good as that.

Sadly, the color app of this beast seems to be a bit inconsistent :(
Got mine today and love it. BUT there is an inch long paint mark on one side and looks like one of the t-rex hands (I like calling them hands...poor t-rex) is not completely painted but grey/silverish mid-way through the nail and on the other side of the hand. I'll send to SS but guessing they won't replace it for that.
received today.

The sculpture is awesome, but some little part of the base is broken, there are some black paint stain on the teeth, and the back foot doesn't fit correctly in the base.

I am super happy for the sculpture but so sad for the little problems. I got the Exc and paid a lot of taxes (I'm Italian).
I received my EX yesterday (I'm from Australia) and have just unpacked it. Found one of the teeth cleanly broken off!

Broken tooth.jpg

I've searched through the packaging and the tooth is not there (otherwise I'd glue it back on) so it must've happened before it got packed up.

I've emailed Sideshow to see what happens in cases like this, awaiting a reply. Do they normally just replace it? Due to being in Australia, postage costs are a factor, don't really want to pay to ship the thing back! FFS. :(

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