Premium Format Sideshow Deadpool!

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Wow that looks awesome, great god spazzy


spazzy, you should to an unmasked head for him too

It is being considered. If there is enough interest, I will start the sculpt, cost would be around $125, and would start collecting before molding and casting. I get enough buyers I could drop price.
But this the baroness arms a few other small commissions come first before starting.
Well considering it is three separate casted pieces, and hand painted by me that is pretty generous seeing average costs of pieces in the custom threads.
I'm pretty sure you can count me in for at least the left hand. I want both tho, and your generous decision to give the $10 off certainly helps! Just have to see how finances shape up. Have a couple preorders going live in a day or two and a vacation to pay for after thanksgiving.
Ok just need confirmed orders by 11/24/13 9pm cst otherwise I am strictly doing what is on pre order if I don't hit my numbers, I have to finish up quick and move onto the next project soon after.
I'm a little confused.

IF you hit the 10 per hand minimum by 11/24, then you will take more orders after that?

But if you don't you will still make them for whoever paid up until then, even if that isn't 10 per hand?

Do I have that right?
The 10 will be reached per hand, so the project will be a go, but making multiple batches without knowing if they will sell is not smart on my end, learned that the hard way with a past project. If I hit over 20 I will probably make another small batch depending on interest maybe more after that but if it is only like 12-15 I will most likely stop since mid way through I will have to remold and that is a high expense. And I can't wait around for orders to trickle in, I need guarantees or I move on to other projects.
Copy that. So project is a go, but orders after 11/24 are unlikely to get made. I kind of have to order anyways, since my first thought when i got my deadpool was "this guy needs a sword"
Is there still interest in this piece?
I ask because it seems the latest purchase from ebay was a month ago and it was an EX that sold for $400. :horror
2 more days for orders! I can't guarantee orders after 11/24

Out of curiosity, why the deadline?

I would like to order a pair, but I also want to see what the x-force edition looks like first. In a perfect world, I'd get both, but only so much dough to go around...
This isn't my main job, so I need to know how many to make so I can do them in batches. Doing one or two at a time can take just as long as doing 10. Just like the proto took a whole day to paint, another day to get it ready to paint.
And I learned my lesson with doing more than needed, so won't be doing that again unless tons of interest.
Oh and I start casting early next week, so need definite numbers.
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X-force edition? SS really knows how to milk their cows.


Nice add ons Spazzy...